About Rojava BrishenStatistics:
Female Human Bard (Archaeologist) 6 / Inquisitor (Sanctified Slayer) 1
CG Medium Humanoid (Human) Init +4; Senses Perception +7 ------------------------------ DEFENSE ------------------------------ AC 20, touch 14, flat-footed 14 (+4 armor, +4 dex, +2 Attunement) hp 60 Fort +7+1, Ref +9+1, Will +6+1 (+2 vs enchantments) ------------------------------ OFFENSE ------------------------------ Speed 30 ft. Melee +11 Ranged +11
Eager Performer:
Fate's Favored:
Maestro of the Society:
FEATS Point Blank Shot:
Precise Shot:
Desna's Shooting Star:
Lingering Performance:
True Love:
SKILLS (70 points; 42 class, 7 INT, 7 Skilled, 6 FCB, 14 Background) ----------------------------
*ACP applies to these skills
Bardic Knowledge: +1/2 Bard Level to All Knowledge Skills
Languages Taldane, Varisian Special Abilities:
------------------------------ SPECIAL ABILITIES ------------------------------ HUMAN ---------------------------------------
Bardic Knowledge (Ex):
Archaeologist’s Luck (Ex):
Clever Explorer (Ex):
Uncanny Dodge (Ex):
Well-Versed (Ex):
Trap Sense (Ex):
Rogue Talents:
-Resiliency (Ex) Once per day, a rogue with this ability can gain a number of temporary hit points equal to twice her rogue level. Activating this ability is an immediate action that can be performed only when the rogue is brought to below 0 hit points. This ability can be used to prevent the rogue from dying. These temporary hit points last for 1 minute. If the rogue’s hit points drop below 0 due to the loss of these temporary hit points, she falls unconscious and is dying as normal. Lore Master (Ex):
Suggestion (Sp):
Evasion (Ex):
Monster Lore (Ex):
Stern Gaze (Ex):
Studied Target (Ex):
Lingering Pain (Su):
Liberation (Su):
------------------------------ Spells ------------------------------ SLA's: Remove Fear, Remove Paralysis, Remove Curse ----------------------
0th (at will) Dancing Lights
1st (4+2/day) Cure Light Wounds
2nd (3+2/Day) Blistering Invective
Orisons (At Will) Detect Magic
1st (1/Day) Wrath
------------------------------ GEAR/POSSESSIONS ------------------------------ Starknife (Mithril)
Thieve's Tools
Grooming Kit
Wand: Cure Light Wounds (50)
Blinkback Belt
Carrying Capacity
Money 163 GP 8 SP 3 CP
Rojava and her slightly older, almost-twin sister Francesca were born a little more than halfway between Nybor and Sandpoint in the back of a wagon. It wasn’t quite time yet but the sisters, especially Rojava, always seem to be in a hurry and this was no exception. They were identical except for the birthmark centered on the back of Rojava’s neck. It bore an odd resemblance to a butterfly, as if one had perched on the back of neck to hitch a ride. The Brishen sisters’ parents made a living by traveling back and forth between Sandpoint and several of the smaller towns around Ember Lake. They sold goods brought in to Sandpoint’s harbor, a few luxury items and other items that were hard to get in Varisia’s interior. They made the trip every couple of months, so the sisters grew up in Nybor, Sandpoint, and the roads in between. As the next few years passed, the sisters remained perfect copies of each other in appearance (except for that birthmark), but began to diverge in personality. Francesca was the more serious, and responsible of the two, while Rojava was flighty and absent minded. Fran was more introverted and bookish. Rojava was gregarious and never sat still. The sisters were almost perfect, complimentary companions though. Rojava was a talker, and Fran was a good listener. Rojava always found ways to create fun. Fran was always there to help Rojava out of her scrapes. The birthmark grew strangely over time. It’s size kept pace with Rojava’s growth, never becoming less prominent. It also became better defined. What was originally a butterfly-shaped splotch became ever more clearly a butterfly. By the time Rojava was 8, it was even taking on multiple colors. That year Rojava’s parents took her to the temple in Sandpoint. There was obviously something beyond the mundane was involved. The Desnan priest at the temple examined Rojava and, except for the birthmark itself, found nothing out of the ordinary. Still, he believed that there must be some reason for the child to be marked so clearly with Desna’s sign. He suggested that Rojava should remain at the temple in case time could lead to further discoveries. Rojava’s parents declined. They believed she was too young to be away from them and did not want to separate the sisters. Another 4 years passed, and by that time the birthmark was as clearly a star monarch