Jakaw Razorbeak

'Roach''s page

10 posts. Alias of YanJieming.

Full Name

Rochiipu Mezhiaz




Ranger (Warden) 1




4' 1" 65 lbs






Ghaaremmezhtulum (Story Father)

Strength 15
Dexterity 17
Constitution 11
Intelligence 14
Wisdom 13
Charisma 15

About 'Roach'

A short bird-like creature, carrying a sword nearly as big as she is, stands wrapped in dark blue cloth. It's hard to see her body shape through the loosely wrapped clothing, but she seems to be rather slight. A couple small axes hang at her belt. Despite the large sword and slight frame, she seems to move easily, carrying everything with a fair amount of ease. She stands erect, seeming to try to use all of her height. When she opens her mouth, she speaks in an odd, precise way. She looks this way and that, gold eyes following one person after another with seeming interest.

Languages Spoken
Common, Hallit, Tengu, Varisian, Tien, Sylvan, Elven

Init +3; Senses Perception +7; Low-light Vision
Speed 30 ft.; hp 10/10

AC 17, touch 13, flat-footed 14 (+3 Dex, +4 Armor)
CMD 16
Fort +2, Ref +5, Will +1

Offense & Weapons:
Melee Bite +3 (1d3+2/x2)
Bastard Sword +3 (1d10+2/19-20/x2)
Throwing Axe +3 (1d6+2/x2);
Ranged Throwing Axe +4 10' (1d6+2/x2)
Composite Shortbow +4 70' (1d6+2/x3);
Special Attacks
CMB +3

•Two-Weapon Fighting


•Restless Wayfarer
•Talented (Perform (Oratory))

Racial Traits:
•Gifted Linguist
•Natural Weapon

•Acrobatics +5 (1 Rank, +3 Dex, +3 Class, -2 ACP)
•Knowledge (Geography) +7 (1 Rank, +2 Int, +3 Class, +1 Trait)
•Knowledge (History) +3 (1 Rank, +2 Int)
•Knowledge (Local) +7 (1 Rank, +2 Int, +3 Class, +1 Trait)
•Knowledge (Nature) +6 (1 Rank, +2 Int, +3 Class)
•Perception +7 (1 Rank, +1 Wis, +3 Class, +2 Racial)
•Stealth +7 (1 Rank, +3 Dex, +3 Class, +2 Racial, -2 ACP)
•Survival +5 (1 Rank, +1 Wis, +3 Class)(+1 to follow tracks)
Background Skills:
•Handle Animal +6 (1 Rank, +2 Cha, +3 Class)
•Linguistics +7 (1 Rank, +2 Int, +4 Racial)
•Perform (Oratory) +3 (1 Rank, +2 Cha, +3 Class, +1 Trait)

Special Abilities:
Master of Terrain A warden selects his first favored terrain.

Favored Terrain (Cold: +2) The ranger gains a +2 bonus on initiative checks and Knowledge (geography), Perception, Stealth, and Survival skill checks when he is in this terrain. A ranger traveling through his favored terrain normally leaves no trail and cannot be tracked (though he may leave a trail if he so chooses).

Track (+1) A ranger adds half his level to Survival skill checks made to follow tracks.

Wild Empathy A ranger can improve the initial attitude of an animal. To use wild empathy, the ranger and the animal must be within 30 feet of one another under normal visibility conditions. Generally, influencing an animal in this way takes 1 minute, but, as with influencing people, it might take more or less time.

•Lamellar (Leather) (25 lbs)
•Bastard Sword (6 lbs)
•Throwing Axe (x4) (8 lbs)

Other Gear
•Traveler's Outfit (-)
•Backpack (2 lbs)
•Belt Pouch (.5 lbs)
•Blanket (3 lbs)
•Bedroll (5 lbs)
•Flint and Steel (-)
•Waterskin (4 lbs)
•Trail Rations (x4) (4 lbs)
•Journal (1 lb)
•Inkpen (-)
•Ink (Black) (-)
•Tiny Cage (5 lbs)
•Rat (1 lb)

