RokMoo's page

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Thanks for all the ideas everyone and if there are more people with input I'd be glad to hear it

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Valandil Ancalime wrote:
Dragons seem to be able to procreate with mammals (see halfdragons) so why not kolbolds? If I was the DM I would probably allow it, as long as you didn't use it as an excuse to make a SUPER RACE.

Nah, not to make a super race just to make something unique and fun. Unfortunately in our server we don't really do much homebrew or 3rd party either. I'll try to see if my DM would allow the homebrew but even if he does im not sure where to start on the creation of it. Hopefully in time

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So off the bat I know there's plenty of reasons it might not be possible but in the off chance it is... I have a very naive but very ambitious kobold, hes more than proved a capable warrior on several occasions. He has a companion that is an orc... he's been around for a little while and I'd like for him to have an offspring to follow in his steps, break the mold of cowardly kobolds and my mind ran with the idea and was like well why couldn't it be done with him and his lovely orc companion? :p
I'm not sure how to exactly word it in a question but ultimately I'd like for there to be that possibly even if there has to be a little magic involved