
Rory Ferguson's page

Organized Play Member. 143 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.


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Can you please close my account.

Thank you :-)

Rory will take an ale, but will then relieve the night watch and take a stand himself, so others more suited to merriment can enjoy themselves.

"Captain, I think we should stay in the area and find the underwater armor. I think it is a huge boon, especially if we decide to recover more copper, plus I have a certain seamstress I'd love to visit again. Uh for my shirts I bought of course and the uniforms we had made as a joke"

Probably the most ungarded emotion or sentiment hes ever shown and it seems to unnerve him a little as he continues

"Lilabeth bought some clothes too"

He them clams up and walks off to make teams of gatherers

he mutters something about maybe she'd make a good pirate as he stalks off

"Well the first thing is it's the home island of the Red Mantis Assassins, so very tricky thing"

And then Rory will inform her:

Mediogalti is primarily a single large island, with a few other small (mostly uninhabited) islands scattered around it. It has a large pirate city at Ilizmagorti on the northeast side of the main island, but is also home to the dreaded organization of the Red Mantis Assassins. It is about 300 miles north of the Shackles, on the northwest side of the Eye of Abendego, the perpetual hurricane.

Rory will then inform everyone that:

In the Shackles, Motaku Island (which has Quent, the second-largest town in the archipelago) is about 90 miles at its widest point. Tempest Cay (where you have just been, at Drowning Rock) is about 18 miles across the south, or only 15 miles across further north.

Rory mulls it over.

"That would be a huge tactical advantage for the ship. It could even aid us if we come back for more copper, we certainly did not get all of the loot just laying there. Aye capn, I'm for it.

We do need to be careful though, theres still the matter of that attack on you, and we are not known for staying in these waters, I'd say after this we take a leisurely journey or go to one of your leads that is a bit further away."

Fergie goes and recruits the sailors that Quicksilver mentioned.

He also checks with the other officers and the captain and makes sure the maximun number of counters are avalable in rotation whenever quicksilver is.

He has extra chests built so when 5750 coins are counted they can be placed in a chest and closed so that there isnt a chance the count could get fouled up.

He also doubles the look outs.

With that doen he goes to the mid morning meeting.

Rory will join the captain at dawn for counting, and then when the captain leaves for midmorning meeting he will accompany him.

Rory plans on counting as much as humanly possible, as he wants this job done as quickly as possible.

Rory takes the beer and settles down into a chair.

He listens to the banter and chimes in occasionally but he seems distant.

Captain I think we should start quietly investing in the port we just left. Start buying partial stakes in key businesses. And I think we should do that in many ports we visit. I havent forgot the attack on you, and it does well to have rabbit holes and those that owe us in every local.

He takes another sip

Anymore nuggets of wisdom in the diary? This was a nice haul, I'd like to see us follow it up with another one, but I wouldnt return to the clams until say a year has passed

He has gone a little dressier than normal.

Musing a little he wonders if he could ever give this up

Then decides he couldn't.

Aye Aye Captain

Fergie takes care of the Captain's orders then arrives for the special dinner

oh I saw it on D20PFSRD before they redesigned the site. It was not 3rd party but wasn't a big book

I remember thinking this is just exactly what I'm looking for I should write this down and then didn't :/

As I recall it they could make a shape with pure magic force as an ability they got, wasn't a spell though, were granted abilities.

I don't think it was a kineticist because this whatever it was had specifically force descriptor abilities and I swear I think it was related somehow to wizard or some other full caster

I'm trying to build a force magic specialist in pathfinder just using PF stuff only.

As I was researching a different build I came across something in PF that had a few force abilities besides force missile (which it actually did not have) I wish I would have written it down because I have no idea if its a new archetype or what.

I haven't been able to find it. I remember it had to do with a full caster class in some way.

Anyone have some suggestions as to what I may have run across? LOL

Is there any errata that gives runeguard spells with rune in the name? or sigil?

Thanks for any insight :-)

PS I'm looking to add this to a cleric with forgemaster so some major rune spells that don't get added to the spell list without that word :-)

We go ahead with this plan!

Lots of extra lookouts above water!

We load the boats as quick as possible, Fergie is getting a little antsy too

Fergie will have the potion shared out amongst himself Lilabeth and as many likely candidates as needed.

Fergie got a 26 for his swim check

Eldon and whoever of the fatigued crew has the best perception will be the two on watch

Fergie will be the main opener and rolled a nat 20 so 26 total without the aid anothers.

