Richard Baird |
Crown of Deceit
Aura moderate enchantment and illusion; CL 5th
Slot head; Price 9,600 gp; Weight 2 lbs.
This platinum crown is encrusted with five gems, one large gem (keystone) in the center measuring three by two inches with two gems on each side of it measuring one by one inch each. Upon speaking the command word, the wearer of the Crown of Deceit can force all humanoid onlookers within a twenty foot radius to see the person they most desire, dead or alive. The wearer can target one, some, or all onlookers. All victims of the crown’s magic are allowed a will save with a DC of 16 to nullify the effect. The wearer is not aware of whether his onlookers are enthralled. While under the effects of the crown, the wearer gets +20 to all Diplomacy and Bluff checks with the enthralled victims. The effect lasts for five minutes (50 rounds). Also, any affected victims are more susceptible to suggestions from the wearer, giving a -4 penalty to will saves to resist any enchantment cast by the wearer.
When the crown is activated the large gem set in the center of the crown dulls for 24 hours when it returns to a brilliant state. If the crown is activated again while the keystone is dull, one of the remaining small gems shatters and is irreplaceable. If all of the small gems are shattered and the keystone is dull, the crown cannot be activated again until the keystone resumes shining. During that time, the Crown of Deceit is considered nonmagical.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, Charm, Disguise Self, Suggestion; Cost 4,800 gp