Favored Class Bonus (): Proficiency: all simple weapons, plus the hand crossbow, sap, sword cane, whip, and light armor.
Martial Weapon Proficiency: (One weapon)
Consummate Liar: +1/2 mesmerist level (min. 1) bonus on all bluff checks. Qualifies for Improved Feint and Greater Feint feats even if he doesn't have Combat Expertise.
Hypnotic Stare (Su):As a swift action, one creature within 30ft. takes -2 on Will saving throws. Only one creature may be affected at a time.
Painful Stare:1d6+1 damage.
When target of Hypnotic Stare is damaged, the Mesmerist cause the target to take additional damage equal to 1/2 the Mesmerist's class level (mim. 1). Or if the Mesmerist is damaging the target, the damage is increased by 1d6 points for ever 3 class levels the Mesmerist possesses. This can only be triggered once per round.
Mesmerist Tricks (Su): 4/day.
Misdirection:On attack, triggers to enable feint check that negates target's Dex bonus to AC.
Towering Ego:Adds Cha mod. to Will saves.
Bonus Feat: Improved Feint
Dazzling Feint (Su): Successful feint activates one ability below.
Piercing Strike: Successful damage causes Painful Stare damage die to change to d8.