Berdred Leredel

Rick "The Dragon"'s page

93 posts. Alias of Jereru.


AC 17 (T 17, FF 13) | CMB +5, CMD 18 | Init +4 | Speed 30ft | F +5, R +7, W +6 | Perc +8, SM +3 (Low-Light)


HP 15/15 | Meditation Dice 1/1 | Ki Pool 5/7


NG Human Sage 2 | Status: Ok

About Rick "The Dragon"

Intro, Defense & Offense:

Male Human Sage 1

NG Humanoid (Human)


Speed 30 ft
Initiative: +4

STR 10 (+0)
DEX 19 (+3) (16 Base +2 Race +1 Level)
CON 14 (+2)
INT 12 (+1)
WIS 16 (+3) (14 Base +2 Race)
CHA 08 (-1)

AC 17, Touch 17, Flat-Footed 13 (10 Base +0 Armor +4 Dex +3 Wis)
HP 15 (6+1x(4 HD)+2x(+2 Con)+1x(+1 Trait)
Fort +5, Ref +7, Will +6
CMD 18

Unarmed Strike +6 1d4+1d6 B x2

Ki Blast +6 1d6 P x2 30ft Touch AC
Ki Barrage +5/+5 1d6/1d6 P x2 30ft Touch AC
Point Blank: +1 to hit & damage

CMB: +5

Martial & Casting Traditions:

Casting Tradition: Tattoed Monk
A tattooed monk focuses his magic thanks to the powerful tattoos he had inscribed all over his body. The ink used to carve the tattoos comes from inherently magic creatures such as planetouched humanoids or blood sorcerers.

Magical Signs (Tattoos move as if they were alive)
Mental Focus
Somatic Casting x2 (Katas and breathing exercises)
Verbal Casting (Ki shouts and mantras)

Sphere Specific Drawbacks

The mystical tattoos allow the monk to focus the chi in her own body, but this kind of energy is very difficult to project on other beings.

Lycanthropic (Alteration)
Bodily Enhancement (Enhancement)
Personal Magics (Enhancement)
Personal Fate (Fate)
Personal Illusion (Illusion)
Protected Soul (Protection)
Personal Time (Time)
Solo Combatant (War)
Personal Warp (Warp)


Martial Tradition: Tattoed Warrior (Altered)
A Tattoed Warrior capitalises on his tattoos, making use of powerful enchantments to enhance his unarmed combat and physical prowess.

Finesse Fighting
Open Hand Sphere
Dragon’s Tattos Feat
Zodiac Tattos Feat

Traits, Feats & Talents:

Remote Relative (Campaign, Made Up)
Rick is in Sandpoint because, after investigating on the subject and much wandering, he discovered that the only relatives he has (and still he’s not hundred percent sure) is a branch of the family that moved to Varisia long ago and started a glasswork business.
Blood of Dragons (Race)
Rick’s weird ancestry allowed him to shot rays of mystical energy and see in the dark. It puzzled everyone at the monastery and made him search for his family.
Steel Body (Combat)
Training at the monastery focused heavily in building the monks’ resistance and toughness. A dead monk is no good monk at all.

Extra Combat Talent Barrage Sphere
Dragon’s Tattoos (Tradition)
Zodiac Tattoos (Tradition)
Weapon Focus Rays

TALENTS (Talent Sheet)
Open Hand Sphere (Tradition)
Finesse Training (Tradition)
Barrage Sphere (Extra Talent Feat)
Athletics Sphere (Run) (Extra)
Divination Sphere (Extra)
Ghost Sight (Style Talent)
Sniper Sphere
Augmented Grip (Meteor Shower)


