My PCs just finished meeting Tenser/Manzorian and were offered the chance to try their luck with the waters of the Fountain, from the 'Wormfood' article. The main reason I decided to incorporate the Fountain, aside from a certain old school nostalgia, was because two-thirds of the PCs are chaotic neutral and had groused greatly about the 'lawful' rewards handed out at the end of 'A Gathering of Winds'.
I was amused by the results, which I adjudicated strictly by roll of the dice:
The most chaotic (and experienced) player chose his fortunes; +2 ability score boosts for his halfling archer (dex) and dwarf berserk cleric/barbarian (con).
The halfling then got a -1 on reflex saves, which is a minor thing since his DEX modifier is +8 (his best score).
The dwarf rolled far worse-perhaps 'the' worst-his off hand withered. He had chosen 'Two-Weapon fighting' as a feat just recently. But the player, far from throwing a fit, announced gamely that his character would lop off his own left hand and cap the stump with a socket-later to be fitted with some ingenious dwarven prosthesis. The withered hand his dwarf would wear on a chain(a la 'Hand of the Mage')as a grisly memento, he said.
The second player of twin half elven ranger-arcanists wound up being uncharacteristically cautious, choosing his folly both times (-2 on highest skills, which were Spot and Use Magic Device respectively)
The fortune of the first twin, the group's de-facto leader, was ...a Ring of Animal Friendship! (His expression was priceless!) His twin got a +2 focus on his highest skill (Again, Use Magic Device from his Warlock class), for a net result of zero...
The third player, who runs a Monk and a Priest of Cuthbert, said solemnly "I will have nothing to do with this..."
What was your experience if you used the Fountain...?