butterfly as anything a fine tattooist could have produced. Rojava had always loved music and sang or hummed almost compulsively, and by 12 she was showing signs of developing a fine singing voice. She also had a talent for poetry and rhymes. From time to time the Priest in Sandpoint would check in with the family, but Rojava’s parents continued to resist leaving her at the temple. Her parents changed their minds after she went missing on one of their trips to Sandpoint. Rojava became interested in an elk and followed it away from their camp. Her family searched for 2 days without finding her before she turned up on her own. She was hungry and footsore, but otherwise unbothered by being lost in the wilderness for so long. In fact she claimed she hadn’t been lost at all. Rojava had wondered on a whim before, but never for so long and so far away. At least at the temple in Sandpoint she couldn’t wander off into dangerous places as easily as she could on the road. On reaching Sandpoint, her parents contacted the priest and made arrangements for her to stay at the temple. Rojava has been there for almost 6 years now, seeing her parents and sister a few times a year when they come to town. At first she was terribly lonely and restless. The loss of her sister as a companion was very hard for Rojava. Then only a few months after her arrival, the chapel fire brought other difficulties. She doesn’t remember Father Tobyn with any particular fondness, but that probably has more to do with her difficult transition than anything about the priest himself. With the arrival of Father Zantus things improved. Rojava began an intensive charm campaign against him that, despite some occasional setbacks, has paid off for her. Rojava and Father Zantus have found an equilibrium now. Father Zanthus feel like he is making progress with her, and she has a fair amount of freedom to blow off steam when she feels too confined at the temple.
Appearance and Personality:
Height: 5'6" Weight: 125 Hair: Sandy Brown Eyes: Hazel Brown Rojava is average of height and just on the slender side of a curvy average build. Her hair is a sandy mixture of light brown and blonde, which she usually keeps bobbed short. She has hazel brown eyes and a lighter complexion that includes a scattering of freckles. Rojava usually has a smile on her face, and her bearing is open, friendly, and confident. She typically dresses for comfort. A well loved and fading pair of blue trousers, brown boots, and a loose linen shirt beneath a maroon doublet is a favorite outfit. Rojava’s core defining characteristics are her immense curiosity and her love of people. There are very few things in which she cannot find something interesting. But, with so many potentially interesting things around, it is easy for her attention to wander rapidly from one thing to the next. She has been a fine enough student at the temple, but books require more focus than she is usually willing to give. Rojava prefers direct experiences and is a sensorial hedonist. She can lose herself in sights, sounds, aromas, and tactile experiences and believes this is the best way to learn. She sees the best aspects of people and considers strangers to be friends she hasn’t made yet. Her optimism and enthusiasm win many over, but for those it doesn’t impress she can become irritating. Common working people are closest to Rojava’s heart. She thinks the repetitive toil and drudgery of their work as a type of spiritual slavery, and she nurses something of a grudge against their employers for imposing it on them. If it can be said that Rojava truly dislikes anyone in town, it would be the Scarnetti family. She has been known to sometimes sneak down to the docks and spend a couple of hours walking about among the longshoremen and other workers while singing and playing her rebec to ease and speed along their workday. There are some less positive aspects to Rojava’s personality. Being such an optimist doesn’t leave her well equipped to deal with sadness or true tragedy. She had only been in Sandpoint a few months when the Chapel burned during the Misgivings. The fire and Father Tobyn’s death in it were very scary events that Rojava never completely processed. She still has occasional nightmares about it. One way that she reacts to such things is to write songs about them, and she has a journal that contains several such songs that she does not perform. Although she isn’t a mischief-maker, Rojava can cause a fair amount of it due to her curiosity and outgoing nature. Sheriff Hemlock knows her name for more than her singing.