
Ring of Five's page

106 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.

Now here's a story (and song)of someone who was too clever for his own good...and has dragged our hobby's name in the mud to boot by association:


The song is like Firefly's 'Ballad of Jayne Cobb', but in reverse...


Please drop 'Bow and Blade' and ship the remainder of the items on this order immediately. Please adjust my credit card charge accordingly. I'll order 'Bow and Blade' if it's back in stock during the sale period, possibly along with a few other goodies ($2 Game Mastery stuff most likely)to lessen the shipping cost per item.

I really could use that Flip Mat by the 16th, please help me out here!

Ring of Five

One of my players will attend the Toy Fair 2007 Trade Event in NYC this Sunday-He's in the very highly competitive Toy Design major at FIT (Fashion Institute of Technology)in NYC and thus allowed to attend-I know the show is not open to the public otherwise. I was reading though the show's website and saw that Paizo Publishing, LLC will be there-do you have any comment on who's attending to represent the firm?
(While my friend still has a year to go before graduation and is not looking for work per se, he's a great illustrator and a really original guy...but I need him back by six pm for our regular Sunday game...!)

I ordered City Square and Forest Path Flip-mats, but got a blank Flip-mat (Hex and Squares only) instead of the Forest Path mat. I opened the plain Flip-mat package thinking I was looking at the blank side only, but no Forest Path-my bad. The City Square map is OK.

Please reply to this post with instructions on return/exchange.

Thank you,

Ring of Five

My PCs just finished meeting Tenser/Manzorian and were offered the chance to try their luck with the waters of the Fountain, from the 'Wormfood' article. The main reason I decided to incorporate the Fountain, aside from a certain old school nostalgia, was because two-thirds of the PCs are chaotic neutral and had groused greatly about the 'lawful' rewards handed out at the end of 'A Gathering of Winds'.

I was amused by the results, which I adjudicated strictly by roll of the dice:
The most chaotic (and experienced) player chose his fortunes; +2 ability score boosts for his halfling archer (dex) and dwarf berserk cleric/barbarian (con).
The halfling then got a -1 on reflex saves, which is a minor thing since his DEX modifier is +8 (his best score).
The dwarf rolled far worse-perhaps 'the' worst-his off hand withered. He had chosen 'Two-Weapon fighting' as a feat just recently. But the player, far from throwing a fit, announced gamely that his character would lop off his own left hand and cap the stump with a socket-later to be fitted with some ingenious dwarven prosthesis. The withered hand his dwarf would wear on a chain(a la 'Hand of the Mage')as a grisly memento, he said.

The second player of twin half elven ranger-arcanists wound up being uncharacteristically cautious, choosing his folly both times (-2 on highest skills, which were Spot and Use Magic Device respectively)

The fortune of the first twin, the group's de-facto leader, was ...a Ring of Animal Friendship! (His expression was priceless!) His twin got a +2 focus on his highest skill (Again, Use Magic Device from his Warlock class), for a net result of zero...

The third player, who runs a Monk and a Priest of Cuthbert, said solemnly "I will have nothing to do with this..."

What was your experience if you used the Fountain...?

Seems the folks at this Georgia online retailer have quite the sense of humor and timing...or maybe it's just a coincidence:

http://www.atlantacutlery.com/webstore/eCat/Miscellaneous/Skull%20Head%20Bo wl.aspx

BTW-I don't work for them, or for any candy company either, but those worms are giving Swedish Fish a run for the money at my gaming table...