Rixion's page

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I 100% hope the fights are not that easy when my group gets to them. I couldn't think of anything more anti-climactic than a 2-3 round final boss fight from the exploitation of mechanics. A Balor that is afraid of one PC...I would be heavily altering future fights at that point.

I have another question, maybe I am overlooking something. The bestiary contains random encounters for traversing the worldwound to Drezen. If you have your troops with you, how would that work? The encounters all seem to be made to face the party, not an army.

Thanks for the insight! Yes I am a DM, and I am getting ready to start Worldwound Incursion, but my SoV just came in the mail and I was just trying to read ahead to get a feel for the story as a whole. Redemption was just one of those things I was a little hazy on since it seem like less of a mechanic and more of a roleplay reward. Which is nifty, and I just wanted to get an idea of how to implement it smoothly. It looked like it might be too easy if you just had the party face buff their CHA or Diplomacy way up and and just turn every cult leader, etc, to the good side with even the slightest bit of roleplay.

I was just curious if I could get some clarification on the Redemption rules here, and ill use an example from an encounter in SoV...

Just choosing a random baddy, the Barbarian Jesta. So you can in theory Redeem anyone who doesn't have the evil subtype or is specified that they are just too evil. Well a CE Barbarian seems like one of the toughest. What exactly initiate a redemption? Is there an initial diplomacy to convince her to start righting her ways? Do you just leave it as a prize for good PC role playing. And then once on the path, she would still be evil for awhile while working on preforming good acts to move up tiers. In which case how would you role play a CE NE or LE character as a DM preferring good choices over bad (per situation) when that have assuming been living an evil lifestyle. "Jesta sheepishly helps the old lady across the street, trying to keep her eyes off the woman's purse."

The main question here being how to initiate a path of redemption with an NPC, especially one that is originally hostile.