Green Dragon

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Organized Play Member. 8 posts. No reviews. 1 list. No wishlists. 2 Organized Play characters.


Silver Crusade

The issue with starting caster is that the rest of the party is a witch, wizard and alchemist so we definitely needed something a bit tougher.

I don't need optimal per se (the rest of the party rolled obscenely good stats, the alchemist's lowest stat is only 2 points below my best) I just don't want to end up useless.

There is also potential that my GM will rule I can grab Hand of the Apprentice despite RAW technically saying no. Which reopens the bespell weapon angle for me.

Silver Crusade

I'm just starting a new game with an elf fighter who has picked up the wizard dedication. I originally planned to work around bespell weapon but found that it took all my feats basically to make that work so now I'm looking for advice or other people's experiences about what directions are fun to go.

Silver Crusade

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Here's an added question. If you have Claws of the Dragon and use the Dragon Claws focus spell, are those claws now agile too?

Silver Crusade

I'd use claws on a dexy melee sorcerer to always have an okay backup weapon. Not optimal, but thematic. Grab breath and wings just to meet the dedication requirement to be able to grab another one if I wanted.

Silver Crusade

Don't you need to be either a kobold, dragon barbarian, or dragon sorcerer to access dragon disciple? That seems like a lot of feat investment from a ranger.

Silver Crusade

I seem to be at a bit of a dilemma. Going rogue makes them more effective, but it also almost blocks off getting more focus points to fuel them or the claws of the dragon feat to make them better.

I did think of abandoning that plan altogether and just going magical rogue and using bespell weapon to get a similar feel but the lack of slots hurts.

Silver Crusade

Is Scales of the Dragon even worth looking at though? It is easy enough to have a pretty close AC through just Dex alone by that point. Which helps with the finesse bit, even if damage lags a touch.

Silver Crusade

I'm a big fan of dragon flavor wherever I find it. So I'm looking very strongly at a draconic sorcerer but struggling with how to get good use out of the focus spells. Does anyone have any guidance on making good use of the dragon claws focus spell for a sorcerer?