Riptide Pulls the Kelp's page

No posts. Organized Play character for avagdu.

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Looking at the list in Section 1 of the Community Use Approved Product List (, the digital adventures are not listed as available for Community Use. Is this perhaps an oversight? In many ways, these are almost identical to the Society Scenarios which are covered under this policy.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber


Each time I attempt to purchase the items in my cart, when I attempt to change from "Sidecart" to ship separately, the Golem "The requested URL was not found on this server, or you do not have permission to access this area." error appears.

I have tried on Edge (Chromium) and Chrome, both in regular and incognito windows, as well as on Safari on my iPhone. I have signed out and back in on all three browsers.

Thank you for your help!

Dark Archive

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Gotta take a look at this at some point, but I have to say that a lot of the examples in this blog feel -very- niche.
(How often you get to shoot stuff from a high vantage point, or how often you fall down in combat to a position where you can still take part in the fight, to justify spending resources on making you better at those things?)

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I purchased PDFs of three pawn boxes today (PF1 Bestiary, PF1 Bestiary 3, and PF1 Bestiary 4). I was able to download the latter two, but the first box will not download. When I click the link, it goes to "Personalizing..." but never advances further. I have tried in multiple browsers, signed in and out, tried in a private window, and have clicked the "Refresh Downloads" button.

The link that I am clicking is talAsset?digitalAsset=v5748cbhjka2u&downloadPackage=v5748q6o1pofw&_ r=true.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Hello -

I am unable to access my cart; whenever I try, I receive the

You’ve reached this page due to an error on The web team has been notified and are working to fix the issue.

I have been receiving this since I made my last purchase on March 18, and I think most of the items showing in my cart (with the exception of the Starfinder Core Rulebook Pawn collection and Alien Archive Pawn Box PDFs) was actually in the purchase on March 18.

I have tried multiple browsers, cleared the cache, and loaded in a private/incognito browser window and am unable to access this. Could someone please remove the items from my cart with the exception of the pawns above?


Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber


Question regarding Skitter Home (and actually Skitter Crash as well, since I just noticed the difference between Skitter Shot and the latter two): Are we allowed to use our own Skittermander characters for SFS play? Skitter Shot has language that allows this, but neither Skitter Crash nor Skitter Home do.


Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I tend to use Roll20 for all of my games currently, and am still running/playing a lot of PF1. Their Compendium for PF1 appears to be pulling from D20PFSRD, and is woefully incomplete; it doesn't include a lot of data after the CRB.

Would it be possible for Paizo to work with Roll20 and AoN to use the data from AoNPRD (as the official PRD) to populate the Roll20 Compendium? If assistance would be needed with getting this done, I'm more than willing to volunteer my time.

4/5 ** Venture-Lieutenant, California—Sacramento

I was going through my Starfinder Adventure Path sanctioning documents last night, and I noticed that the only chronicle for a level 1-2 character that does not have the Repeatable Tag is "Fire Starters". Is this expected, or is "Fire Starters" supposed to be repeatable?

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Hello -

Since Sunday evening, I have been attempting to place an order (I was trying to take advantage of the PaizoCon 2020 coupon code). I get the items into my cart, then attempt to start checkout, and I get the behavior shown in this video.

Once this starts occurring, I cannot load my cart or make purchases. If I sign out and back in, I can access my cart again, but all of the items that were in my cart are missing. I have tried this on Chrome and Safari on both macOS Catalina and iOS 13. I was thinking that it was occurring because I added a couple back-ordered items to my cart, but I am able to recreate the behavior without those two items.

Here is a list of the URLs and product identifiers I'm attempting to order: KCGPFPGOB o KCGPFPLOGO hive KCGPFSDAR dge KCGPFSGRA (2) -Edge KCGPFSLIB ange KCGPFSEXC ages KCGPFSSCA UPI18214 (2 purple, 1 red, 1 blue) ure-Kobold-Devilspeaker WZK72052-8-01-PR ure-Konkrud PZOWZKPM0002 ure-Goblin-Raider WZK71744 KCGSFSKIT-B (2) KCGSFSKIT-G KCGSFSKIT-P (2) KCGSFSKIT-R (2) ians KCGSFSEXO es KCGSFSDAT ives KCGSFSACQ (2) t-Silver-Skull KCGFPSIL


I would really like to be able to place this order, and hope that I can still use the discount code.

