Viaren the Apothecary

Riori Stargazer's page

279 posts. Alias of DeathQuaker (RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8).


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Half-Elf Stargazer Oracle 10 |hp 87/87 | AC 25 T13 FF 19 | CMD 21 | F+7 R+8 W+11 (+2 vs ench; Immune fatigue, magic sleep) |Init +3; Perc +10; low-light vision | L1 6/7 L2 7/7 L3 7/7 L4 6/6 L5 3/3|Status:

FYI two things-- first, as noted, I can't seem to see the map. (I didn't realize this was on Roll20 but am trying to adjust quickly, but I got an error message trying to load the game. What should I be doing?)

Second, work is... in upheaval and while I am currently employed, I need to find a new job quickly. So please forgive me if I am slow, and please bot me if needed.

Half-Elf Stargazer Oracle 10 |hp 87/87 | AC 25 T13 FF 19 | CMD 21 | F+7 R+8 W+11 (+2 vs ench; Immune fatigue, magic sleep) |Init +3; Perc +10; low-light vision | L1 6/7 L2 7/7 L3 7/7 L4 6/6 L5 3/3|Status:

Sorry, I'm confused. I saw I went after Cyclops 2, but didn't see the confirmation he'd dropped earlier, so I was waiting for the cyclops to act (or confirmation he was dead) before I posted. I tried clicking on the map link but the map won't load so if there was indication there I can't see it. I am going to go ahead and post both my round 1 and round 2 actions and hope that's okay. I'll make the round 1 action fairly innocuous.

Riori sticks with the party and calls on a quick bless spell. +1 morale bonus to attack and saves vs fear

After the cyclopes come closer--within range of her starknife--she hurls it at the one that looks the most hurt.

Attack, returning starknife, bless, point blank shot: 1d20 + 12 + 1 + 1 ⇒ (10) + 12 + 1 + 1 = 24
Damage, Point Blank Shot: 1d4 + 5 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 5 + 1 = 10

Half-Elf Stargazer Oracle 10 |hp 87/87 | AC 25 T13 FF 19 | CMD 21 | F+7 R+8 W+11 (+2 vs ench; Immune fatigue, magic sleep) |Init +3; Perc +10; low-light vision | L1 6/7 L2 7/7 L3 7/7 L4 6/6 L5 3/3|Status:

GM, any results to my skill checks before combat started?

Half-Elf Stargazer Oracle 10 |hp 87/87 | AC 25 T13 FF 19 | CMD 21 | F+7 R+8 W+11 (+2 vs ench; Immune fatigue, magic sleep) |Init +3; Perc +10; low-light vision | L1 6/7 L2 7/7 L3 7/7 L4 6/6 L5 3/3|Status:

Riori smirks. "Well, that part I didn't need reminding of. I assume we'll know this stone when we see it?"

Half-Elf Stargazer Oracle 10 |hp 87/87 | AC 25 T13 FF 19 | CMD 21 | F+7 R+8 W+11 (+2 vs ench; Immune fatigue, magic sleep) |Init +3; Perc +10; low-light vision | L1 6/7 L2 7/7 L3 7/7 L4 6/6 L5 3/3|Status:

Yes, thank you! I tried to read back a ways but hard to follow/find the key narrative between the recent combats, etc. Weirdly this is almost exactly where my last campaign left off.

Half-Elf Stargazer Oracle 10 |hp 87/87 | AC 25 T13 FF 19 | CMD 21 | F+7 R+8 W+11 (+2 vs ench; Immune fatigue, magic sleep) |Init +3; Perc +10; low-light vision | L1 6/7 L2 7/7 L3 7/7 L4 6/6 L5 3/3|Status:

"Didn't get to where I am by showin' off," Riori states, adding a beat later, "Sir."

She adds, a little more abashedly. "And forgive me, but I've been workin' on my charts, and bein' still fairly new to the crew, I've not been in on your previous meetings. Would you mind remindin' me what we're lookin' for exactly?"

When they get to the tower, she eyes the statues and the doors warily, both for pertinent dangers as well as to assess any religious or historical significance of the statues, based on tales she's gathered from fellow travelers through the Shackles.

Cast detect magic to look for magical auras around the door and statues.

Knowledge History: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (17) + 6 = 23
Knowledge Religion: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (18) + 15 = 33

Half-Elf Stargazer Oracle 10 |hp 87/87 | AC 25 T13 FF 19 | CMD 21 | F+7 R+8 W+11 (+2 vs ench; Immune fatigue, magic sleep) |Init +3; Perc +10; low-light vision | L1 6/7 L2 7/7 L3 7/7 L4 6/6 L5 3/3|Status:
Riori Stargazer wrote:

Could we also get some basic bullet points on what our characters do know about what's going on in the moment?

