
Riven Cassel's page

No posts. Organized Play character for GambitXD.

Grand Lodge

Hey Guys,

I've heard people around here talk about buying art of their characters, and it seems like something I'm interested in doing. However, I can't seem to find any artists anywhere who offer commissions for characters because I don't know where I should look to find them.

Does anybody know of any high-quality, affordable artists who can draw commissions of peoples characters? How about any sites/groups where I can find them?

Grand Lodge

I'm interested in making an Elf character for PFS PbPing sometime soon, but I can't find any language or script that I could use as Elvish. I looked up some Sindarin and Tengwar script translators, but they don't seem to be compatible at all with BBCode; the text just shows up as a bunch of random numbers and symbols.

Does anybody know of any LOTR Elvish script translators that would work here on the messageboards? And if not, what's the language that people typically use here as a substitute for Elvish?

Grand Lodge

Hey guys. First time poster here.

I'm a long-time Pathfinder, and slightly new to PFS, but I've only recently begun to consider giving PbP a try. It would work well for me, as there hasn't been that much PFS going on in my area. However, I do have a few questions before I start:

1. In PFS PbP Scenarios, are we allowed to use characters we've played in PFS irl? And if so, are there any requirements to use them?

2. Can PbP characters be played at actual PFS events? And if so, does the XP gained here count as XP for irl PFS. For instance, if I had a 1st level character, and he earns 6 XP on the boards, can I play him as a 3rd level character at my local game store?

3. Are there any other special rules or requirements for PFS on the boards?

Thanks in advance, and I'd appreciate all the help I can get.