Roguescholar1986 |
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Caldax the Shadow wrote:Exactly what I feel. One of my great characters was drow rogue/assassin Shaal Azzar Levianko, a character I cherish to this day. I imagine that now the cave elf is in fact the "official" drow of Paizo. I know that we as players and GMs don't give a damn because our table, our rules. No lawyer can change that, (go Wizard, send a lawyer here sends him, he goes up the slum and never comes down again! I'm full of friends there!), but I always preferred to have something official, so I hope that Paizo is at least "smart" and creates a talent tree for cave elves, at least as I understand it, this shouldn't hurt any license. Here in Brazil we have a term that translated should be "You can copy, just don't do the same...", which I believe fits well with that. I just hate it now, in case I play it, because A) my GM only thinks about Starfinder and B) I still haven't swallowed this "remastered" version of the game, my thaumaturge will be a cave elf lol! I hope my idea touches the heart from someone at Paizo and they give a "dark" talent tree to the elves and everyone who lives underground. Which before all this fighting, would already be the smartest thing to do...This is a decision I cannot agree with. Drow are second favorite version of elves and to see them just cast aside like this is just WRONG. I've already told people at my table and game groups I'm doing the opposite and will be banning serpentfolk and instead expanding the Drow lore and such even more.
I love Pathfinder, I love the drow, and see them cast aside like this in all honesty almost feels like a good friend being dragged away to never be seen again by another friend who is trying instead to shove what feels like a stranger into the group and acting like nothing has changed.
Hey James! Thanks for both of your clear replies. While I am sad to see that the drow have to go, it is good to hear your clear and concise reasoning for why this just has to happen. I also appreciate it coming from a fellow drow lover. I can tell that you really care about the setting and the lore that you guys have been building over the years. I'm a big fan of the serpentfolk too though, as they are a wonderful callback to Robert E. Howard and his circle of friends. It will be interesting to see what you guys do with them going forward!