Ring of Five |
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'This is what is called a good death! Perhaps worthy even for apotheosis.'
Well, right on both counts Peruhain...
The party (six PCs) plus gated allies Xitomat (Couatl Monk), Walkyrie XVII (Zelekhut Fighter), Azunai (Planetar) and Galdronnal (Ancient Radiant Dragon Paladin) squared off against a much enhanced Dragotha (Dracolich Lord modified template), a Vrock (Frenzied Berserker) [WotC], a Death Giant (Ur-Priest), an Advanced Devourer, an evolved Bone Naga (Sorceror), four Kyuss Knights (Bucknard/Balakarde’s ex-comrades), Venk, and a posse of Dread Wraiths, reinforced by three Avolakia Priests. (Yes, I scoured the boards for these foes-thanks to all who posted them).
My players love a ‘battle royal’, and I’m happy to oblige-but I also wanted to give a challenge that would demand self-sacrifice from the mostly CN party during this critical battle.
Haakon's player made that sacrifice, through Bucknard's intercession, when the combination of the Vrock minion and Dragotha threatened to overwhelm the party.
By the eleventh round the radiant dragon lay dead at Dragotha's feet, while the Vrock had eviscerated Xitomat in a single round. All PCs were wounded and only the party cleric (of St. Cuthbert) and the planetar were keeping the group alive as the Vrock tore at the Zelekhut who kept trying to entangle him with his chains. The rangers in the group were talking flight, and the halfling archer was already at the exit. (It was fun to see the fear of God in those guys for a change!)
With the demon unkillable and Dragotha well-nigh un-hittable by the three heroes to his front, Haakon ran up the rear steps of the ziggurat and leapt (via air walk) onto Dragotha's back. The Dracolich pirouetted, slamming the former front rank with his tail sweep and rending the dwarf with a double claw/claw/bite.
The slayer spirit of Bucknard, bound to the dwarf's waraxe from earlier, cut through Haak's rage with a harsh whisper-
"The axe must fall-but we will take him with us Haakon. I will bind the demon's frenzy to you, though it means your death-will you accept this doom?" (The player did not hesitate...) "Aye-bring it!" thought the dwarf. The Tripartite Spirit flared (I threw a d20 for a '20', for effect), and the Vrock keened horribly as it's deathless frenzy was siphoned out of it's body and into the Dwarf Slayer. (Dramatic license, but not out of place considering the power and breadth of Bucknard's abilities)
Bereft of the frenzy, the demon (at -357 HP)collapsed in a bloody heap of feathers and bone, while Haakon roared his defiance and, dropping his waraxe, drew out the Rod of Fury.
The following round, while the other heroes again struck at the Dracolich from the rear, Haak (who'd lost initiative)was mortally wounded by four out of six possible attacks (reduced to -213 HP from -47;he'd had close to 480 initially, raging and with Righteous Might)-and a Mass Cure Critical from the Planetar did not change things much. He dealt Dragotha the death-stroke, and then the frenzy ended (as it was pretty much stretching it even for Bucknard to be able to steal an ability like that, and Istus must see to the balance) with Haakon going to his knees in the dust, next to his axe. The figure of a great red-bearded dwarf, smiling, beckoned to him, and at his shoulder Bucknard smiled as well...and the dwarf's body crashed to the ground with a clang and was still.
(And after that, the others still wanted to raise him! Ehhh-I don't think so, but he will possibly make a curtain call in 'New Age' as a gated Einheriar ally-he's got a job to finish!)