Male Half-Orc Wizard (Spell Sage) 12. 82/82 HP AC 19 T19 FF18 F+10/R+9/W+12 init +7, Perception +12
![]() Thank you for running it! The funny part is when I hit 12th after getting out alive from Waking Rune (hard mode), I got him a Wizards tower to retire to. Question there GM Redelia, would any of the spell books be available to copy the spells? ![]()
Male Half-Orc Wizard (Spell Sage) 12. 82/82 HP AC 19 T19 FF18 F+10/R+9/W+12 init +7, Perception +12
![]() Rognak pondered a bit as he presented his information. "We know that Lorthact set up the demiplane, Chyvom was the leader there, and according to Marijkal it was setup to get people onto the plane where Lorthact could harvest their souls. All of the prior contracts got destroyed when we took care of Chyvom, leaving the demiplace to be shut down, which it did." he said pointing to the bodies of the devils. " My thought is that Lorthact heard about the contest and set things for the contestants to get captured. Funny, the winner won on a technicality from my study of the contest. Devils tend to follow the letter of the law when it comes to contracts. It might be possible that the winner made the contract once captured, found a loophole, and walked out the starting door, causing the rules to be changed and no one winning until now. " he added. ![]()
Male Half-Orc Wizard (Spell Sage) 12. 82/82 HP AC 19 T19 FF18 F+10/R+9/W+12 init +7, Perception +12
![]() Unless someone else is calling dibs, Rognak will be the first out of the portal Rognak pondered a bit "It is possible that he has obtained immorality on his own accord. There are very powerful wizards that have unlocked the power of eternal life, and Toss Orlenos might fit the bill." he said. "However, there was no mention that the contest was created by him 150 years ago. If he had, I believe that it might have been something that he would have mentioned when we first meet him. Given that the area we spoke with him was called "Ornelos Hall " the School might have been ran by him and his family members for centuries. Something to think about" he added, trying to remember what he knew about the school. "It is also quite possible that he has no clue as the portal might only open while the contest is running, same time...every year." the half-orc added as he pondered some more. K:Arcana: 1d20 + 24 + 1d6 ⇒ (10) + 24 + (5) = 39
Male Half-Orc Wizard (Spell Sage) 12. 82/82 HP AC 19 T19 FF18 F+10/R+9/W+12 init +7, Perception +12
![]() GM Redelia wrote: OK, everyone, decision time. Other than one social encounter, you've completed the actual story. There is supposed to be a wave of more combats, but it really feels to me like filler. You have earned full rewards already. Do you want to fight through the wave of combats, or would you like me to just narrate them? I'm fine either way, but this game has now gone way beyond the end of the convention. Rognak has plenty of spells left, so whichever is easier for you works. ![]()
Male Half-Orc Wizard (Spell Sage) 12. 82/82 HP AC 19 T19 FF18 F+10/R+9/W+12 init +7, Perception +12
![]() "Let me brush up on a few spells just in case they are needed, while the others are collected." Rognak said, pulling out his spell book to brush up his spells as the others were brought to the portal. Discovery (Fast Study)- use the open 2nd level slot to restudy Glitterdust and one of the 1st level open slots for another Magic Missile. ![]()
Male Half-Orc Wizard (Spell Sage) 12. 82/82 HP AC 19 T19 FF18 F+10/R+9/W+12 init +7, Perception +12
![]() "I am not sure but shutting it down might best option, before more of his buddies come on over." Rognak said as he started closing the portal. K:Arcana: 1d20 + 24 ⇒ (15) + 24 = 39
Male Half-Orc Wizard (Spell Sage) 12. 82/82 HP AC 19 T19 FF18 F+10/R+9/W+12 init +7, Perception +12
![]() Daathiel wrote:
It figures, read the Counterspell rules, only to find an exception at the end of the chapter. :( Let me jump in now. Raising a hand, Rognak pointed his finger at the Devil, causing 5 small bolts of force to blast into the creature. SR?: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (15) + 13 = 28
Male Half-Orc Wizard (Spell Sage) 12. 82/82 HP AC 19 T19 FF18 F+10/R+9/W+12 init +7, Perception +12
![]() Rognak smiled as he watched the motions of the spell that the Contract Devil was starting to cast. If it was still standing before the spell was completed, he was ready to disrupt it. Spellcraft: 1d20 + 26 ⇒ (9) + 26 = 35