Total Weight: 61.5 lbs/66 lbs (Light)
Wealth: 15 gp 2 sp 9 cp

Her parents were silk merchants who began raising her in Magnimar. She knew that her father had once been bodyguard to Chekirum (Autocrat of Kwanlai), but had been exiled from Kwanlai and Tian Xia after he failed to protect the Chekirum and his son took over. Mezh (Rochiipu's father) took his wife to the other side of the world. There, they used their connections from Tian Xia, to set up a successful silk trade. Later, when Rochiipu was three years old, Mezh and Tetappu left Magnimar, leaving most of their belongings behind. Rochiipu did not understand why. A day from Sandpoint, Rochiipu's parents became extremely frightened and made her hide, promising not to come out until they came for her. After a full day, she broke that promise and came back to the campsite, where her parents lay dead. She wandered there in the road for some time--she had no idea how long--before someone found her and took her to Sandpoint where Koya began to care for her. Koya made sure she got tutoring, but Rochiipu skipped out on her tutors whenever the Varisian caravans came through with entertainment. She especially loved the singing. She tried putting on her own shows for other children in Sandpoint in a makeshift amphitheater at the edge of the forest. Most of her acts were terrible, but she found that she really enjoyed and was fairly good at storytelling. She gave up the singing and other things and began to throw herself into it, and loved it. She even designed costumes, including a replica of Tyrrel's armor--her favorite hero from the stories--which she took to wearing around even when she wasn't doing a show. But there were some incidents where the kids who had never grown to like her came and began throwing bugs, rocks and rotten fruit, telling her to fly away. She persisted despite this. She also found that the subject of history really interested her, as it was one long story connected from beginning to end. She especially paid attention to anything about Tian Xia, trying to piece together the things she knew about her parents into some sort of narrative that made sense.

Despite her frequent shows, Rochiipu hadn't made any real friends. There were a few admirers, and some enemies, but most children were just acquaintances who showed up occasionally. After some time, Rochiipu even began upgrading her amphitheater. During one show, when Rochiipu had become 10, things became really bad, and a girl named Hilgi--she was from the far South of Golarian--came to Rochiipu's defense. Though both girls were chased away, lifelong friends were made. This was the beginning of Rochiipu growing up. Stories had always had some of the exotic, but not like Hilgi. Through Hilgi, Rochiipu came to really appreciate personal stories.

The two began to explore the forest, and Rochiipu stopped performing her impromptu shows. She continued to tell stories to Hilgi as they wandered the forest and learned what was there. Rochiipu took to it with amazing speed. She spent more and more time out there, even without Hilgi. Then the recent unpleasantness came.

Rochiipu retreated to the only place she had felt safe. She tried to convince Koya to come with her, and they could get far away. Of course Koya would not leave. Rochiipu went out to the forest, but stayed nearby, living off the land. That was how she'd almost gotten herself killed. She was attacked in the forest with little knowledge or ability to defend herself. Rochiipu ran, but the monster caught up quickly. That was when Shalelu appeared. She quickly dispatched the monster and made sure Rochiipu was alright before walkign Rochiipu back to Koya's. Rochiipu resolved then to learn how to defend herself. She began training on her own, and it did not go well. Eventually she went to Freider, a recent arrival in Sandpoint, who, after much convincing, finally agreed to train her. By then, the unpleasantness was over, but Rochiipu studied hard regardless. She never wanted to be caught unawares again.

Character Questions:
What would somebody see at first glance (i.e. height, weight, skin color, eye color, hair color, physique, race, and visible equipment)?

Black feathers, gold eyes, 4' 1" with a sword nearly as big as her. Wrapped in dark blue cloth, a couple small axes at her belt. Tengu. Unseen, but wiry physique.

What additional attributes would be noticed upon meeting the character (i.e. Speech, mannerisms)?

Speaks in an odd, precise way. Walks standing straight, using all of her height. Watching people with interest. When she's asking your story, fully focused on you.

Where was your character born?


Where were you raised?


By who?


Who are your parents?

Silk merchants, born in Tian but living exiled in Magnimar. Tetappu and Mezh. Mezh was the Chekirum's body guard, but failed to protect him. After the assassination, the new Chekirum, the old one's son, exiled Mezh. They came to Magnimar

Are they alive?


What do they do for a living?

Silk merchants

Do you have any other family or friends?

Family: Unknown, Koya; Friends: Sandru, Hilgi

What is your character’s marital status?




What is your character’s moral code?

Protect people, and their stories

Does your character have goals?

Yes, Wants to learn every story in the world, as well as all the languages. She realizes this is impossible, but will try anyway. More realistically, she wants to find her parents story. She knows very little of their history and how/why they were killed. All she knows is that they were running from Magnimar in fear just before it happened.

