Riccard's page

No posts. Organized Play character for Ryan Boles.

Wanted to start a thread to talk about experiences while running any of the three sundering adventures. I don't care what edition or game rules just the story and how yours turned out. Currently I'm running Murder in Baldurs Gate and my players have taken Torin Siversheilds offer. We have just started and they have just finished the stage one events. I've been pleased with the style this adventure presents, very smart and mature. I also have the other two in the series. What do you guys think and how have yours turned out?

Sorry if this is already a topic, I searched and could not find what I was looking for.

Has anyone made rules for jiu jitsu? I mean you can grapple but what about joint locks, arm bars etc? Or chokes? How could you determine if a PC successfully lands a submission or a joint lock? Would this be a skill check or a roll against an ability?

Looking for players or a DM (if interested) in the Meridian MS area and surrounding counties (if not too far)to play Pathfinder game. Thanks