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So for some time I've had an idea for a new campaign world. In a nutshell he is my basic idea. Just prior to the events of "Earthfall" in the Golrorian timeline...when the Aboleth call forth the starstone....the starstone passes through a 9 planet solar system much like Earths and the magical effects of the starstone create 9 planar gates each tied to one of the 9 alignment outer planes (Heaven, Nirvana, Elysium) etc. Every 5 centuries these gates open again, and the outsiders and natives of said planes can spill forth and effect this world. So it has been 10,0000 years since the passing for the starstone. I'm really basing this world around the element of 9. 9 main realms, each Representative of one of the 9 alignments, 9 iconic NPCs in each one, etc. I'm also thinking that the Gods have limited access to this plane and Clerics largely follow Philosophies, etc. Perhaps there has already been a "Godswar" immediately following the starstone passage, etc.

I'm grateful for any advice, or ideas anyone may have.

I've considered doing a "microscopic creation method" where the PCs begin in a single town or village in one of the 9 realms....perhaps the Neutral realm where humans reign in a settlement ruled by druids, etc. By "microscopic" method I'm thinking of a "Diablo" like game start where PCs are all present in one village with a nearby forbidden ruins, etc. I'm also considering having the characters be mythic and later to become demigods"....I know its very over the top, but its where my head is at.

As I've said I'm very grateful for any concepts, ideas, or advice.