What are our roles on the ship? I assume Doc is ship's surgeon or surgeon's mate. I could be navigator or chaplain.

Just bumping these two questions. Would like to get GM and player input.

Half-Elf Stargazer Oracle 10 |hp 87/87 | AC 25 T13 FF 19 | CMD 21 | F+7 R+8 W+11 (+2 vs ench; Immune fatigue, magic sleep) |Init +3; Perc +10; low-light vision | L1 6/7 L2 7/7 L3 7/7 L4 6/6 L5 3/3|Status:

Character is updated and ready to go. LMK if you see anything amiss.

So on reviewing the thread, both discussion and in game, I get that you want us to assume we've been recently promoted from crew so we can just join right up when the party goes back to the ship from where they've been adventuring. But is it okay to assume we might still be relatively new to the ship? (Not sure when you were last in port; it would make sense if we joined up after a recent attempt to build reputation). It may be hard to fake "oh yes, I totally remember when we all did x" given we the players weren't there, and even if as crew we might have been kept a bit in the dark. While I'm quite familiar with the tale of Skull and Shackles, I am also very familiar, therefore, there is a lot that can change based on how sandboxy you got, especially in book 2, (or if you swapped in Plunder and Peril) and what allies/enemies you have made and favors owed, so I don't want to make assumptions.

Could we also get some basic bullet points on what our characters do know about what's going on in the moment?

What are our roles on the ship? I assume Doc is ship's surgeon or surgeon's mate. I could be navigator or chaplain.

Half-Elf Stargazer Oracle 10 |hp 87/87 | AC 25 T13 FF 19 | CMD 21 | F+7 R+8 W+11 (+2 vs ench; Immune fatigue, magic sleep) |Init +3; Perc +10; low-light vision | L1 6/7 L2 7/7 L3 7/7 L4 6/6 L5 3/3|Status:

Is it acceptable to buy a ring of resistance? (I'm hoping to free my shoulder slot so I can have a cloak other than a cloak of resistance, namely the cloak of the night sky.)

WhtKnt wrote:
Rogar "Doc" Ironsail wrote:

Hi, thanks for having me as well. Rogar isn't too polite fellow, so I'll try to make it up here in the discussion :)

I'm interested in the WBL, too. I have not spent very much on gear yet.
For the alchemist shenanigans: Is it possible to purchase potions of higher level?

Do you have a source for this ability, or is it just something that you wanted? I don't normally play alchemists, so I don't honestly know.

I can't speak to what he might want them for, and certainly don't want to spoil anyone's fun, but since you're unfamiliar with the class, alchemists have discoveries that allow them to do things like duplicate potions or use a potion at their own caster level, etc.

Half-Elf Stargazer Oracle 10 |hp 87/87 | AC 25 T13 FF 19 | CMD 21 | F+7 R+8 W+11 (+2 vs ench; Immune fatigue, magic sleep) |Init +3; Perc +10; low-light vision | L1 6/7 L2 7/7 L3 7/7 L4 6/6 L5 3/3|Status:

I'll go ahead and update to WBL 10 then. Glad everyone gets a chance at an upgrade! :)

Half-Elf Stargazer Oracle 10 |hp 87/87 | AC 25 T13 FF 19 | CMD 21 | F+7 R+8 W+11 (+2 vs ench; Immune fatigue, magic sleep) |Init +3; Perc +10; low-light vision | L1 6/7 L2 7/7 L3 7/7 L4 6/6 L5 3/3|Status:

Hi all, thanks for having me!

Question left over from the application process: character was built with WBL for a 9th level character. Should I upgrade her to 10th level WBL or leave her--or even downgrade things? Not sure where y'all are equipment-wise.

Here's Riori, leveled up with some tweaks to build. I note this is definitely a focusing-on-piratey campaign, so I moved her alignment to CN and changed her background to make her a little more callous and more interested in profit (though she isn't one to be sadistic or cruel, and if she were, I'd need a more different god than Desna).

I updated her gear to fit the changes to the build, but she's still at 9th level WBL, not 10th. Wasn't sure if you wanted her to be at WBL; sometimes parties haven't found all the loot they should and a newcomer a WBL may be better equipped.