Is your character religious?

Kind of. She worships Ghaaremmezhtulum, or the Story Father. This is a god that she has kind of made up. There are no stories of him because he suppresses them, knowing that stories give people power over the subjects. There are a few faithful that he gives his secrets to. For the most part she keeps this to herself and simply follows "his tenants," which are mostly her own.

What are your character’s personal beliefs?

Stories are sacred. This covers everything from personal histories to favorite folktales. Stories also have power over the listener, the teller and the subject. The Story Father uses the stories of the other deities and the rest of the world to be the real power behind the scenes.

Does your character have any personality quirks (i.e. anti-social, arrogant, optimistic, paranoid)?

Very precise in speech and questions. Loves to tell and hear stories. Romantic (as in idealistic, etc), Excited about some of the strangest things if their new. She also tends to slip in and out of other languages without thinking about the understanding of others. She is pretty good about correcting herself afterward, but some find it annoying.

Why does your character adventure?

To seek out the best stories and meet new people and do new things.

How does your character view his/her role as an adventurer?

With excitement and an optimistic view of the future, but also with seriousness when it comes to protecting people.

Does your character have any distinguishing marks (birth-marks, scars, deformities)?


How does your character get along with others?

Pretty well. Likes other people, and pretty open with them, expecting openness from them and giving the benefit of the doubt. Cannot stand people who refuse to treat others with respect. She usually will make some sort of attempt to get them to understand how important this is, and if the violation is serious enough and they ignore her "recommendations" she can become extremely angry.

Is there anything that your character hates?

As above, disrespect. Also, determined ignorance of other cultures. One that particularly follows her is that a lot of people believe she likes to eat bugs because she is birdlike.

Is there anything that your character fears?

Being disrespectful, and ignorantly insensitive of other cultures is a constant worry, so she comes off unsure when encountering a new situation, or people. As for real fears, she is slightly claustrophobic, though not disablingly so. However given two choices, she will always choose more space. In addition she won't admit it, but the idea of flying terrifies her. Heights are fine as long as there's something to grab onto nearby, but flying in the open is terrifying.

20 Questions:

1. What emotion best describes your character? Find one primary emotion your character expresses. Try to use a colorful, specific word to describe it. For instance, instead of “angry” you might say “vengeful” or “raging,” or instead of happy you might say “cheerful” or “exalting.”


2. What emotion does your character evoke in others? How do others react to you? Do you impress, scare, calm, excite, or perhaps annoy? Again try to find the most specific term you can. Is this reaction different between friends and enemies?

People feel generally comfortable with her because of her calm acceptance and focus on individuals. However, she can pry to much which causes others to feel harassed.

3. What does your character need most? If your character had everything he or she needed, why go on an adventure? Most people’s needs are fairly universal, although they can change over time. Common needs are survival, security, companionship, esteem, romance, family, or wisdom. Consider what your character’s starting needs are, and where you want them to be by the end of the adventure or campaign. It helps to establish this need with the GM, to ensure it fits with the themes of the game.

Closure. She knows her parents, barely. And knows so little of what happened to them and why.

4. What is your character’s goal in life? This should be the principle, underlying motivation for everything your character thinks, says, and does. If your character were lying on the brink of death, what makes him or her cling to life? What could your character lose that he or she would consider worse than death? This goal is often broad, and sometimes unachievable. Whatever the nature of the goal, it should be something your character can strive for his or her entire life. The best goals are ones that can be threatened, as they will help create more compelling adventures. Ideas include justice, revenge, protecting loved ones, redeeming one’s self, or gaining some kind of power. When you think of something, ask yourself “why?” to make sure it isn’t because of some larger, more important goal.

Protect stories and cultures of everyone.

5. How does your character believe this goal can be accomplished? Because the goal can often be ideological, the method to achieving it is sometimes equally insubstantial. Your character’s methods should be strongly tied to beliefs (or lack of beliefs), and primarily be a decision of lifestyle. A character bent on revenge might consider perfecting a fighting discipline, while a character devoted to a cause might consider a religious or philosophical doctrine.

Talk to people, and find out their stories (personal or otherwise), listening completely when she does. Tell stories often. Protect people so their stories can go on. Investigate "lost" stories/mysteries. Learn about the cultures of people different from herself. Teach about these cultures. Embrace cultural ceremonies.