When everyone is done packing up coins we will take one last crack at the giant clam

Fergies rolls


That will work perfectly!!!

Fergie will roll for his swim check to avoid being fatigued

he gets an 18

Fergie is done with the rotation

Fergie will have teams open the 3 unopen clams

if there is nothing but coins Fergie will have the teams work on getting the most coins possible

Natural 20 + 6 mod = 26 Total

He'll call to the boat group for help

(Fergie will role to stave off tiring)

Fergie calls for more help to get it loaded up

How long do we have left on the potions?

Fergie goes to help

(Should I roll to aid or should the others aid me)

Fergie trys to relax while his crew works without him below the waves, in the mean time he keeps watch for ships

Gargantuan Clam Rolls

Fergie agrees to send the injured divers back to the ship

the other two divers he will add to Lilabeth and Eldon forming the new fourth team

Gargantuan Clam Rolled a 16+6+14= 36
Huge Clam rolled 9+6+12=27
Huge Clam rolled 15+6+12=33
Huge Clam rolled 4+6+12=22
Huge Clam rolled 2+12=14 plus any bonus for lead person as fergie cant
Large Clam rolled 10+8=18 plus any bonus for lead person as fergie cant

Hi there made 6 of the rolls and failed 2

"Aye Captain. It may be as you say and I hope it is. We'll be ready in the morning sir"

Fergie looks at the captain and says Jerrell He hardly ever uses the captains name I've thought it over and I have three thoughts and they are warring it out like a Hellknight and a demon. If we continue to haul up coins like we have we will be putting our ship in the same danger as the ship that through the coins overboard. We will be low in the water and have little agility. On the other hand if we take off and get rid of the coins we raise suspicions and risk losing the rest of the treasure especially if someone back tracks us or trails us. The third thought is we gather another day or two and then we wait a year to gather the rest. Luckily for me you are the capn and have to make the call He smiles

Fergie goes to the captain and give him a full report. He mentions the clams are getting bigger and he thinks its possible the coins might become more than copper.

"The crew atop should be on high alert and lookout. We've been lucky so far. Do you want us to dive again tomorrow?"

Fergie will Decide to call it for today.

He will have everyone work on loading up the coins we have found today (including the clam he just tried to open if it opens)

He wants to get back to the ship and talk to the Captain and command crew about the clams also wants to make sure there are enough provisions and wants to make sure the crew doesn't get overworked in case of attack.

Before asking for more help, since everyone is busy with the huge clam, Fergie tries to open the big clam with all 3 of his crew assisting

He rolls a 17 +3 +6 (for assistance) for a total of 26

Fergie rolled a 13 each time for a total of 20 on each of the two rolls

BTW Quick question does our ship have a secret base or a completely safe haven that we operate out of? Are we part of a coop pirate fleet? or owe loyalty to a Pirate admiral type?

Fergie rolled a total of a 15 and a 22 Know Nature. We'll clean the clam we have found and make the 2 rolls

Fergie signals for a shoreside person to go up and get the other team to be on watch

he signals the rest of shoreside to come help Lilabeth with the clam, he helps as well

about how much time do we have left on the waterbreathing?

Fergie sends the other 3 people from the watch team to assist with the large clam

He stays on watch

Rory will have every one take a 15 min break then will have team 1 take Oceanside, team 2 will be on watch team 3 will be on shore side and team 4 will stay in the boat

then 1 will go on watch 2 will go to shoreside 3 will go to boat and 4 will go to ocean side

and so on from now on :-)

Now there will be an additional rotation spot for in the boat

so ocean side, shore side, watch and topside It is better to be safe than sorry and Fergie will only circumvent orders if its an emergency ;-)

18, 12, 23,18, so missed one :/

ocean side
1 and 4

Shore side


How many rolls on each side need to be made?

Fergie will open all clams he can open the small and medium ones by taking 10 and with the help of 3 others can take 10 and open the large clams as well.

What do we find in the 7 clams?

rolled one nat 20

Team 1 and 2 are Oceanside, Team 3 is shore side, and team 4 is on watch

15 min sounds good for rotations

rolls for Oceanside

15,15,33,34,31,22,19,20 Made all rolls :-)

Let me know if anything out of the ordinary happens otherwise its business as usual for loading coins

Rory will make sure that boats have quite a few extra bags and chests each

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