I have this character who got worked into a Skull and Shackles game (originally my own game, but I swapped places with a player who became GM). She'd need to be leveled and her background probably tweaked and simplified but if she'd work I can work on her and submit.

Based on some past conflicts I've had with a couple of GMs I'm also posting a disclaimer about myself:

About Me:

I am an experienced poster who generally can post once a day to every two days. I will communicate when I can't post or if I have concerns that can be easily resolved through civil discussion. I can point to prior GMs and players who can vouch for me as a player if needed.

I've also gotten into disagreements with some GMs--and left games as a result--over one of two issues:
1. I advocate for player agency; save for obvious circumstances (consented-to botting, mind control, GMs summarizing combat actions already declared, GMs doing GM-appropriate things like rolling Perception checks), players should describe their own PCs' actions, feelings, and reactions, and others shouldn't write those things for them.
2. Given we are in a public global forum full of strangers, I do not wish my PCs to engage in scenarios involving flirtation, propositions, romance, affectionate or intimate touching, sex, abuse, or harassment. If someone *really* wants to go in that direction, I ask they speak to me first, out of character, before posting it IC.

If you think either the character wouldn't work or you find the disclaimer troubling, please let me know not to apply. Thank you.

Half-Elf Stargazer Oracle 10 |hp 87/87 | AC 25 T13 FF 19 | CMD 21 | F+7 R+8 W+11 (+2 vs ench; Immune fatigue, magic sleep) |Init +3; Perc +10; low-light vision | L1 6/7 L2 7/7 L3 7/7 L4 6/6 L5 3/3|Status:

Riori sees Sal needs no help, and walks toward Thren and the other cyclopes, and hurls her starknife at it.

Attack, Inspire Courage: 1d20 + 10 + 2 ⇒ (10) + 10 + 2 = 22
I believe that hits, based on other things that have happened (BTW can we please have AC and the like for the monsters, makes it go much faster

Damage, Inspire Courage: 1d4 + 3 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 3 + 2 = 7

Riori catches the blade as it magically arcs and returns to her. Fortunately the spinning toss self-cleans in the process, for the most part. "Sorry it's not as impressive as our hunter."

Half-Elf Stargazer Oracle 10 |hp 87/87 | AC 25 T13 FF 19 | CMD 21 | F+7 R+8 W+11 (+2 vs ench; Immune fatigue, magic sleep) |Init +3; Perc +10; low-light vision | L1 6/7 L2 7/7 L3 7/7 L4 6/6 L5 3/3|Status:

Riori whispers to Sal and Ekote, still near her: "Sal, flank the fog on the other side; then I'll lower the fog."

She will delay till Sal has moved and then herself move 30 feet eastward and dismiss the fog spell.

Half-Elf Stargazer Oracle 10 |hp 87/87 | AC 25 T13 FF 19 | CMD 21 | F+7 R+8 W+11 (+2 vs ench; Immune fatigue, magic sleep) |Init +3; Perc +10; low-light vision | L1 6/7 L2 7/7 L3 7/7 L4 6/6 L5 3/3|Status:

Riori moves over to Sal, taking out her starknife as she goes in one hand, and casts cure critical wounds on Sal. While Sal looks like she could still take a beating, Riori figures a lucky strike from one of the giants could end any of them in a moment, especially if what Thren said was true.

Cure Critical Wounds: 4d8 + 9 ⇒ (3, 5, 3, 7) + 9 = 27

Half-Elf Stargazer Oracle 10 |hp 87/87 | AC 25 T13 FF 19 | CMD 21 | F+7 R+8 W+11 (+2 vs ench; Immune fatigue, magic sleep) |Init +3; Perc +10; low-light vision | L1 6/7 L2 7/7 L3 7/7 L4 6/6 L5 3/3|Status:

I have taken the liberty of numbering the cyclopes for easier targeting

Riori casts obscuring mist, forming a cloud of fog in front of two of the ogre archers so they cannot see to target their weapons.

She then moves through the trees to a slightly more convenient spot for future actions.

Half-Elf Stargazer Oracle 10 |hp 87/87 | AC 25 T13 FF 19 | CMD 21 | F+7 R+8 W+11 (+2 vs ench; Immune fatigue, magic sleep) |Init +3; Perc +10; low-light vision | L1 6/7 L2 7/7 L3 7/7 L4 6/6 L5 3/3|Status:

Riori doesn't bother arguing; she figures most cyclopes are not warm and fluffy, but needed to do her due diligence.