Male Half-Orc Wizard (Spell Sage) 12. 82/82 HP AC 19 T19 FF18 F+10/R+9/W+12 init +7, Perception +12
![]() "Yo, Spike, looks like Mr. large and undead is poaching on your turf. Here, let's even the odds a bit." Rognak said as he tossed some ground mica in the direction of the Devourer, as he tried to remember his classes on the creature. Glitterdust DC 21 Will save
Male Half-Orc Wizard (Spell Sage) 12. 82/82 HP AC 19 T19 FF18 F+10/R+9/W+12 init +7, Perception +12
![]() I agree on the eliminate one and deal with the other afterwards. Taking out the devourer with the aid of the Barbed Devil is my suggestion. If the wizard can be freed then it is a bonus. Rognak is not the party face, so I will leave it to those better in that department. ![]()
Male Half-Orc Wizard (Spell Sage) 12. 82/82 HP AC 19 T19 FF18 F+10/R+9/W+12 init +7, Perception +12
![]() "They are poaching on each others territory. Maybe someone that is more diplomatic than me might get them to work out an agreement, as long as it does not involve one of us as a substitute." Rognak said, ![]()
Male Half-Orc Wizard (Spell Sage) 12. 82/82 HP AC 19 T19 FF18 F+10/R+9/W+12 init +7, Perception +12
![]() "I am not sure what is going on as I am not very familiar with healing, only dying myself. Unless it is something that I can deal with fairly quickly, we might have to wait until we are out of here." Rognak said. I can do a Heal spell by using two 6th level slots to cast it but I would like to wait until we are out of here. ![]()
Male Half-Orc Wizard (Spell Sage) 12. 82/82 HP AC 19 T19 FF18 F+10/R+9/W+12 init +7, Perception +12
![]() Checking the spellbook out to see if it was magical, Rognak put into into a sack so as to not touch it, "This might belong to Terentius, lets get him out of here. he said. Mage hand and put into into a sack. ![]()
Male Half-Orc Wizard (Spell Sage) 12. 82/82 HP AC 19 T19 FF18 F+10/R+9/W+12 init +7, Perception +12
![]() Rognak shrugged his shoulders."I am more use to running into demons and rarely do I have a chance to use the spell. It is handy when they are hiding with other creatures to thin out the herd, since they will not be touched by it." he said. ![]()
Male Half-Orc Wizard (Spell Sage) 12. 82/82 HP AC 19 T19 FF18 F+10/R+9/W+12 init +7, Perception +12
![]() Sorry, work yesterday and traveling today for the holiday. I am on my tablet. Can someone move me to join the group please? initiative: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (17) + 7 = 24 Rognak had a wicked smile as lightning started to crackle from his finger tips as he was told about the threat.
Ugh! Below average. +4 CL from Focused Spells, +2 from Spell Speciazation (Chain Lightning)and +1 From Varsian Tattoo (Evocation) ![]()
Male Half-Orc Wizard (Spell Sage) 12. 82/82 HP AC 19 T19 FF18 F+10/R+9/W+12 init +7, Perception +12
![]() Oops. Wrote down who I was bringing but not the data. Player Name: Ed Birnbryer
Male Half-Orc Wizard (Spell Sage) 12. 82/82 HP AC 19 T19 FF18 F+10/R+9/W+12 init +7, Perception +12
![]() As the flight spell he had cast earlier will be running for a while, Rognak was ready to take to the air if needed as he looked at the librarian to see what he was looking for in the library. Perception: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (2) + 12 = 14 ![]()
Male Half-Orc Wizard (Spell Sage) 12. 82/82 HP AC 19 T19 FF18 F+10/R+9/W+12 init +7, Perception +12
![]() Same for Rognak "Lets see what we got here". Rognak said as he looked over the parchments. "This appears to be a scroll of break enchantment. Handy for removing curses and such. I had to use the spell when one of the group I was with at the Worldwound got changed into a chinchilla by a demon." he said before turning his attention to the other scroll. ![]()
Male Half-Orc Wizard (Spell Sage) 12. 82/82 HP AC 19 T19 FF18 F+10/R+9/W+12 init +7, Perception +12
![]() "Given that this plane is attuned to Hell, we should be prepared to deal with fire. As to what killed Maganrad, someone more skilled in the healing arts might be able to determine what caused his death." Rognak said as he put the chunk of cheese into his belt pouch. ![]()
Male Half-Orc Wizard (Spell Sage) 12. 82/82 HP AC 19 T19 FF18 F+10/R+9/W+12 init +7, Perception +12
![]() K:Planes Amateur Investigator: 1d20 + 22 + 1d6 ⇒ (12) + 22 + (1) = 35
Floating a foot off the ground, Rognak scanned the room as the mutilated body and vials caught his eyes.
