Braddikar Faje

Ron Bucanero's page

1,023 posts. Alias of MCKhaos.

Full Name

Ron Bucanero


HP: 22/22 | Gambit 0 | Def 0 | GG: 619 (+4026 infernal) | Aggressive 7.11 BM (6.0 Wiz -0 ongoing) | AC 4 | 1d8 | S 1 | D 3 | C 0 | I 3 | W 0 | CH 0 | Spells: Light, Prestidig., US, Shadow Walk


6' 3"



Special Abilities

Gambits and Tactics


Neutral - Outwit a Formidable Opponent






Former Armsdealer, Former Vagrant, Former Lord Commander of Norwhich Militia, Current Advisor to Lady Commander, Archbishop of Larune

Strength 13
Dexterity 18
Constitution 12
Intelligence 18
Wisdom 9
Charisma 9

About Ron Bucanero

Load: 10/11



- Remorse (Spear, Precise (uses DEX), Reach, Pierce 2, 3 weight, Unblemished, Spellbook)
- 3 Throwing Knives (thrown, near)
- Kriss (hand, distinctive, 1 weight)
- Selwyn's Armor (4 weight, 500 gold, armor 3, clumsy)
- Duchess' Shield (1 armor, 2 weight)
- Adventuring Gear (2 uses)
- Dungeon Rations (5 uses)
----- dousing self in latern oil
----- flint and steel to set self on fire
- 2 Healing Potions (0 weight, heal 10 hp or cure debility)
- 2 Bandages (6 uses, slow, heal 4)
- Head of the Carcosan Spire: None know from whence this spear of twisted white coral comes. Those who bear it too long find their minds full of alien dreams and begin to hear the strange thoughts of the Others. None are impervious. Used against any “natural” target (men, goblins, owlbears and the like) the Spire acts as a mere mortal spear. Its true purpose is to do harm to those things whose strange natures protect them against mundane weapons. Used thus, the Spire can wound foes otherwise invulnerable to harm. The wielder will recognize these twisted foes on sight—the Spire knows its own. this is only the head, but if you can hunt down the shaft, it may be useful.


- Remorse (Spear, Precise (uses DEX), Reach, Pierce 2, 3 weight, Unblemished, Spellbook)
- Divine Sword (close, near, divine, +1 dam, 1 piercing) (Cultists?)
- Larune's Symbol (Cultists?)
- Larune's Song: A Tale of Two Goddesses (Cultists?)
- Two ignots of Divine Ore (from siege demons ... enough for dagger) (Cultists?)

Roach (Warhorse): 4/12 Load
- Assorted Gold (2 weight)
- 1 Spyglass (1 weight)
- Dungeon Rations (15 uses, 3 weight)
- Poison (6 (7?) uses, 1 weight)

Ron's Basement:
- Scale Armor (2 armor, clumsy, 3 weight)
- Braxan Ruby (600 gold, 1 weight)
- Selwyn's Chest (1 weight)

Ron's Stall:
- 7 load worth of weapons recovered from Ravager massacre site
- Selwyn's Claymore (3 weight, forgot stats)


The Cardinal - Male Human Adept

loyalty 2, adept 4, minstrel 2.
cost: The advancement of the emerald herald.

Merrick - Male Human Warrior

Cost: Gold
Loyalty: 1
Protector: 4 (-1)
Tracker: 1
Sentry—When a protector stands between you and an attack you increase your armor against that attack by the defender’s skill, then reduce their skill by 1 until they receive healing or have time to mend.
Intervene—When a protector helps you defy danger you may opt to take +1 from their aid. If you do you cannot get a 10+ result, a 10+ instead counts as a 7–9.
Track—When a tracker is given time to study a trail while Making Camp, when camp is broken they can follow the trail to the next major change in terrain, travel, or weather.
Guide—When a tracker leads the way you automatically succeed on any Perilous Journey of a distance (in rations) lower than the tracker’s skill.

Beldroth - Male Human Warrior

Cost: Good Accomplished
Loyalty: 2
Man-at-Arms: 4 (-2)
Man-at-arms—When you deal damage while a warrior aids you add their skill to the damage done. If your attack results in consequences (like a counter attack) the man-at-arms takes the brunt of it.

Larune, the Emerald Lady, my deity (no longer a hireling)


Your knowledge and training allows you to assess a battle and know the correct tactical approach. Only one tactic can be active at a time.
- Aggressive - When you Hack & Slash, deal your damage even on a 6-. (This is my default tactic. At any time I can spend 1 Gambit to revert to this tactic.)
-------- Reckless Aggression (Move): When you deal damage while Aggressive always roll twice and take the best result.
- Cautious - Gain +1 when you Defy Danger.
- Defensive: When you use the Defend move, treat a 6- as a 7-9. Can always spend 1 gambit to halve damage or effect of attack against something you defend (Intelligent Defense move)
- Reckless: When you deal damage, deal +1d4 damage. When you take damage, take +1d4 damage.
-------- Reckless Aggression (Move): Your attacks have +2 piercing while Reckless.