Indeed, she takes Thren's description of being skewered to heart and casts shield of faith on herself. +3 Deflection bonus to AC; she already has a ring of protection +1 so actual additional bonus is +2 for 9 minutes

Half-Elf Stargazer Oracle 10 |hp 87/87 | AC 25 T13 FF 19 | CMD 21 | F+7 R+8 W+11 (+2 vs ench; Immune fatigue, magic sleep) |Init +3; Perc +10; low-light vision | L1 6/7 L2 7/7 L3 7/7 L4 6/6 L5 3/3|Status:

Well before any approach or alerting the cyclops:

"I don't suppose parlay is an option? I don't like just charging in and whacking a thinking thing, but if you're sure..."

Thren still won initiative so she can still just go and attack...

Half-Elf Stargazer Oracle 10 |hp 87/87 | AC 25 T13 FF 19 | CMD 21 | F+7 R+8 W+11 (+2 vs ench; Immune fatigue, magic sleep) |Init +3; Perc +10; low-light vision | L1 6/7 L2 7/7 L3 7/7 L4 6/6 L5 3/3|Status:

If and when Sal sounds an all-clear, Riori follows up the rope. Taking 10

Half-Elf Stargazer Oracle 10 |hp 87/87 | AC 25 T13 FF 19 | CMD 21 | F+7 R+8 W+11 (+2 vs ench; Immune fatigue, magic sleep) |Init +3; Perc +10; low-light vision | L1 6/7 L2 7/7 L3 7/7 L4 6/6 L5 3/3|Status:

"We're talking about the ancient cyclopes, who's to know what they guarded against?" Riori says, finishing her morning coffee, perked with the hot spring water.

"I think best thing to do would be to go up in it, and see what you can see from it. It incurs risk since we know there are cyclops or something here, but we've got to tackle whatever's living here at some point."

Sorry, I thought I had posted earlier

Half-Elf Stargazer Oracle 10 |hp 87/87 | AC 25 T13 FF 19 | CMD 21 | F+7 R+8 W+11 (+2 vs ench; Immune fatigue, magic sleep) |Init +3; Perc +10; low-light vision | L1 6/7 L2 7/7 L3 7/7 L4 6/6 L5 3/3|Status:

Riori collects seashells as they walk along the northern beach.

Half-Elf Stargazer Oracle 10 |hp 87/87 | AC 25 T13 FF 19 | CMD 21 | F+7 R+8 W+11 (+2 vs ench; Immune fatigue, magic sleep) |Init +3; Perc +10; low-light vision | L1 6/7 L2 7/7 L3 7/7 L4 6/6 L5 3/3|Status:

Riori follows as best she can, hoping that at least as her feet hover over the ground slightly it will help her from leaving a trail to follow.

Stealth: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (8) + 3 = 11

Half-Elf Stargazer Oracle 10 |hp 87/87 | AC 25 T13 FF 19 | CMD 21 | F+7 R+8 W+11 (+2 vs ench; Immune fatigue, magic sleep) |Init +3; Perc +10; low-light vision | L1 6/7 L2 7/7 L3 7/7 L4 6/6 L5 3/3|Status:

Oop, actually did buy Riori a hammock and not a bedroll, so she's okay

Riori spends her watch drawing some charts, not engaging in a full augury, but generally tracking celestial movements. For her it is a form of meditating/praying to Desna.

Not expecting a major revelation for this, but just for fun

Profession: Astrologer: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (4) + 8 = 12

In the morning she makes the coffee as promised; since they are in the jungle, likely she actually cold brewed the grounds the night before rather than percolates it hot, and uses her brewer simply to hold and filter the grounds. She mixes the resulting concentrate with coconut juices, which she decides isn't half bad. Fortunately an adamantine starknife is sufficient for opening coconuts.

"Do we want to continue exploring the edge of the island, or see where this old cyclopean road leads?" She wonders aloud to the party.

Half-Elf Stargazer Oracle 10 |hp 87/87 | AC 25 T13 FF 19 | CMD 21 | F+7 R+8 W+11 (+2 vs ench; Immune fatigue, magic sleep) |Init +3; Perc +10; low-light vision | L1 6/7 L2 7/7 L3 7/7 L4 6/6 L5 3/3|Status:

For her part (apart from collecting firewood), in the morning should they have survived the night, Riori will make coffee.

