
Rognyvald Stormblessed's page

Goblin Squad Member. 4 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


Goblin Squad Member

Itchy wrote:

Wowee that's a lot of extra downloads sitting in my downloads folder, many of them I'm very excited about!


Agreed! So many things to read.

Goblin Squad Member

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It seems there are a number of us who go back to SW:G's crafting system as a reference for a great system. If GW can integrate that systems in a single world with varying ingredient qualities spread throughout, I would enjoy crafting ( and harvesting ) once again :)

Goblin Squad Member

Tuoweit wrote:
Lifedragn wrote:

Would you also favor randomness being drawn out of combat? Consistent damage, instead of a random range?

Combat is not decided by one single roll, unlike the typical "random result" of crafting.

If the process of crafting was as complex as combat, with multiple rounds of random rolls, nuances of positioning, and the crafter using their various crafting abilities on their ability bar to "overcome" the challenge, that would be awesomesauce. One roll of the die for random result? No thanks.

Sounds like EQ2 crafting to me. There was a degree of technique to it. It wasn't just "put component A in Slot A, and salt and vwalah!" You had to actively participate. I wasn't too keen on that method, not only did it affect your success, it also affected the quality of the item IIRC.

I would go for guaranteed success with varying quality before I'd have a loss of material and a standard result.

Goblin Squad Member

As a crafter, in many different MMO's, unless your wares had an impact on the end-game, you always lost money, more often than naught weapon/armor smiths because of boss mob drops. Even recipes that dropped in end game content weren't as good as the drops themselves. I'm hoping that PFO will fix this.
One system I really thought that had a impact to final product was SWG (Star Wars Galaxies). The various crafting components had a different degree of quality each rotation (usually 8 days). So, on tuesday you harvest some iron near your town with an hardness of 87, but the following week, that hardness was only 80. As a crafter you tried at acquire the highest quality so that you can make the best possible item. You'd use the lower quality components to grind your skill up.
Maybe PFO can adopt this along with a system that boss mobs drop components/recipes for the best gear (and not the gear itself). I think this approach would put a huge need for the weapon/armor smiths out there. As well as the consumable artisans.