Thank you!

PS: If this should be in the Website feedback page, please let me know, and I'll move it over.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

For my final project for my degree, I am creating an app that will only be used for this course, and I would like to use the official colors for items in this app. I know that I can open the Starfinder logo in GIMP and get an approximate rendering of the hex values for the colors, but I would prefer to use the colors that Paizo uses.

Would it be possible to get the following hex values?
- Dark blue
- Light blue
- Orange
- Red

I know there are gradients in use in the products, but my app will be using the base colors only.


Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I had $60 worth of store credit on this order, yet it appears to have processed the full order amount on my credit card instead. Could we please adjust the amount charged to use the store credit?

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber


I am missing scenario 7-99 Through Maelstrom Rift from my digital assets. I am currently a 4 star GM for PFS, as well as being a Venture Agent. This is currently the only special that is not in my assets; I have all three of the Bonekeep specials, 6-98, 6-99, and 7-98. Could I please have 7-99 added to my assets?


Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Hello -

I have some convention vouchers that I would like to use for this order, but I'm not seeing any way to do this, nor when I attempt to add something to the order via Sidecart.

Is there a way I can do this?

4/5 ** Venture-Lieutenant, California—Sacramento

Note: As this is about the Organized Play ID Card, I'm posting it in the Organized Play boards. If it should be posted elsewhere, please move it to the correct location.

The current Organized Play ID Card is beautiful in its simplicity, but needs some work, especially if you are downloading a sheet of cards for use at a convention or FLGS. Basically, there should be some sort of border around each card, so that you can easily ensure that you are cutting the cards to be the same size. I do not believe that the change would take much to implement, but would have a huge impact on making them easier to use.

I just hit my first nova, and am two tables away from my fourth star, and would love to have the borders available for when I print out my new card.

4/5 ** Venture-Lieutenant, California—Sacramento

I'm getting ready to run this for a local convention this weekend, and I want to verify something for playing the lower subtier.

In Area B, if you are playing 12-13, there are no glabrezus, which means that the "Thurl's Preparations" sidebar on page 20 for Area C4 will never happen in the lower subtier, right?

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I am attempting to download Bonekeep level 1 from My Downloads. When I click the link, the asset disappears from my list. If I then reload the page, the asset appears again, but if I attempt to download it, the cycle starts over.

Does anyone have any suggestions on how I can download this?

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

On Tuesday, I received an email stating that my CC was declined for this order, which includes subscription content, as well as quite a few maps.

The maps were transferred from another order, and was set to use store credit. My CC shows the authorization hold from the subscription order, but I am not authorizing the remaining amount on the CC, as it is supposed to use store credit.

When I view the order, it shows that the store credit is being applied, but an additional amount greater than is needed is being authorized on the CC. I would like to have the order manually pushed through with the payments as displayed in my order.

Thank you.

4/5 ** Venture-Lieutenant, California—Sacramento

My search-fu is failing me, and I'm unable to find any information on this.

I have scheduled the four We Be Goblins! modules to be run at the store I am the coordinator for. All of the games are running with 4-6 players, so the four pregens included aren't enough for everyone to have something.

I know Paizo released Bisbee and Smuz for We B4 Goblins! ( Bad-Home), and they were used when we ran that, but I am not seeing anything that states whether or not we ran it legally. Additionally, I don't see any similar pregens for the remaining three modules.

I see that PFSPrep has a couple additional pregens, but they're not legal for use, per my VL. Are there any officially sanctioned additional pregens for the entire We Be Goblins! line?