Half-Elf Stargazer Oracle 10 |hp 87/87 | AC 25 T13 FF 19 | CMD 21 | F+7 R+8 W+11 (+2 vs ench; Immune fatigue, magic sleep) |Init +3; Perc +10; low-light vision | L1 6/7 L2 7/7 L3 7/7 L4 6/6 L5 3/3|Status:

"The piers are Ghol-Gan, but obviously the more primitive wooden things come from today's Cyclopes. Not that that's very reassuring. We can only hope the trees have kept them busy.

Riori nods at camping. "I need to meditate and pray beneath starlight to recover my capacity for magic so I can take a mid watch if needed."

Half-Elf Stargazer Oracle 10 |hp 87/87 | AC 25 T13 FF 19 | CMD 21 | F+7 R+8 W+11 (+2 vs ench; Immune fatigue, magic sleep) |Init +3; Perc +10; low-light vision | L1 6/7 L2 7/7 L3 7/7 L4 6/6 L5 3/3|Status:

Riori considers whether she knows the answer to Sal's question about what kind of giants might have built these canoes.

Knowledge Local: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (3) + 14 = 17

As the stone of the docks seems older, she also wonders of their history. Knowledge History: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (4) + 11 = 15

Half-Elf Stargazer Oracle 10 |hp 87/87 | AC 25 T13 FF 19 | CMD 21 | F+7 R+8 W+11 (+2 vs ench; Immune fatigue, magic sleep) |Init +3; Perc +10; low-light vision | L1 6/7 L2 7/7 L3 7/7 L4 6/6 L5 3/3|Status:

Riori stays back. She lets herself float to the shoal floor. As her spell allows her to speak normally, she has no trouble casting searing light.

Ranged touch, hunters bond: 1d20 + 9 + 2 ⇒ (12) + 9 + 2 = 23
Damage: 4d8 ⇒ (7, 2, 7, 2) = 18

Half-Elf Stargazer Oracle 10 |hp 87/87 | AC 25 T13 FF 19 | CMD 21 | F+7 R+8 W+11 (+2 vs ench; Immune fatigue, magic sleep) |Init +3; Perc +10; low-light vision | L1 6/7 L2 7/7 L3 7/7 L4 6/6 L5 3/3|Status:

Sorry for taking so long.

"And she'd do it for fun. Although in fairness to her, I expect she'd be the first to jump in front and take the bites. I'm not sure that's any comfort though."

Riori casts air bubble twice, on herself and Thren. This will last 9 minutes. When we're about 8 and a half minutes in, she will refresh the spell, if we are still underwater at that time.

She will take 10 Swimming out there. It will take a bit longer for Riori and Thren as they don't have a swim speed.

Half-Elf Stargazer Oracle 10 |hp 87/87 | AC 25 T13 FF 19 | CMD 21 | F+7 R+8 W+11 (+2 vs ench; Immune fatigue, magic sleep) |Init +3; Perc +10; low-light vision | L1 6/7 L2 7/7 L3 7/7 L4 6/6 L5 3/3|Status:

Riori asks Threnody, "What do you think, Captain? Shall we join them? I'll be honest, despite living in the Shackles for a few years now, I'm not much of a swimmer. I grew up on rooftops, not waterways. But I've got the air bubble spell and I trust Ekote... and Sal, I guess, to get us out of trouble before it would run out."

Half-Elf Stargazer Oracle 10 |hp 87/87 | AC 25 T13 FF 19 | CMD 21 | F+7 R+8 W+11 (+2 vs ench; Immune fatigue, magic sleep) |Init +3; Perc +10; low-light vision | L1 6/7 L2 7/7 L3 7/7 L4 6/6 L5 3/3|Status:

Riori groans audibly. "Could we maybe save the posturing for after we're not searching an island of scary haunted cyclops doom?"

Half-Elf Stargazer Oracle 10 |hp 87/87 | AC 25 T13 FF 19 | CMD 21 | F+7 R+8 W+11 (+2 vs ench; Immune fatigue, magic sleep) |Init +3; Perc +10; low-light vision | L1 6/7 L2 7/7 L3 7/7 L4 6/6 L5 3/3|Status:

Riori thanks Sefina with a genuine and grateful smile and joins the party.

I see no reason not to continue our plan to keep walking around the beach, going south and then following the beach as it wraps around back north. Will get us the shape of the island, and as it sounds like a lot of the trouble is toward the center, we can identify best approaches.