Change Tactics:
When you draw on your knowledge and training to assess a combat situation, roll +INT.
- 10+: You formulate a plan and select a new active Tactic.
- 7-9: Also choose one:
---The new Tactic isn't effective at first, take -1 Forward
---An early plan lead up to this, spend 1 Gambit
---The Tactic requires that you draw attention or put yourself in a spot, the GM will tell you how.

Intelligent Defense:
Uses INT instead of CON to defend.

Heavy Armor Training:
You ignore the clumsy tag on armor you wear.

Playing the Long Game:
At the end of a battle (or when it makes sense) and your Gambit would reset to 0, you can keep 1 Gambit instead.

When you or someone you have a bond with takes damage from an outside source, it was part of your plan the whole time, gain +1 Gambit. What some might see as an unwanted setback, you know it's merely a strategem to gain a later advantage.

At any time, reveal your ploy and spend Gambits to:
- Add +1 to anyone's roll (Cost: 1)
- Deal your damage to an enemy (Cost: 2)
- Create an obstacle or distraction that a single enemy has to deal with before they can do anything else (Cost: 3)
- The GM will help you reveal a trap, ambush, or plan that gives you or your allies a surprising advantage (Cost: 4)

Multiple Gambits can be used and the effects stack. After the end of a battle or when it makes sense, your Gambit count resets to 0.

When you attack a surprised or defenseless enemy with a melee weapon, you can choose to deal your damage or roll+DEX. On a 10+ choose two. On a 7–9 choose one.
- You don’t get into melee with them
- You deal your damage+1d6
- You create an advantage, +1 forward to you or an ally acting on it
- Reduce their armor by 1 until they repair it

Battle of Wits:
You always know in which goblet resides the poison. When an enemy is watching and there's a difficult choice to make, the GM will tell you what the enemy expects you to do.

Battle Leader:
Take +1 when Ordering Hirelings. Often, hirelings will accept your training as payment for their services.

Cast a Spell:

When you release a spell you’ve prepared, roll+Int.

✴ On a 10+, the spell is successfully cast and you do not forget the spell—you may cast it again later.

✴ On a 7-9, the spell is cast, but choose one:

- You draw unwelcome attention or put yourself in a spot. The GM will tell you how.
- The spell disturbs the fabric of reality as it is cast—take -1 ongoing to cast a spell until the next time you Prepare Spells.
- After it is cast, the spell is forgotten. You cannot cast the spell again until you prepare spells.

Prepare Spells:

When you spend uninterrupted time (an hour or so) in quiet training with your spellspear, you:

- Lose any spells you already have prepared
- Prepare new spells of your choice from your spellspear whose total levels don’t exceed your Wizard level+1.
- Prepare your cantrips which never count against your limit.


Remorse has mastered several spells which are inscribed in the spear's shaft. Remorse starts out with three first level spells as well as the cantrips. Whenever you gain a Wizard level, you add a new spell of your level or lower to your spear. You spear is now +1 weight.

Signature Weapon:

This is your weapon. There are many like it, but this one is yours. Your weapon is your best friend. It is your life. You master it as you master your life. Your weapon, without you, is useless. Without your weapon, you are useless. You must wield your weapon true.

Choose a base description, all are 2 weight:


Choose the range that best fits your weapon:


Choose two enhancements:

Hooks and spikes. +1 damage, but +1 weight.
Sharp. +2 piercing.
Perfectly weighted. Add precise.
Serrated edges. +1 damage.
Glows in the presence of one type of creature, your choice.
Huge. Add messy and forceful.
Versatile. Choose an additional range.
Well-crafted. -1 weight.

Choose a look:



Light Cantrip

An item you touch glows with arcane light, about as bright as a torch. It gives off no heat or sound and requires no fuel, but it is otherwise like a mundane torch. You have complete control of the color of the flame. The spell lasts as long as it is in your presence.

Prestidigitation Cantrip

You perform minor tricks of true magic. If you touch an item as part of the casting you can make cosmetic changes to it: clean it, soil it, cool it, warm it, flavor it, or change its color. If you cast the spell without touching an item you can instead create minor illusions no bigger than yourself. Prestidigitation illusions are crude and clearly illusions—they won’t fool anyone, but they might entertain them.

Unseen Servant Cantrip

You conjure a simple invisible construct that can do nothing but carry items. It has Load 3 and carries anything you hand to it. It cannot pick up items on its own and can only carry those you give to it. Items carried by an unseen servant appear to float in the air a few paces behind you. An unseen servant that takes damage or leaves your presence is immediately dispelled, dropping any items it carried. Otherwise the unseen servant serves you until you end the spell.