6. Where did your character come from? Consider your character’s initial roots, before he or she was a teenager. These times are what shape your character the most. Who were your parents? Where did you live? What was your family’s economic and social status? How were you educated? What were the three most important lessons you learned?

Her parents were silk merchants who began raising her in Magnimar. She knew that her father had once been bodyguard to Chekirum (Autocrat of Kwanlai), but had been exiled from Kwanlai and Tian Xia after he failed to protect the Chekirum and his son took over. Mezh (Rochiipu's father) took his wife to the other side of the world. There, they used their connections from Tian Xia, to set up a successful silk trade. Later, when Rochiipu was three years old, Mezh and Tetappu left Magnimar, leaving most of their belongings behind. Rochiipu did not understand why. A day from Sandpoint, Rochiipu's parents became extremely frightened and made her hide, promising not to come out until they came for her. After a full day, she broke that promise and came back to the campsite, where her parents lay dead. She wandered there in the road for some time--she had no idea how long--before someone found her and took her to Sandpoint where Koya began to care for her. Koya made sure she got tutoring, but Rochiipu skipped out on her tutors whenever the Varisian caravans came through with entertainment. She especially loved the singing. She tried putting on her own shows for other children in Sandpoint in a makeshift amphitheater at the edge of the forest. Most of her acts were terrible, but she found that she really enjoyed and was fairly good at storytelling. She gave up the singing and other things and began to throw herself into it, and loved it. She even designed costumes, including a replica of Tyrrel's armor--her favorite hero from the stories--which she took to wearing around even when she wasn't doing a show. But there were some incidents where the kids who had never grown to like her came and began throwing bugs, rocks and rotten fruit, telling her to fly away. She persisted despite this. She also found that the subject of history really interested her, as it was one long story connected from beginning to end. She especially paid attention to anything about Tian Xia, trying to piece together the things she knew about her parents into some sort of narrative that made sense. The three most important lessons were 1) Death comes to everyone eventually, 2) Stories bring people together, 3) People can be really terrible.

7. When did you grow up? Everyone begins taking responsibility for their own lives at different times and in different ways. Describe the events related to when your character started taking care of him- or herself.

Despite her frequent shows, Rochiipu hadn't made any real friends. There were a few admirers, and some enemies, but most children were just acquaintances who showed up occasionally. After some time, Rochiipu even began upgrading her amphitheater. During one show, when Rochiipu had become 10, things became really bad, and a girl named Hilgi--she was from the far South of Golarian--came to Rochiipu's defense. Though both girls were chased away, lifelong friends were made. This was the beginning of Rochiipu growing up. Stories had always had some of the exotic, but not like Hilgi. Through Hilgi, Rochiipu came to really appreciate personal stories.

The two began to explore the forest, and Rochiipu stopped performing her impromptu shows. She continued to tell stories to Hilgi as they wandered the forest and learned what was there. Rochiipu took to it with amazing speed. She spent more and more time out there, even without Hilgi. Then the recent unpleasantness came.

Rochiipu retreated to the only place she had felt safe. She tried to convince Koya to come with her, and they could get far away. Of course Koya would not leave. Rochiipu went out to the forest, but stayed nearby, living off the land. That was how she'd almost gotten herself killed. She was attacked in the forest with little knowledge or ability to defend herself. Rochiipu ran, but the monster caught up quickly. That was when Shalelu appeared. She quickly dispatched the monster and made sure Rochiipu was alright before walkign Rochiipu back to Koya's. Rochiipu resolved then to learn how to defend herself. She began training on her own, and it did not go well. Eventually she went to Freider, a recent arrival in Sandpoint, who, after much convincing, finally agreed to train her. By then, the unpleasantness was over, but Rochiipu studied hard regardless. She never wanted to be caught unawares again.

8. What values does your character hold? Name three things your character considers sacred, and three things he or she is ideologically opposed to. These things will usually stem from a combination of your goals and your personal history. Consider especially where the values came from. Was your character taught these values? Did they develop as a reaction to something your character considered noble or diabolical? Establish lines that your character will not cross in pursuit of his or her goal to add challenge to playing your character.

