Kelim Esteban

Rikarus Alpert's page

38 posts. Alias of Xaaon of Xen'Drik.

About Rikarus Alpert

Rikarus Alpert
Gender: Male
Origin: Empire
Race: Human

Height: 5' 8"
Weight: 171 lbs
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Brown
Age: 23 years
Distinguishing Marks: Broken Nose
Birthplace: Hovel in Wissenland
Siblings: 1 (deceased)
Starsign: Wymund the Anchorite (Sign of Enduring)

[4]2 WS
[3]3 BS
[3]2 ST
[3]9 T
[3]2 AG
[3]1 IN
[3]5 WP
[3]1 FL

Secondary Profile
1 Attack (A)
13 Wounds (W)
3 Strength Bonus (SB)
3 Toughness Bonus (TB)
4 Movement (M)
0 Magic (Mag)
0 Insanity Points (IP)
2 Fate Point (FP)

Rikarus has been a Ferryman since he was old enough to take over for his paw. He inherited his father's crossbow, and leather jack. Rikarus never knew his mother since she died in childbirth with his younger brother, who died as well.

Common Knoweldge (The Empire)
Secret Language (Ranger tongue)
Perception +10

Specialist Weapon Group (Gun Powder)

Career Exits: Boatman, Highwayman, Roadwarden, Seaman, Smuggler

Human Features
Common Knowledge (the Empire)
Speak Language (Reikspiel)
2 Random Talents
1d100=43, 1d100=97
Mimic (+10% Bonus on Performer Skill tests, Disguise Skill tests that has a verbal component and Speak Language Skill tests when trying to pass a native.
Warrior Born (+5% to Starting Weapon Skill) [Please apply accordingly]

Starting Career
Ferryman 1d100=26

Free Advance - +5% to BS (To improve your chances with hitting the ranged weapons listed below) [Please apply to your profile]

Trappings: Crossbow with 10 bolts,light armor (leather jack)
Dagger, Quarterstaff, 9gc, 17s

Weapon Skill (WS) 2d10+20=32, Ballistic Skill (BS) 2d10+20=28, Strength (S) 2d10+20=32, Toughness (T) 2d10+20=39, Agility (Ag) 2d10+20=32, Intelligence (Int) 2d10+20=31, Willpower ( WP) 2d10+20=35, Fellowship(Fel) 2d10+20=31

1gc = 20s = 240p
1 gold crown=20 silver shillings
1 silver shilling=12 copper pence

1d10=10, 1d10=4

XP: 100 earned
Spent: 100 (+5%WS)