Charm Person Level 1

The person (not beast or monster) you touch while casting this spell counts you as a friend until they take damage or you prove otherwise.

Magic Missile Level 1

Projectiles of pure magic spring from your fingers. Deal 2d4 damage to one target.

Detect Magic Level 1

One of your senses is briefly attuned to magic. The GM will tell you what here is magical.

Invisibility Level 1

Touch an ally: nobody can see them. They’re invisible! The spell persists until the target attacks or you dismiss the effect. While the spell is ongoing you can’t cast a spell.

Visions through time Level 3

Cast this spell and gaze into a reflective surface to see into the depths of time. The GM will reveal the details of a grim portent to you—a bleak event that will come to pass without your intervention. They’ll tell you something useful about how you can interfere with the grim portent’s dark outcomes. Rare is the portent that claims “You’ll live happily ever after.” Sorry.

Sleep Level 3

1d4 enemies you can see of the GM’s choice fall asleep. Only creatures capable of sleeping are affected. They awake as normal: loud noises, jolts, pain.

Mimic Level 3 ongoing

You take the form of someone you touch while casting this spell. Your physical characteristics match theirs exactly but your behavior may not. This change persists until you take damage or choose to return to your own form. While this spell is ongoing you lose access to all your wizard moves.

Fireball Level 3
You evoke a mighty ball of flame that envelops your target and everyone nearby, inflicting 2d6 damage which ignores armor.

Dispel Magic Level 3
Choose a spell or magic effect in your presence: this spell rips it apart. Lesser spells are ended, powerful magic is just reduced or dampened so long as you are nearby.

Contact Other Plane Level 5

You send a request to another plane. Specify who or what you’d like to contact by location, type of creature, name, or title. You open a two-way communication with that creature. Your communication can be cut off at any time by you or the creature you contacted.

Dominate Level 7 Ongoing

Your touch pushes your mind into someone else’s. You gain 1d4 hold. Spend one hold to make the target take one of these actions:
- Speak a few words of your choice
- Give you something they hold
- Make a concerted attack on a target of your choice
- Truthfully answer one question

If you run out of hold the spell ends. If the target takes damage you lose 1 hold. While the spell is ongoing you cannot cast a spell.

Shadow Walk Level 7

The shadows you target with this spell become a portal for you and your allies. Name a location, describing it with a number of words up to your level. Stepping through the portal deposits you and any allies present when you cast the spell at the location you described. The portal may only be used once by each ally.


- Roshan's rigid adherence to her faith will cause problems. I need to temper her fervor.
- I have let my fear of elves color my relationship with Conwall. I was wrong, he is worthy of my trust and friendship and I will prove it to him
- Belym has the spirit of a warrior. I can work with this.

Dormant Bonds:
- Scath (+1)
- Thaddeus (+2)

Resolved Bonds:
- Thaddeus has much to learn about the ways of battle.
- Thaddeus has grown too hard. I must show him there is more to life than duty.
- Belym reminds me of my departed younger sister. I'll not lose this one to battle.
- Belym can take care of herself, or can she?
- Scath owes me his life, whether he knows it or not.
- Sheridan is a mystery that I must solve
- Sheridan's ways are nigh incomprehensible. I must do my best to shepherd him through her time in the skylands.
- Conwall's fighting style is too flamboyant and reckless. I will teach him discipline in battle.


Ron's army was generally organized and equipped like a Greek hoplite phalanx. Spear and shield. Showing exceptional aptitude for command, Ron was promoted to Lokhagos (leader of one hundred). In proper fashion, he led from the front yet survived numerous battles. He was eventually promoted to Polemarchos, a rank roughly equivalent to a modern day brigadier general, responsible for the direct command of an individual army. Despite his rank, Ron demanded to lead from the front lines. Thus, his mere survival is notable.

In the final battle of the war, Ron's general made a huge tactical blunder (in Ron's opinion), leading Ron's army into a hopeless trap. The army fought brilliantly, and lasted far longer than could be reasonably expected. Yet they were ultimately crushed. Ron was captured and ransomed back to his command. Unfortunately, the disastrous battle proved fatal to the war and the remnants of the armies returned home in defeat.

That general was politically connected and contrived to have the blame for the war placed squarely at Ron's feet. He was exiled and roamed the lands, spending much of his time in his cups. He became so enamored with an exotic brand of rum that innkeepers around the lands took to calling him by the name of the liquor. Ron embraced the name, and hasn't used his birth name in longer than he can remember.

His wandering brought him to the small town of Norwhich. He reveled in the anonymity the small town provided, and using connections from his army days, has set up a respectable career as an arms merchant. He doesn't smith, but he knows where to get quality weapons and armor for wholesale prices.