Jakaw Razorbeak

'Roach''s page

10 posts. Alias of YanJieming.

Winter falls away to spring, giving rise to summer which in turn makes way for fall and eventually, the world hibernates in winter again. Time turns away in an endless cycle of summer, fall, winter and spring. Well, everywhere except far away Irrissen, locked in eternal winter. But that is not your concern here in the sleepy village of Heldren, where summer has reached its peak. This little village, resting in the south of Taldor, nearly on the border of Qadira, need not worry about much but the struggle of day to day life.

The intense heat of summer presses down on Heldren’s usually quiet streets. Today though, those streets seem crowded, making the heat worse. A cool breeze passes through the small town, and instead of sighs of relief, it brings gasps of alarm, and hurried conversations. Talk of unnaturally cold weather in the nearby Border Wood has spread through the streets like fire. Hunters come bearing tales of heavy snow coming in only a few days ago. The snow and cold seemed to bring despair and, worse yet, new, dangerous predators. No one knows what this event means, but the town's soothsayer, Old Mother Theodora, claims that, unless something is done, dark times lie ahead.

The town square is filled with people talking to one another, shrinking at every breath of wind--Did that seem cold to you?--and waiting with an air of feigned patience for the village council to end their meeting. You stand among the crowd, the statue of the Lady looking over the milling mass of people.

Introduce yourself into the scene and feel free to interact a little. I’ll get things moving once everyone has had a chance to post.

Welcome to the discussion thread for our campaign. Here we can talk about recruitment, questions, the campaign, etc. However if you have any comments about specific applicants, please pm me. In the end, I will make the final decision on who will join, but your input will be given due weight.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

"Baba Yaga is the wild woman or dark lady of magic and in the snowy land of Irrisen, there are many stories about her. The witch queen is fearsome with her iron teeth and a magical chicken-legged hut. Sometimes a foolish and desperate mortal will seek for her help by seeking her hut. But once they enter the hut, they live or die depending on what they say and do and Baba Yaga's fickle will."

I'm looking at starting up a game with the Reign of Winter adventure path. I'm looking for about 5 or 6 players in total, though I've already recruited 3 from this thread. Those who have been selected already include an Aasimar Oracle, a Sylph Skald and an Arctic Elf Sorcerer.

Character Creation:

•1st level
•20 point buy for stats.
•Alignment: As a general rule, no evil. I might be willing to accept an evil character, if you can convince me that your character will work well within a group.
•Race: Any from the Advanced Race Guide. Just make sure it makes sense. Alternate racial traits are fine. If you want variant abilities for aasimar or tiefling, you must roll for it.
•Classes: All paizo. Archetypes welcome. No 3pp. Nothing from the Occult Adventures playtest, but Unchained classes are welcome (any summoners must be from unchained).
•Average starting gold.
•2 traits. One must be from the Reign of Winter player's guide.
•Background. It doesn't need to be fancy or long. However I am a sucker for more interesting, well thought out and well written backgrounds. While this can be done in a paragraph, it usually takes more.
•One free skill point at first level that must go into craft, perform or profession. This represents some way you've made a living before adventuring, so make sure it reflects in your character and background.
•Most of all, build a character you care about and have fun!

What I expect from you:
I am looking for a post a day throughout the week and 1 post over the weekend. I also expect your posts to move the game forward in some way (including role-play), and to have some amount of description.

I will leave rectruitment open until Sunday at midnight (GMT-6). If you have any questions feel free to ask here or pm me.

The wind whips through the sails pushing the Jenivere ever forward. The ship rocks in the waves with the sun shining down, beating a heavy heat onto the deck. The smell of sea salt has clung to your nostrils so long it's nearly been forgotten. But it’s there, passing through the air on never-ending currents. The journey to Eleder is nearly complete. For many it's a fresh start, a way to escape past mistakes and misfortunes. For others, a simple way point on a longer journey. A day, a month or years will soon find these moving on to the next stop. For some it’s a return to home. A long awaited reunion with friends and family. Regardless, Eleder’s shores beckon from only two days ahead. But more stirs in the air than the wind and the heat, the waves and the salt. More than the well foreseen feeling of anticipation as the journey comes to a close. Lurking behind it all is the unforeseen, inexplicable feeling of foreboding. Maybe it is in the way the Jenivere’s crew whispers together, their brows furrowed. Or perhaps the unknown prisoner in the ship's brig, his crimes hanging heavy. It could be the strange Varisian scholar with so many rumors surrounding her. But it’s probably just your imagination. After all, the ship is only two days from port and you’ve already survived more than a hundred days at sea. Nothing could possibly go wrong now.

The day wanes, the sun leaving a bright steak of color in the sky where it meets the western horizon. You make your way into the galley where the cook comes around, handing out the day’s final meal. It's worse than most, which is quite an accomplishment considering the fare that’s been served on this trip so far. The watery soup has a sharp taste to it, making several people grimace. Over the noise of the ocean and the creak of the boat Gelik can be heard speaking to one of the crew, “You should make sure all the twine is hidden tonight or the rats may begin hanging themselves after a taste of this.” He pauses for a bite of soup, “And if you don’t have rats on your ship, no one will take you seriously as a sailor. And they’d be right not to.” The sailor laughs but his reply is lost as he moves away from Gelik to sit with some of the other crew.

Take a moment to introduce your characters--specifically in connection with the journey of the Jenivere (a description, where you boarded, what you've been doing on the journey, etc.). After that you can take some time to interact with each other, the crew and the other NPC's.

Come check-in here and we'll go over a few book-keeping items before we get started. One of those things is that two of you need to pick a specific city in which you boarded. Eizzach, the Jenivere visited 3 cities in The Shackles; Ollo, Quent and Port Peril. Xabala it has visited two cities in the Mwangi Expanse; Bloodcove and Senghor. Unfortunately I expected a few more hours to prepare the game, so I'm not quite ready, but we will be able to start up gameplay thread tomorrow.

"Before the rise of Azlant, before the coming of the Starstone and the salvation of man from the cold-heated lord of coiling-poison, before the continents we know had taken shape, when the mountains and waters had names long forgotten, the masters ruled empires outside the wildest imaginings of humble, frail humanity.

In the dark below the earth, they sleep in dreamless holds. Waiting.

They were once the undisputed masters of Golarion . . . and in the coming of unknown epochs, they will rule again."

--Krimaldi Blake

I'm looking at starting up a game with the Serpent's Skull adventure path. I'm not new to PBP or GMing, but this is my first time GMing a game on the paizo boards. I'm looking for 4-5 players, I'd even consider a sixth if I've got too many tough choices. I'm looking for 1 post a day during the week, and once over the weekend.

Character Creation:
•1st level
•20 point buy for stats.
•Alignment: As a general rule, no evil. I might be willing to accept an evil character, if you can convince me that your character will work well in a group.
•Race: Any from the Advanced Race Guide. Just make sure it makes sense. Alternate racial traits are fine. No variant heritages or abilities for aasimar or tiefling.
•Classes: All paizo. Archetypes welcome. No 3pp.
•Random starting gold for your class.
•2 traits. One must be from the Serpent's Skull player's guide.
•Background. It doesn't need to be fancy or long. However I am a sucker for more interesting, well thought out and well written backgrounds. While this can be done in a paragraph, it usually takes more.
•One free skill point at first level that must go into a craft or profession. This represents some way you've made a living before adventuring, so make sure it reflects in your character and background.
•Most of all, build a character you care about and have fun!

I will leave recruitment open till Saturday. If I receive enough applications I may close recruitment early, but I will give at least 24 hours notice before doing so.