Armor Check Penalty: 0

Skill Points: 2x(4 +1 Int +1 FCB) = 12 +Acrobatics
Acrobatics: 9 (2 Rank +4 DEX +3 Class -0 ACP)
Bluff: -1 (0 Rank -1 CHA +0 Class)
Climb: 4 (1 Rank +0 STR +3 Class -0 ACP)
Diplomacy: 0 (1 Rank -1 CHA +0 Class)
Disable Device: 4 (Untr) (0 Rank +4 DEX +0 Class -0 ACP)
Disguise: -1 (0 Rank -1 CHA +0 Class)
Escape Artist: 9 (2 Rank +4 DEX +3 Class -0 ACP)
Fly: 4 (0 Rank +4 DEX +0 Class -0 ACP)
Heal: 4 (1 Rank +3 WIS +0 Class)
Intimidate: -1 (0 Rank -1 CHA +0 Class)
Kn Arcana: 6 (2 Rank +1 INT +3 Class)
Kn Dungeoneering: 1 (Untr) (0 Rank +1 INT +0 Class)
Kn Local: 1 (Untr) (0 Rank +1 INT +0 Class)
Kn Nature: 1 (Untr) (0 Rank +1 INT +0 Class)
Kn Planes: 1 (Untr) (0 Rank +1 INT +0 Class)
Kn Religion: 1 (Untr) (0 Rank +1 INT +0 Class)
Perception: 8 (2 Rank +3 WIS +3 Class)
Ride: 4 (0 Rank +4 DEX +0 Class -0 ACP)
Sense Motive: 7 (1 Rank +3 WIS +3 Class)
Spellcraft: 1 (Untr) (0 Rank +1 INT +0 Class)
Stealth: 9 (2 Rank +4 DEX +3 Class -0 ACP)
Survival: 3 (0 Rank +3 WIS +0 Class)
Swim: 0 (0 Rank +0 STR +0 Class -0 ACP)
Use Magic Device: -1 (Untr) (0 Rank -1 CHA +0 Class)

Skill Points: 4 +Craft: Tattoos
Appraise: 1 (0 Rank +1 INT +0 Class)
Craft: Tattoos 6 (2 Rank +1 INT +3 Class)
Handle Animal: -1 (Untr) (0 Rank -1 CHA +0 Class)
Kn Engineering: 1 (Untr) (0 Rank +1 INT +0 Class)
Kn Geography: 5 (1 Rank +1 INT +3 Class)
Kn History: 1 (Untr) (0 Rank +1 INT +0 Class)
Kn Nobility: 1 (Untr) (0 Rank +1 INT +0 Class)
Linguistics: 2 (1 Rank +1 INT +0 Class)
Perform: Katas 4 (2 Rank -1 CHA +3 Class)
Profession: 3 (Untr) (0 Rank +3 WIS +0 Class)
Sleight of Hand: 4 (Untr) (0 Rank +4 DEX +0 Class -0 ACP)


Knife 2 gp (1 lb)
Canteen 2 gp (1 lb)
Belt Pouch 1 gp (.5 lb)

Backpack 2 gp (2 lb) with
Blanket .5 gp (3 lb)
Soap 0 gp (.5 lb)
Flint and Steel 1 gp (0 lb)

Total Weight: 8/33 lb (Light Load)

Cash: 51 gp / 5 sp


Rikkuro was given to a monastery when he was only three. From what the moks living at that time say, his family needed to move far away and couldn’t guarantee the little one’s safety, more so being the baby strangely gifted.

He grew up with the monks, in the far away land of Tian Xia. His occult ancestry was soon clear to them, and he received the ritual tattoos at a very young age. The ease with which he could gather his Chi stunned everyone, but none of them seemed able to help him unearth its origin. When he was old enough, he gathered all the information the monks could give him and parted to seek his family.

Rikkuro wandered the land through some time, and finally managed to talk with the right people at the right time. He discovered that a part of his family was nowhere to be found, but a small branch was known to have moved to faraway Varisia, to the South. Having no other loose end to grab, he made his mind and went to Varisia in pursuit of his own past.

Once in the Inner Sea area, with his name changed to Rick for easier adaptation, he sought for the people named Kaijitsu, and was directed towards Sandpoint. There he arrives today, finding himself caught in the middle of the crowd that expects the beginning of the Swallowtail festival and the reopening of the Cathedral.

Rick is a very shy guy, both naturally and due to his cloistered raising. He finds himself quite embarrassed when he knows he is being a nuisance. He’s got a good resistance to pressure, though, and when things get ugly he knows how to reach his inner strength.

While he was shaved when he left the monastery, he has let his hair grow long since then. He’s quite fit and athletic, and wears ordinary clothes that allow him freedom of moves and cover his tattoos (serpent dragons along his arm length, ending with the head of the dragon in his hand, and planetary forms and symbols on his back). He could be taken for an ordinary traveller, only coming from far away as his facial features betray. Even his accent and manners have improved a lot lastly, and soon he’ll be able to walk among Varisians without attracting that many looks.