Male Half-Orc Wizard (Spell Sage) 12. 82/82 HP AC 19 T19 FF18 F+10/R+9/W+12 init +7, Perception +12
![]() "That works. I am concerned however that we have not ran into any of the other contestants." Rognak said as they made their way to the Hall of Shaping. I wonder if they have given up or does the hall reset to what it started with after we leave. ![]()
Male Half-Orc Wizard (Spell Sage) 12. 82/82 HP AC 19 T19 FF18 F+10/R+9/W+12 init +7, Perception +12
![]() "Lets start from the Hall of Summoning and then Hall of Whispers, alternating between them in the hopes that we do not have to search every single one of the halls." Rognak said. "I do hope that the key-lights can only be taken by the person it belongs to as it can get really ugly if they get sent to another plane or such" ![]()
Male Half-Orc Wizard (Spell Sage) 12. 82/82 HP AC 19 T19 FF18 F+10/R+9/W+12 init +7, Perception +12
![]() Rognak frowned at the information that was obtained trying to use magic to map out the halls. "I do so hate having to counteract spells." the half-orc grumbled. "Lets go then and be careful where you are standing when I start tossing spells." ![]()
Male Half-Orc Wizard (Spell Sage) 12. 82/82 HP AC 19 T19 FF18 F+10/R+9/W+12 init +7, Perception +12
![]() My thought is to cast Arcane Eye to map out the halls (two memorized). The first one is to get a rough idea of the areas and the second is for the parts that look to be dangerous, using the more careful mode. ![]()
Male Half-Orc Wizard (Spell Sage) 12. 82/82 HP AC 19 T19 FF18 F+10/R+9/W+12 init +7, Perception +12
![]() In the morning before coming down for breakfast, Rognak cast some spells to help protect him during the day. cast Mage Armor and Overland Flight. "My plan, if possible, is to map out the areas first before we go too far in." Rognak said as the group looked at the options. ![]()
Male Half-Orc Wizard (Spell Sage) 12. 82/82 HP AC 19 T19 FF18 F+10/R+9/W+12 init +7, Perception +12
![]() Diplomacy Aid DC 10: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (19) - 1 = 18
Male Half-Orc Wizard (Spell Sage) 12. 82/82 HP AC 19 T19 FF18 F+10/R+9/W+12 init +7, Perception +12
![]() "You know the saying, You summon it, you kill it yourself. This time it almost killed you. Out with it." he said, tucking his wand back into his bandolier, before scanning the area and pointing out what was wrong that occurred during the spell. K:Arcana: 1d20 + 24 + 1d6 ⇒ (16) + 24 + (2) = 42
Male Half-Orc Wizard (Spell Sage) 12. 82/82 HP AC 19 T19 FF18 F+10/R+9/W+12 init +7, Perception +12
![]() Ranged touch-Disintegrate DC 25: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (5) + 7 = 12
Init: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (6) + 7 = 13 ![]()
Male Half-Orc Wizard (Spell Sage) 12. 82/82 HP AC 19 T19 FF18 F+10/R+9/W+12 init +7, Perception +12
![]() Rongnak smiles as a plan forms. "or until they get killed" he added. Guessing that none of the information from the prior contests would give a clue as to what to expect? (Types of traps, antimagic areas, monsters, etc) ![]()
Male Half-Orc Wizard (Spell Sage) 12. 82/82 HP AC 19 T19 FF18 F+10/R+9/W+12 init +7, Perception +12
![]() "I do not know about the rest of you but I hope to not add another notch on my forehead and make it the fifth time I have been killed in the service of the Society." Rognak said with a sigh. "Where do I sign?" he asked Headmaster Toff.