Sacred: Others' ceremonies and traditions, a person's history, life
Opposed: Murder, Desecration of others' sacred sites/relics/ceremonies, Slavery
No matter what else, the sacred must be preserved and respected. This does include those of evil deities. The only exception is when one sacred thing tries to destroy another, (such as enslaving the whole world, destroying people, etc.). But if a sacrifice to Asmodean is a willing sacrifice, and not one stolen, then as much as it galls her, she feels it must happen--though she will try to get and preserve that person's story beforehand.

9. How does your character dress? Start generally with an overall statement of the quality of your character’s appearance, such as projected social status, trade, common activities, or how groomed or slovenly your character is. Begin to hone in on telling details, especially those things that most people take for granted. How exactly does your character style his or her hair? What decorative articles does your character wear, such as jewelry, decorated buttons or buckles, a belt, gloves, etc. One especially telling detail is footwear. Describe in detail what your character wears on his or her feet, including cut, tightness or looseness, heel height, sole hardness or softness, lacing/buckling/tying or lack thereof, toe shape (square, round, pointed…?), color, material, shininess, cleanliness, repair or disrepair, and any other details you can think of.

Rochiipu does not have the tengu penchant for shiny things. Instead, she avoids them entirely because she's tired of the stereotype. Her clothing is mostly plain, though, both sets of clothing she owns are dyed a deep blue, and well worn. She does not let herself look slovenly, but staying in the forest most nights leads her to go some time without bathing or washing her clothing. She wears loose clothing wrapped around her, covering most of her body. On most occasions, she wears no shoes. Though she does own a pair of boots for special occasions.

10. What are your character’s means? Consider all the resources your character has. This should include material resources such as money and property, social resources such as friends and allies, and personal resources such as skill, courage, strength, wits, etc. It might help to make a list of all your character’s resources that he or she might use to overcome adversity. Consider challenges like fights, puzzles, traveling, persuading (and being persuaded), and any others.

She is not in very high in social standing. There are some in Sandpoint who look back on her performances fondly, but she still only has the one friend, Hilgi, her adopted brother, Sanduru, and her foster mother, Koya. Mostly, she is ignored and she is fine with that. As for material means, she has made some amount of money guiding people through the nearby forests for various reasons. This was a job that she almost fell into while travelling at one time. She doesn't own any property, nor does she really care to. Everything she owns, she carries with her in her backpack. Most of problems Rochiipu would approach with attempts at diplomacy (though she's not great at it), and appeals to reason. She also would be quick to turn to her knowledge of history, folk tales and the natural world for solutions. Finally, if none of those work, her years spent wandering the wilderness have left her strong and agile. Rochiipu will not shrink from using force to get through an obstacle, as long as the goal is worthy of the means according to the above values.

11. What are your character’s personal tastes? Name at least three things your character enjoys for no reason other than personal preference. A good place to start is with each of the five senses. Consider a sound, smell, taste, feeling, or sight that is uniquely pleasing to your character. Also consider activities such as hobbies or habits. Name three things your character dislikes, as well.

She loves singing and songs, though she can't do them herself. Regardless she'll sing if she's on her own or around those she's most comfortable with. Sandru often teases her with false compliments of her singing in front of others to try to get her to sing for them.

She also loves mushrooms, and will seek them out whenever she can. Especially for a mushroom soup.

Finally, Rochiipu holds a special place in her heart for Sylvan. The way it runs through her mouth always makes her smile.

Rochiipu dislikes silk clothing. It feels so unnatural to her. She also dislikes cats, they are too fickle and always unsettle her. For food, Rochiipu dislikes nuts. They're too crunchy and leave little pieces in the back of her throat that make her cough too much.

12. What are your character’s opinions? Decide upon at least three major aspects of local society and your character’s opinion on them. This could be generalizations such as rich or poor people, more specific areas like a particular political or religious group, or very specific things like a prominent individual or an aspect of the character’s job. Check with your GM for relevant things in the campaign to have opinions about.

People need to travel more (even though she hasn't really herself yet). The Varisian nomads are not near as bad as people think they are. Shalelu is a real hero, like Tyrrel.

13. What is your character’s comfort zone? What environment, activity, or mindset puts your character at ease? This can add a lot of color to your character during stressful moments, as he or she will have a place to go or a thing to do at these times. It helps to have a comfort zone broken up into the above parts so at least some of it is portable.

Around a fire telling and listening to stories is where Rochiipu's most comfortable. But beyond that, she also gets great comfort from studying from and writing in her journal, in which she usually keeps notes of things she's learning or finds interesting (not so much as a recording of her day to day activities).

