Raised by an esteemed soldier and general who had little time to watch his child, Rodia spent the days off her youth wandering the streets of Onóir. While the adults gave strange looks to the fair and well-dressed half elf that wandered the slums and sewers of the free city, the children cared not, and Rodia made friends with many of the children of the streets. Despite the opportunities that the streets provided, they were, nonetheless, a dangerous place for any child. When Rodia and her friends were first hassled her friends shrugged it off as nothing, a common occurrence in Onóir's slums; but when the thugs began to target her, seeing the half-elf as weak, her friends began to distance themselves from her. It was then that Rodia's nightly readings turned from history and battlefield tactics to studies with more short-term practical applications. Every night Rodia stayed up practicing simple magic and strengthening herself.
It took months of practice but eventually she returned to her friends. They feared the wrath of the thugs, and they urged Rodia to leave. "It's for the best" they said. "For your safety" they said. But Rodia was more stubborn than an ox and a mule combined, and so she went straight to the greatest offender, Gobruk. Gobruk was a gnoll of large stature and strength that could overpower most adults. When Rodia went to the abandoned house Gobruk called his domain he laughed at her. He had fought half-orcs twice her breadth and come out unscathed, and she, an elf as far as Gobruk was concerned, thought she could win.
The fight attracted many viewers, most of who simply came to watch the half-elf get pummelled, and of many areas of the town. It was of great surprise then, to all bar one, that when Gobruk made his initial lunge it ended with his face in the mud, as Rodia dodged to the side and swept his legs out from under him. A smirk briefly emerged on Rodia's lips before she was pulled down into the mud herself. On the ground Gobruk's superior strength gave him the upper hand, but Rodia still had her ace up her sleeve. As Gobruk turned to swing and elbow at the half-elf's face, she grabbed the descending arm with a hand bristling with lightning. The Gnoll seizured violently from the pain of the blast; and when he stopped, and Rodia rose from the mud there was silence, and all gathered there that day knew the victor, and none dared question Rodia again.
That was not long before the cloud descended upon the city and Rodia's father sent her, still a child by half-elven standards, into the cavern. It was there that Rodia met Vorsk, a magic tutor who, unlike those Rodia's father had sent her; she was willing to listen to. Vorsk was a magus, or he was in his youth, for he now neared eighty, and he could barely lift a sword to demonstrate a stroke. He taught her applications for her powers and skills that mattered to her, for although theory was interesting this world did not need a philosopher, it needed a warrior. It needed Magus.
Vorsk died nearly ten years ago, and although Rodia has continued her studies through books and sparring with other warriors, her mind has turned to larger things. This cavern was not meant to support them forever, and most of its supplies had already been used up. All that could be tried to clear the fog has been, and the people are becoming more depressed by the day. Although Rodia and others try to keep the peace there is in truth not enough to go around, and the society of the cave dwellers is nearing anarchy. The people need a respite, they need some fresh air.
Rodia is tall, standing just shy of six foot, a fact amplified by her straight posture and muscular build. She holds herself with great confidence, yet speaks to all she meets as either equals or revered elders. She wears ordinary clothing under her fathers old military coat.