
Rince's page

19 posts. Alias of Flamifur.


Male Human Fighter /1
Vaclav Rennet wrote:

"Rince, you took a couple of nasty slashes. Do you need help binding them up?"

"Any help with these wounds would be gratefully recieved - I didn't know anything could hurt this much !"

Male Human Fighter /1

If it's still standing Rince will slash out at the Goblin Dog:

Rince tries to 'put down' Goblin Dog (1d20+4=12, 1d10+2=8)

Maybe Rince has lost a little too much blood !?

Male Human Fighter /1

Rince realises his peril and takes a 5' step to get him out of flanking trouble (preferably so he's standing next to ongella).

He'll take a swing at the Goblin dog trying to send it into the afterlife after it's master.

Rince swings at the Goblin Dog (1d20+4=23, 1d10+2=6)

Male Human Fighter /1

Rince utters a quick prayer and charges full pelt at the Goblin Dog rider (unless it moved out of charge range, which'll necessitate a charge on a squishier goblin).

Another foolhardy charge (1d20+6=15, 1d10+2=7)

If he slices up his opponent as he expects to he'll glare at the remaining goblins and bellow:

'Surrender and Live. Flee and Live. Face us and you'll surely die !'

Rince tries to scare (Intimidate) away mini goblin Horde (if appropiate) (1d20+6=19)

Yeah, I know something unpleasant is now going to happen to Rince !

Male Human Fighter /1

Rince will move towards the melee probably moving next to Ongella who he realises is a formidable warrior and all-round good person to stand 'shield to shield' with - hoping to get to within charge range of the 'freak on a beast' next round.

Male Human Fighter /1

Rince again finds himself staring down at the corpse of a defeated foe.

The cries of those around him soon impinge on his reverie and he looks around for more enemies...........

Spot roll if needed (1d20+1=9)

Male Human Fighter /1

Having almost been the victim of one of it's baleful dirges Rince charges the Warcaster(unless, of course, he can't !)aiming a firm blow in an attempt to stop it's caterwauling for good.

Rince charges; potential damage (1d20+6=15, 1d10+2=9)

Male Human Fighter /1

Rince stares at the headless corpse insurprise and then shakes his head trying to get the strange warbbling of the warchanter out of his head.

Rince's Will Save (1d20+2=19)

The vile song has no effect on him.

Male Human Fighter /1

Slightly shocked that he's actually survived his first life or death combat Rince decides to rely on the protection of Deadeye again.

He charges the Goblins, aiming for one of the ends of their 'battleline', and tries to decapitate on of them mid snigger !

Charge 60'. Rince Charges ! (1d20+6=17) Damage (1d10+2=12) !!!!

Please tell me that's one dead Goblin !!!!

Male Human Fighter /1

Ok, Here goes initiative:

Marius:Marius Initiative (1d20+2=21)
Valcav:Valcav Initiative (1d20+2=12)
Tzoltan: Tzoltan Initiative (1d20+3=9)
Onagella: Onagella's Initiative (1d20+1=9)
Rince :Rince intiative (1d20=9)
Girst : Girst Initiative (1d20+2=6)

Can I take a moment to formally apologise for my dismal rolling !

Looks like it's Marius up first !

Male Human Fighter /1

Breathless for a moment and still shocked by what has just happened Rince takes the time to make eye contact with and nod to the others standing around the table.

"Are there any more ?"

Male Human Fighter /1

With another mighty cry Rince charges the Goblin engaged with Vaclav and takes a wild swing:

Attack:(+4,+2 charging,+1 Girst):Charging Goblin (1d20+7=13)

If that was a hit (Flanking?) Damage:Damage (?) (1d10+3=10)

Male Human Fighter /1

I realise this is out of sequence, but I won't get a chance to post again for a while so I thought I'd post now

Rince is aware of his in-experience but also wants to do the best he can for the people of Sandpoint.

If he is now aware of individual Goblins racing around and causing grief - I assumed the failed spot/listen rolls last round meant he couldn't make out exactly what was happening - he'll charge them:

Rince takes a second to look at the screeching freaks, picks the biggest looking one within range and, spurred on buy the encouraging melody of Girst, charges at it, giving vent to a wordless cry of rage (and, perhaps, a small amount of fear).

Attack:(+4,+2 charging,+1 Girst):Charges Goblin (1d20+7=20)Damage:(+2,+1 Girst)1d10+3=4 (Typical !!!)

If Rince still cannot find a target and/or cannot really work out what is going on still his fear and frustration will come to the fore:

"By Deadeye's Bow will someone tell me where they are !?"

Rince steps up onto a table to get a better look at what's going on, trying to spot a worthy opponent. Spot check to find Goblins (1d20+1=17). If he's been successful and he has any time left this round he'll try and get as close to trouble as possible.

Male Human Fighter /1

Rince was having one of the best days of his life: Plenty of food, excellent drink, fine conversation with loads of potential new friends and now this !

Spot Roll (1d20+1=13)
Listen Roll (1d20+1=5)

Feeling naked and vulnerable without his grandfather's sword in his hand (and unable to see or hear anything specific) Rince will move to where his gear is stashed under a table (he didn't come to a festival toting a sword !) and retrieve his weapon and shield (Move + Standard Action probably), screaming for someone to tell him "Where's that Cursed Noise coming from ?"

Male Human Fighter /1

Rince spends the morning helping with preparations if he's allowed to. He greets everyone as a long lost friend with especial attention for anyone obviously following a religious calling.

"My name is Rince and I'm very pleased to meet you...Let me get you a drink and a plate of food....I hope to be among the first to worship at the shrine to Erastil and I long to wield my blade in His service."

If at all possible Rince will gravitate towards those who speak of simple things, he feels slightly out of his depth talking about anything more cosmopolitan than grain farming.

Sorry to have waited so long before posting - I was in-advertantly stuck in a field with no connection for the last day or so !!!

Rince will probably have trudged into town the day before. He'll have gone to the Cathedral as soon as possible and offered to help with the setup for the next day so he will probably have encountered Abstalar Zantus.

He will have slept out of the way and on the day of the festival he will have washed and shaved the best he could and will be continuing to aid with the preparation if allowed.

His kit will be put to one side, possibly under a bench or something where he can keep an eye on it - his sword is the most valuable thing he's ever owned and he feels a great sense of responsibility in bearing it.

Rince is all done now ! He's poor, poor, poor ! But Happy ! He also needs to find a sponser/mentor to help him get 'ordained' as a Paladin.

Looking forward to 'interacting' with Goblins ! Let me know if you need me to do anything else.

Here's the start of my Fighter. I'll Post more Later - I've got a face to face game to run !! (Flamifur)

Werecorpse wrote:

Still nothing here. Does it matter that I chose to save postage on my hardcopy by combining my subscriptions? will that delay me getting the PDF?

If so......crud.

I have the same concerns.....

......and I hate the anticipation!!!!!!!