4/5 ** Venture-Lieutenant, California—Sacramento

I have two boons on my character, one that allows me to be a Grippli, and one that allows me to use a Giant Frog as a mount, if I have the Divine Bond or mount class feature. Since my Grippli is a ranger, is the Hunter's Bond class feature the same as the Divine Bond class feature, thus allowing me to use a Giant Frog as a mount/animal companion?

Boon Text:
You spurn commonplace mounts for a creature better suited to your personality and your culture’s traditions. If you have the divine bond or mount class feature, instead of choosing an animal companion from the list provided in the class description, you may instead call a mount from the list below so long as you are a member of the corresponding race. You must actually be a member of the listed race; the adopted trait or similar abilities do not grant you access to another race’s traditional mount. If the animal companion statistics for your race’s mount are found in a source beyond the Core Assumption, the source is listed below. You must bring a copy of the listed book to all games in which you use the selected animal companion as though access to the animal companion came from the Additional Resources list.

4/5 ** Venture-Lieutenant, California—Sacramento

Recently, we had the following happen at one of our local stores for the weekly game day, and it caused a discussion that the local cadre would like to get the opinion of the hive mind, or a post that states whether or not this is acceptable.

Three players were signed up for a scenario (7-28), and there was a walk-in to make the table a legal 4-player table. One of the players signed up was a no-show, which left the table back at three, plus a pregen. During play two of the players realized they had played the scenario previously.

Per the Pathfinder Society Roleplaying Guild Guide, page 7:

Pathfinder Society Roleplaying Guild Guide wrote:


You can receive credit—a Chronicle sheet with the adventure’s rewards—once for playing an adventure and once for running the same adventure as a GM, regardless of how many times you play or run that speci c adventure. In certain circumstances, you may need to replay an adventure you have already completed. The following rules determine when replaying Roleplaying Guild adventures is legal, and what bene ts you can gain from replaying.

Minimum Legal Table Size: You are permitted to replay an adventure in order to meet the minimum legal table size, with the following stipulations.

Rewards: You don’t earn any rewards beyond having a good time. You should (in this instance only) receive a Chronicle sheet for the adventure, though the GM will denote that you earned no gp, Prestige Points, Fame, XP, boons, item access, or any other bene ts or disadvantages otherwise normally awarded by a Chronicle sheet. You do not receive Downtime with which to attempt a Day Job check. This Chronicle sheet serves only as a placeholder to indicate the character participated in the adventure and provides a place to track consumables, purchases, and conditions acquired by playing the adventure. This is the only exception to not having two copies of the same Chronicle sheet assigned to one character.

Notify the GM: You must inform the GM that you have already played the adventure or run it as a GM. GMs are encouraged to be as exible as possible when replaying an adventure is the only method to run a legal table, but a GM has the right to deny replaying an adventure to players if she feels uncomfortable running an adventure for players who have foreknowledge of the story.

No Spoilers: Spoiling plot points or using insider knowledge to a ect game play is grounds for the GM to remove players from the table. You should be very careful about character knowledge versus player knowledge. If you are concerned about possible spoilers, take the GM aside and ask her how she would like to handle it.

And in the GM section on page 10:

Pathfinder Society Roleplaying Guild Guide wrote:


The minimum table size for a Roleplaying Guild Organized Play session is four players. The recommended maximum is six players. In cases where you simply cannot seat four players, you may run a table of three players, and play an appropriate level pregenerated iconic character in order to meet the minimum table size of four PCs. Pregenerated iconic characters are available for level 1, level 4, and level 7.

If seven players show up to an event, rather than turning someone away, consider adding a seventh person to the table. Check with the players to determine their preferences before running a seven-person table, as seven- person tables o en overpower otherwise challenging adventures and limit the amount of time each player gets to shine in the given scenario.

Tables may not have eight or more players.

Should the table have been cancelled once the GM determined that only one person had not played it, or was it acceptable to have the two players who played it previously ghost to meet the legal table size?

I don't see anything in the FAQ or on the discussions about this, but if there's a post that says one way or the other this is legal or not, I would appreciate it.