
Rogan The Librarian's page

Organized Play Member. 7 posts (94 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist. 2 Organized Play characters. 1 alias.


ArielManx wrote:

We at 4 Winds Fantasy Gaming are excited to announce one of our upcoming products, The Apothecary's Handbook, focusing on herbalism and basic pharmacology in a fantasy setting. We don't have a firm page count or release date yet, as this one is still in the early stages, but we anticipate a PDF at least 40 pages long, and it should be ready to go sometime this summer or early fall.

I talked more about it on our Facebook fanpage.


Sounds interesting. I'll look forward to it.

Doug Daulton wrote:

Corey - Count me in. And, assuming it is OK with Paizo, I'll be glad to shoot, edit and make freely available the entire session on our Youtube partner site. I can put a body mic on you which will get great audio without getting in your way. If you are game, we can screen capture the entire session to be edited together with the live footage.


Speaking as someone who can't make it, I'd love it if someone did record and post this. I have some technical skill with Photoshop but not sure where to even start with map creation. Even if I didn't learn how to do this I'd love to just learn more about the process from someone skilled in it.

My wish list:

Epic Levels
Massive Magic Compendium
Another Bestiary or two
and if the Advanced Player's Guide has more PC races including a decent construct based race option I'll be pretty happy

Sneaksy Dragon wrote:

biased half orc luvers nerfing half elves.... for shame.

give the half orc +2 STR -2 CHA and a free toughness feat (goblins are an overall stat bonus of +0 so why not half orcs)

Actually I was about to post this pretty much word for word, so ... I agree.

Jam412 wrote:

Have you checked out the Legacy of Fire AP?

Yep, I have the first three along with Dark Markets and the Player's Guide. I'm enjoying them a great deal but I still think there's a lot to do that's not setting specific that you could do in a good sourcebook for that kind of setting including good material on setting building. The same could be said for oriental or african settings.

My wish list:

1) Psionics. Please, Mr. Mona. Now, despite it's problems I liked 3e's psionics but I'm OK with the mechanics being reworked. What I want is the style to be the same and distinct from arcane magic. This is my #1 request by far.

2) Epic? I'll tentatively put this on here. The idea appeals to me and I thought there was some merit in WotC's Epic Level Handbook. It hasn't been done well yet but maybe Paizo could. I'm up for it.

3) I'll throw a request in for an Oriental Adventures book as well as a very cool thing. However, I only say this because I think the market is too small for a good hardback Arabian Nights themed book. If it was being done just for me ... I want Paizo's take on Al-Qadim (best 2e stuff published and that's saying something since there was some very good 2e stuff done).

4) Beyond that yeah I want more feats and classes and prestige classes ... at a trickle, not a flood.

5) Oh, and I want to play a gnoll. With mange. And dyslexia. And split personality. With a cheese fetish. And I'll stop it there.