Artemis Entreri

RidTrouble's page

13 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


Ratfolk, celestials, fey (dryads, pixies, nymphs etc).
Actually would like to see some drow from Second Darkness too ;)

Would like to see a ratfolk mini too at some stage :)

Curse of the Crimson Throne gets my vote!

I haven't read #4 yet either but I'm thinking she's a mortal. She didn't seem very worldly when she met the frost giants. I think the Enchantress was changed back to her old self at the end of Axis? Guess I'll have to read #4 :)

Captain America
Human Torch

It all depends on who's writing them really. Even the most under-rated superhero can be awesome with a great writer. A lot of faves were earler Marvel (80's and 90's) but I am now reading DC 52 and getting into all those iconic superheroes.

Just read it. It was okay but pretty average for a milestone 700th issue. Is it just me or does anyone else feel disappointed lately with superhero DC and Marvel comics? I've been reading/collecting comics for over twenty-five years now. There are a lot of great comic artists now but often the storylines are poor. The whole Batman RIP storyline was disjointed and very confusing to read. I'm enjoying the Batman and Robin series (it's fresh and stand alone so far). I'm looking forward to the Avengers relaunch!

I have just preordered it through the local game store :) Also Happy 7th Anniversary Paizo!!Thanks for all your love and effort in putting together some truly awesome and inspiring products!

Well we finally got together and played through the Starry Mirror. It took a couple of hours but they were enjoying the challenge. After several failures, the cleric cast some divination magic and that gave them enough of a clue to solve it themselves. Thanks for the advice from everyone.

The PCs in my campaign have just entered the Starry Mirror. They did not take the tablet nor have they taken any notice of the floor pattern prior to the maze. We finished the last session with the PCs individually in the Starry Maze. I'm not sure how they're going to figure it out without these clues.

One of my players who has a gnome illusionist wants to be involved in the MTA (Magical Threats Agency) after their efforts against the fiendish umber hulk in Zenith Trajectory. Has anyone got any advice on this? Is there any information on wizard guilds or prestige classes I could model off to make up the MTA? Any help would be appreciated. Cheers =)

The players really struggled against the fire elementals. They have two clerics, a rogue, a ranger/rogue, and an NPC barbarian. So not really prepared for the combat (after waking up during the night)they managed to destroy the first elemental. The NPC was slain though. Only the arrival of the Blue Duke turned the tide of battle (that cone of cold sure helped). They still only just managed to defeat the second elemental.

Hey let's celebrate the fact we're all gamers ay? 1st edition through to 4E. It's sad that there's so much ill feeling about different editions. I think as gamers we've got plenty in common so let's not divide our community. I'm new here on these messageboards but have been gaming for 20+ years. It's the role-playing with other gamers and having a great time that matters. Just my two coppers worth =)

I'll be running Zenith Trajectory in a couple of weeks time. It will be interesting to see if the PCs become suspicious of Vhalantru when they hand Zenith over.