14. Who has had the biggest impact on your character’s life? Name and briefly describe at least one person who had a significant impact on how your character perceives the world today. You can name more than one, but they should each reflect different aspects of your character’s beliefs. Use this as a reference point when your character has to make difficult decisions (i.e., “What would so-and-so do?”).

Hilgi expanded Rochiipu's vision to be able to focus on people outside herself and her culture.

Koya taught Rochiipu how to love learning, reading and knowledge.

Shalelu was really cool (Rochiipu's thoughts) and made Rochiipu want to kind of be like her.

Sandru taught Rochiipu how to have fun while going through life.

15. What are some of your character’s unexpected quirks? Name three things that are unexpected about the way your character behaves, such as things that go against his or her normal social status, age, or trade. How about three unexpected talents or abilities like being able to sing, or knowing some trivial knowledge, or being good at math? Three things your character can’t do that most other people can such as whistling, swimming, or reading well? How about three things your character fears, such as heights, dogs, or insects?

Ranger: does not generally hunt
Tengu: dislikes shiny jewelry etc.
Age: Already a Polyglot

Unexpected Talents or abilities: Strong, she is small and doesn't look it, but she is very strong; History, knows a lot about history; Unexpectedly good at linguistics

Unexpected disabilities: Sing (not that most people can, but she's particularly bad at it); whistle (this is a little less

16. What kind of story does your character belong in? Who are the characters your character interacts with? What settings does he or she inhabit? What themes are important? What conflicts does your character face? These things are important to understand so your GM can create adventures that will engage your character, and so you will have a better chance at getting along with your fellow players’ characters.

A wonder story with subgenres of mystery and adventure. This essentially means that she'd fit well in a story where most of it is exploration and finding cool, exotic things, with a bit of mystery and adventure mixed in. She would mix in best with people not like her. If the party were mostly like her, the story could get really boring. She has the best potential to have a fascinating relationship with someone who's xenophobic, but she's forced to travel with. Her compunction to learn about people and their stories would war with her dislike of that persons xenophobic nature. Eventually she could come to some sort of understanding that could give them a great respect for each other.

17. What role does your character fill? Roleplaying is all about the ensemble cast. Make sure you fill a unique role in the party, and you aren’t stepping on anyone else’s toes. Consider your role in the interpersonal relations of the party, your role in combat, what skills your character is best at, and what thematic note your character hits.

She fits the guide perfectly, in that she can hopefully guide the people through both exotic areas and cultures as well as the wilderness. As for a combat role, she is a bit of a heavy hitter and strategist. Most of her combat will be, "hit it hard, hit it a lot." with a little bit of dodge and move as necessary.

18. What should the other players know about your character? These should be major thematic points, your character’s general emotion (if it isn’t secret), potential surprises or areas that might be difficult, and any other pertinent information. Also start sketching out potential interactions, such as another character you might go to for help (or who might go to you for help), or someone you’ll probably butt heads with. Getting these things out in the open is important to ensure there aren’t unpleasant surprises.

Anyone who's been in Sandpoint long will at least know of, if they haven't attended, Rochiipu's shows. They'd also know she's stopped. Since then she hasn't been seen in town as often. When she is in town she visits her foster mother, Koya. They'd mostly know her by the nickname "Roach." When she's seen, she's generally pleasant and friendly. She will be exceptionally open, sometimes this may cause problems in her not wanting to kill or even stop certain enemies (those who pose merely an inconvenience. Also, she will ask a lot of questions of her companions. Sometimes uncomfortable ones. She'd probably go to the most exotic character for any help she'd need. She'd also probably try to spend most of her time with that character. She'd butt heads with any xenophobic characters, but could possibly build a better relationship with them than any of the others.

19. What is your play style? Do you like heavy character immersion, or attention to detail in the rules, or perhaps you’re especially goal-oriented? Maybe you’re a bit competitive. Do you prefer lots of colorful descriptions, or a quicker framework understanding of situations? Do you speak in your character’s voice? You may not even be aware of your own play style. Keep this in mind as you play so you can better communicate with your fellow players about the direction of the party as a whole, and the course of the adventure. This also helps your GM understand your personal needs at the gaming table.