Half-Elf Stargazer Oracle 10 |hp 87/87 | AC 25 T13 FF 19 | CMD 21 | F+7 R+8 W+11 (+2 vs ench; Immune fatigue, magic sleep) |Init +3; Perc +10; low-light vision | L1 6/7 L2 7/7 L3 7/7 L4 6/6 L5 3/3|Status:

"I appreciate all you're telling us, Sefina. We want to be sure whatever we do here it doesn't disrupt your living here. Is there anything we should be sure to avoid hurting or damaging or taking?"

Half-Elf Stargazer Oracle 10 |hp 87/87 | AC 25 T13 FF 19 | CMD 21 | F+7 R+8 W+11 (+2 vs ench; Immune fatigue, magic sleep) |Init +3; Perc +10; low-light vision | L1 6/7 L2 7/7 L3 7/7 L4 6/6 L5 3/3|Status:

"If I interpreted the stars correctly, yes. But Bikendi, if he is an undead wizard, might be able to cause some of the phenomena we experienced, and might explain why Ed was not in accord with his shipmates, or whoever they were." She nodded with a smile toward Sefina. "Don't mean to be barraging you like an interrogation, but do you remember when you last saw this Bikendi?"

Half-Elf Stargazer Oracle 10 |hp 87/87 | AC 25 T13 FF 19 | CMD 21 | F+7 R+8 W+11 (+2 vs ench; Immune fatigue, magic sleep) |Init +3; Perc +10; low-light vision | L1 6/7 L2 7/7 L3 7/7 L4 6/6 L5 3/3|Status:

Riori cocks another eyebrow at Sal, but does her best to focus on the conversation.

"Sounds like both you and the cyclopes have lived here a long time. Don't suppose you have any advice on evading them? Or should we have a confrontation, is any fighting on the island going to be a problem for you?" She asks Sefina after she has answered Ekote's question.

Half-Elf Stargazer Oracle 10 |hp 87/87 | AC 25 T13 FF 19 | CMD 21 | F+7 R+8 W+11 (+2 vs ench; Immune fatigue, magic sleep) |Init +3; Perc +10; low-light vision | L1 6/7 L2 7/7 L3 7/7 L4 6/6 L5 3/3|Status:

Riori gives a sharp glance over to Sal, and turns back to Sefina. "Cyclopes? Oh dear. Have you ever had any trouble with them? Also..." She points westward. "Do you know the fortress on the other side of the cove? There is some sort of undead creature that can make people fall asleep. Don't suppose you know anything about that?"

Half-Elf Stargazer Oracle 10 |hp 87/87 | AC 25 T13 FF 19 | CMD 21 | F+7 R+8 W+11 (+2 vs ench; Immune fatigue, magic sleep) |Init +3; Perc +10; low-light vision | L1 6/7 L2 7/7 L3 7/7 L4 6/6 L5 3/3|Status:

The taller of the two half-elves notices the nymph is very pretty in the same way that she noticed the beauty of the grotto itself, which is to say not that she isn't moved by such beauty, but not moved in such a way that she is distracted.

"Hello, Sefina, I am Riori, a servant of the goddess Desna. We are travelers asked to clear out the dangers on this island. Don't mean to be intruding on your home. Don't suppose we might be able to help each other out?"

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (14) + 16 = 30

Half-Elf Stargazer Oracle 10 |hp 87/87 | AC 25 T13 FF 19 | CMD 21 | F+7 R+8 W+11 (+2 vs ench; Immune fatigue, magic sleep) |Init +3; Perc +10; low-light vision | L1 6/7 L2 7/7 L3 7/7 L4 6/6 L5 3/3|Status:

As they follow the trail, Riori gasps at the natural beauty of the grotto, at least to the limits that her vision allows her to see.

She asks her compatriots, "Should we perhaps announce ourselves? Say hello? Or if no one is here, should we leave well enough alone?"

Half-Elf Stargazer Oracle 10 |hp 87/87 | AC 25 T13 FF 19 | CMD 21 | F+7 R+8 W+11 (+2 vs ench; Immune fatigue, magic sleep) |Init +3; Perc +10; low-light vision | L1 6/7 L2 7/7 L3 7/7 L4 6/6 L5 3/3|Status:

After Sal points out the tracks, Riori leans over, squinting alternately over and through her spectacles to see if she can figure out what kind of humanoid or once-human is the source of the tracks.

Knowledge Religion (undead): 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (20) + 14 = 34
Knowledge Local (humanoids and monstrous ones): 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (18) + 14 = 32

This guarantees Gracie's next Will save will be another 1

Half-Elf Stargazer Oracle 10 |hp 87/87 | AC 25 T13 FF 19 | CMD 21 | F+7 R+8 W+11 (+2 vs ench; Immune fatigue, magic sleep) |Init +3; Perc +10; low-light vision | L1 6/7 L2 7/7 L3 7/7 L4 6/6 L5 3/3|Status:

Final questions

Is the Fortress more dangerous than the rest of the Island?

