My wish list:
1) Psionics. Please, Mr. Mona. Now, despite it's problems I liked 3e's psionics but I'm OK with the mechanics being reworked. What I want is the style to be the same and distinct from arcane magic. This is my #1 request by far.
2) Epic? I'll tentatively put this on here. The idea appeals to me and I thought there was some merit in WotC's Epic Level Handbook. It hasn't been done well yet but maybe Paizo could. I'm up for it.
3) I'll throw a request in for an Oriental Adventures book as well as a very cool thing. However, I only say this because I think the market is too small for a good hardback Arabian Nights themed book. If it was being done just for me ... I want Paizo's take on Al-Qadim (best 2e stuff published and that's saying something since there was some very good 2e stuff done).
4) Beyond that yeah I want more feats and classes and prestige classes ... at a trickle, not a flood.
5) Oh, and I want to play a gnoll. With mange. And dyslexia. And split personality. With a cheese fetish. And I'll stop it there.