I like to really immerse myself in my character and write descriptions of their actions. I rarely, if ever, write out thoughts, as I'd like to try to just show what they would see and know for more natural interaction. I will make decisions based on my characters knowledge, abilities and values. Sometimes they are bad decisions and I know it, but can't see any way that my character would do anything different with what they have. However, I do try to keep these (as best I can) to decisions that only affect me, or have minimal impact on the other players. When in battle, I try to pay attention to the rules, and do a fairly good job, but I'm no rules lawyer.

20. How do you want your character to die? Your character won’t live forever, although you might not play him or her to the end. If you had your choice of deaths for your character, what would it be? Death of old age, having survived through all his or her trials? Perhaps a bloody, violent death? A noble sacrifice? Happenstance? It can also provide an unusual layer of texture to your roleplaying, as you have a better understanding of your character’s fate. It will also tell you if your character is a tragic or heroic one. Finally, it can help your GM in resolving conflicts in-game if he or she has an idea of your comfort zone with threats to your character’s life.

If I had my choice for Rochiipu, it would probably be in some exotic location, after she has managed one misinformed action after another that spirals out of control until she is either sentenced to die for breaking some sacred law she didn't know about, or challenged to a duel for offending some key figure in their culture.

Alternatively, I'd like her to grow up and maybe set out to become Ghaaremmezhtulum, eventually succeeding.

GM Questions:

-Who are you and how are you doing?

Hi! I'm Ben, I work a cushy job in medical equipment quality control, and I'm going to school in my free time to become a teacher, lastly, but probably most importantly, I'm a writer and a conlanger (I enjoy inventing and playing with languages). I'm doing much better than about a year ago. I had an incident that pulled me from the boards, but now I'm trying to get back with only a few games.

-How often do you tend to post?

Right now, the only other game I'm in is one with some RL friends spread across the country. We post once every couple days, but that works for us since we know each other IRL. Before my incident, I posted a minimum of once a day, though usually four or five. I expect my post rate to be once or twice a day at this point, but this would be the first regular game I've joined in quite some time, so it's somewhat unknown.

-What kind of tone are you looking for in this game?

I'd prefer to be with some serious roleplayers, but can really handle anything. One of the big reasons I applied for this game in particular is that I have really wanted to play Jade Regent for quite some time. I love the idea of the travel and being able to enter Tian Xia. I'd love something that played up the exoticism of this, but really I'm quite easy. These are only my preferences. Above all, what I'm looking for is to play the game and have fun bringing my character to life.

Lastly, just as a note for you, I will be actually constructing some of the languages Rochiipu ends up speaking, I have links to where I'm constructing it for my use. You are welcome to use those too if you want. I'd also be happy to just translate things if you want, but I don't actually expect anyone else to be enough of a language nerd to make you or them use my (or any) language stuff. If you want to just write gibberish, that's fine (though I'll probably try to make it make sense within my own documents).

-What do you expect out of your fellow players?

First and foremost, I expect them to not be a jerk. That's the number one game killer I've seen, is someone who just doesn't care. Sure, their characters may be (and I expect there may be at least one jerky character in the group, which can make for some fun play), but players should not. Also important, I'd like them to have more interaction with the world and each other than "I hit it." or "I follow along." Other than that, I'd love to have other immersive roleplayers, but that's not a necessity. Just something that adds to the already fun game.

-What do you expect out of me (the GM)?

I've seen some of your games before, and really, I expect you to be you. I enjoyed what I've seen of your GM style and style period. More specifically. I expect you to be fair, and work together with us to create a world we can all engage in.

-What is your comfort zone? Where's the line for you in RP terms?

I'm a writer and heavy reader. My comfort zone is pretty wide. However, since this is open to whomever, I kind of expect to keep things PG to low PG-13, unless everyone else wants it otherwise. For me, I'd probably fade to black on anything past that, suggesting what happened after that.

-How do you see your character progressing as a character?

Well, she's going to focus a good portion of her extra skill points in knowledge type stuff (particularly Linguistics, History, Local, Lore (Folk Lore), Geography and Nature), though not to the detriment of more adventure useful skills. I'd like to eventually slip into the Horizon Walker Prestige Class, as I think it would be a good fit. As for character wise, I'd like her to grow a little more world wise. Right now she's fascinated with the "other," thinking their so different and wonderful. While some of her actions will still be the same, I'd like her to eventually realize more of the "we're the same." In addition, I see her getting kind of Jaded sometime in the middle and losing her romantic bent for a time before finally figuring things out and throwing herself back into it whole-heartedly.