Does Ed have any living compatriots on the Island?

Half-Elf Stargazer Oracle 10 |hp 87/87 | AC 25 T13 FF 19 | CMD 21 | F+7 R+8 W+11 (+2 vs ench; Immune fatigue, magic sleep) |Init +3; Perc +10; low-light vision | L1 6/7 L2 7/7 L3 7/7 L4 6/6 L5 3/3|Status:

Thren/Sandara/Ekote, any other questions you want to ask?

Riori shares the results of her chart. "There are suggestions Ed is some kind of betrayer, whether of us or those he was with before--but he poses no current danger to us. He is not responsible for whatever happened to Sandara back in the fortress, and given Eox's position in the chart, my best guess is that something undead caused that." She looks up at the group. "I wonder if, if Sandara as a proper priest, can attempt to consecrate the place when we have the time and materials to do so."

She adds with a half-smile. "Ed's way of getting here, like a ship, is also here on the island so that might be useful to find. Although if the lad had any sense he already looted it himself, but then, if anything sank, he may not have been able to swim under water. Ekote and Sal can breathe water and I can cast air bubble on the rest of us to explore that, should it look fruitful."

Half-Elf Stargazer Oracle 10 |hp 87/87 | AC 25 T13 FF 19 | CMD 21 | F+7 R+8 W+11 (+2 vs ench; Immune fatigue, magic sleep) |Init +3; Perc +10; low-light vision | L1 6/7 L2 7/7 L3 7/7 L4 6/6 L5 3/3|Status:

I think that's a solid plan!

I figure Riori can "borrow" it and even perhaps pay him for it later as things warrant.

Half-Elf Stargazer Oracle 10 |hp 87/87 | AC 25 T13 FF 19 | CMD 21 | F+7 R+8 W+11 (+2 vs ench; Immune fatigue, magic sleep) |Init +3; Perc +10; low-light vision | L1 6/7 L2 7/7 L3 7/7 L4 6/6 L5 3/3|Status:

That's all I ask! :)

BTW, I have

(1) Added Ed's loot to our sadly neglected loot tracker. I added the purchase value of the items on there just so we can keep track of what they are worth (though we might be nice and give some of them back to Ed later. Or we might not).

(2) Since right now we are not giving Ed or letting him keep anything, I realized Riori has no amulet, so it is okay if I gank the extra amulet of natural armor +1? I feel like more AC is never a bad thing

Half-Elf Stargazer Oracle 10 |hp 87/87 | AC 25 T13 FF 19 | CMD 21 | F+7 R+8 W+11 (+2 vs ench; Immune fatigue, magic sleep) |Init +3; Perc +10; low-light vision | L1 6/7 L2 7/7 L3 7/7 L4 6/6 L5 3/3|Status:

Riori offers, "It will only tell us so much, but after dinner I'll draw up another star chart, see if Desna wants to give us any hints as to what we're dealing with. Any questions you want to be sure I ask? I'll ask if Ed is hostile and if there are other survivors here from whereever he comes from."

She shrugs. "Unfortunately I don't have access to a lot of warding magic other than the standard protective prayer I invoked earlier today. I can cast auguries on occasion to check to ask if we're headed into disaster, although such divinations as always are vague."


At night, Riori prepares her star charts and sees what further she can divine about their situation at the Isle of Empty Eyes.

She can ask 9 questions, per commune.

She focuses on the following questions as she assembles her chart:

Did or does Ed have nefarious intent toward us or any previous allies?

Will Ed seriously endanger the crew if we keep him on the ship?

Are we going to be able to get anything useful out of Ned by talking to him?

Is Ed's way of getting here, like a ship, still here at the island, even if it is destroyed?

Is Ed the cause of the strange effect that knocked Sandara out?
-- If the answer is no, she will ask, "Is a living creature the cause?"
-- If the answer is no, she will ask, "Is an undead creature the cause?"

Leaving this space for at least two questions as suggested by the rest of the officers

Half-Elf Stargazer Oracle 10 |hp 87/87 | AC 25 T13 FF 19 | CMD 21 | F+7 R+8 W+11 (+2 vs ench; Immune fatigue, magic sleep) |Init +3; Perc +10; low-light vision | L1 6/7 L2 7/7 L3 7/7 L4 6/6 L5 3/3|Status:

Riori nods. "One way is good as another. We are going to have to deal with that fortress as sometime though, and unlike Sal I'd rather not raze the whole thing... Just get a better handle on what's going on so we can tackle it proper. Maybe we'll get a better sense elsewhere."

