Roflercoaster's page

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This situation has bummed me out enough that I've cancelled my weekly Starfinder game. I doubt Paizo cares, I'm not a subscriber and I only own about half of the Starfinder collection of books. The lack of awareness shown in picking their business partners coupled with the fact that Ninja Division's update has shown that there is not going to be a good resolution to this anytime soon (if at all), has really soured me on using Paizo games/systems.

What if we want to get our copy replaced with a copy from the second printing? A lot of us have gone through multiple replacements, with none of the first run being any better than the others. If I want to replace my book, and get a copy from the second printing, is there any way to do that? If the second print run isn't until November, but I have to replace my book by the end of October, it sounds like I'll just be getting another book with a binding issue.