Riktuk's page

4 posts. Organized Play character for Riktukk.


Horizon Hunters 3/5 *

FYI, not sure if this is a bug or not.

I attempted purchasing a hobgoblin ancestry for a character just now. I don't have any Playtest points, so I didn't change that dropdown menu. I selected my character in the dropdown menu for AcP and clicked Purchase, but the page just refreshed with no change.

I tried again, this time selecting my character in both the Playtest and AcP dropdown menus. Now when I clicked Purchase, it worked.

Horizon Hunters

Aratorin wrote:
Ravingdork wrote:

I'm referring to higher than 1st-level innate spells.

It seems to me that you could say, pick a 5th-level magic missile as your 5th-level innate spell (provided something gave you a 5th-level innate spell). However, the fact that all the spellcasting classes need class abilities to heighten spells gives me pause, and is why I'm asking.

Virtue-Forged Tattoos specifically says you can do this. Which side of the argument that helps, I'm not sure.

Rather than debating theoreticals, what specific ability are you looking at?

Here's an example from an item: gold nodule aeon stone's resonant power [CRB 605]. Base 2nd level comprehend languages? 3rd level, since it's a Level 6 item and spellcasters of Level 6 have access to 3rd level spells?

Horizon Hunters

Does anyone know what the spell level would be of the comprehend languages provided by the resonant power of a gold nodule aeon stone (CRB 605)? I don't see anything clarifying it in the Innate Spells section (CRB 302), since it's not a cantrip that would be auto-heightened. 3rd level, since it's a Level 6 item and a 6th level spellcaster would have access to 3rd level spells?

Horizon Hunters 3/5 *

How do other people understand the mechanics of Broken Threshold for the Aeon Nexus?

CRB 618 wrote:
A broken object can't be used for its normal function, nor does it grant bonuses.
Bestiary, Animated Broom wrote:
Construct Armor: ... Once an animated broom is reduced to less than half its HP ... its construct armor breaks and its Armor Class is reduced to 14.

It doesn't have a specific entry regarding what happens when the Broken Threshold is reached, like Animated Broom. Interpreting the Broken condition from the CRB, is it non-functional and out of the fight once it reaches the Broken Threshold? That is, not able to use the Static reaction or Routine actions?