Half-Elf Stargazer Oracle 10 |hp 87/87 | AC 25 T13 FF 19 | CMD 21 | F+7 R+8 W+11 (+2 vs ench; Immune fatigue, magic sleep) |Init +3; Perc +10; low-light vision | L1 6/7 L2 7/7 L3 7/7 L4 6/6 L5 3/3|Status:

Riori is high level enough to cast it but as a spont caster doesn't yet known the spell.

Half-Elf Stargazer Oracle 10 |hp 87/87 | AC 25 T13 FF 19 | CMD 21 | F+7 R+8 W+11 (+2 vs ench; Immune fatigue, magic sleep) |Init +3; Perc +10; low-light vision | L1 6/7 L2 7/7 L3 7/7 L4 6/6 L5 3/3|Status:

I wouldn't say fun is the issue in an immediate sense. But I am personally at a loss of what to do. I had been hoping giving him food and rest would make him feel somewhat better and we could chat with him within the next 24 hours to have at least a vaguely productive conversation. But I am interpreting from what you have been saying, that no matter what we do within the next in-game day, he is going to be uselessly incoherent until we can get our hands on a bunch of restoration spells and diamond dust (or even higher level spells), which will take a lot of time and significant investment that we just don't have at the moment. If I am following you correctly, he is ergo untreatable from our position, and therefore untalkable-to. So it isn't that I don't want to talk to him, but I understand from you that there is no useful point in doing so.

BTW I was planning to have Riori take restoration next level but she doesn't have it yet and I think we're not quite to leveling for a bit.

Half-Elf Stargazer Oracle 10 |hp 87/87 | AC 25 T13 FF 19 | CMD 21 | F+7 R+8 W+11 (+2 vs ench; Immune fatigue, magic sleep) |Init +3; Perc +10; low-light vision | L1 6/7 L2 7/7 L3 7/7 L4 6/6 L5 3/3|Status:

Riori sighs. "It takes a powerful divine conduit to help this man, someone at my strength or greater, and I don't know the invocation necessary to help him. I couldn't in good conscience abandon the man, but I reckon the only thing we can do is take him to a port with a temple that might be willing to take him in... and I'd reckon we'd need to make a hefty donation for them to be willing, given a restoration prayer requires diamond dust, and he'll need a lot of them..."

She sighs. "So right now we've got another mouth to feed who could hurt the rest of our crew if he gets out. And yet it'd be heartless do do anything else but help him."

Riori tries to think of a temple or safe asylum in the archipelago that would take in such a man. Knowledge Local: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (12) + 14 = 26

Half-Elf Stargazer Oracle 10 |hp 87/87 | AC 25 T13 FF 19 | CMD 21 | F+7 R+8 W+11 (+2 vs ench; Immune fatigue, magic sleep) |Init +3; Perc +10; low-light vision | L1 6/7 L2 7/7 L3 7/7 L4 6/6 L5 3/3|Status:

Riori shares the results of her examination. "Poor fellow has scurvy among other things. I reckon he's trying to rough it here at least a year. Taldan, I think. My guess is if we get him enough sleep, followed by some cabbage water and a gentle meal his belly can take, he'll be likely a lot more coherent." She looks at the group. "Maybe we should take him back and get him some treatment."

Half-Elf Stargazer Oracle 10 |hp 87/87 | AC 25 T13 FF 19 | CMD 21 | F+7 R+8 W+11 (+2 vs ench; Immune fatigue, magic sleep) |Init +3; Perc +10; low-light vision | L1 6/7 L2 7/7 L3 7/7 L4 6/6 L5 3/3|Status:

Once he's tied up, Riori asks to get a good look at him. She will completely fluff use stablilize to stop any bleeding from the wound Sal gave him, but not use any heavier healing magic just yet as it would wake him up.

She will try to assess two things, immediate and academic:

1) What is his general state of health? By signs of malnutrition, etc. can she guess how long he has been here?

Heal: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (15) + 11 = 26

2) Has she heard within whatever timeframe she determines from above of an expedition to this region, apart from or even including preparation for the Regatta? Also, can she tell from clothing, possible ethnicity, etc. where he might be from?

Knowledge Local: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (13) + 14 = 27

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