Rodger |
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Some things I would really love to see:
1) Crafting advancement. If I want to be a master craftsman and make the finest blades in Golarion, why do I have to grind levels in the local dungeon to get there? In comment to previous posts, I agree that the craft system in place should be there for those who want to craft and not watered down for those who are only slightly interested. I like artificers (from Eberon) and the whole crafting process and would like to see reward for my efforts as a craftsman. If you want the +5 Long Sword, vorpal, either take the time to gain all the necessary feats and skill ranks or buy it from someone who has.
2) PvP punishment. I know that there are those that live to do nothing more than kill other PCs. Murder is murder even in a fantasy world. If all you are going to do is kill PCs that are just trying to make a living, there should be penalties. Bounties places up the PKers, increase chance of losing possessions when killed if you go overboard with the PKing, etc. It might even be nice to see a prestige class type of order that hunts down such individuals. I am in no way saying that all PvP should be stopped. In a real world there are evils that would do such things and this should be no different. There are also punishments.
3) Don't limit the players' concepts. If I want to play evil, so be it. As with the PvP statement above though, there should be penalties. If you are sacrificing babies at an alter to Asmodeous, bind your soul to a phylactery, or raise zombies from the local graveyard, you really don't want the locals to get wind of it.
4) Character builds. If not multiclassing then maybe feat trees that allow players to build across class options. Take a couple feats as a fighter and then start taking rogue abilities, for example.