Mounted Paladin

Rhone1's page

Organized Play Member. 24 posts. 1 review. No lists. 1 wishlist.

Silver Crusade

So, I went to Gen Con last week and had a chance to play in a couple of Pathfinder games...I think they were the "Devil We Know" parts I and II. The adventures were a blast, the GM's great and the players were fantastic (and passionate about Pathfinder). After the games I stopped by the Paizo booth, talked to as many senior Paizo people as I could find and bought as much Pathfinder stuff as I could fit into my bags and bring home.

So...I'm all in now and have decided to make Pathfinder my game of choice. Our group is going to start with the Crypt of the Everflame and will move over to the new Pathfinder adventure path in late September. I'm hoping that at least two of the adventures will be written so I can get a better handle on the story line, npc's, etc.

The question I have for you all is this, "Am I on the right track?" Is there something else you all would recommend as a way to get started with the Pathfinder world? I also bought the campaign setting and a few other books and am a bit overwhelmed as of now at how little I know about Golarion. Any advice or suggestions are welcomed.


Silver Crusade

I'm signed up to go to Gen Con this yea rnad would love to play in some of the Pathfinder games being offered. However, I'm not sure if I qualify to play in some of the events as they are marked Tier 1 - 7 or Tier 5 - 9. What exactly does that mean? Can a vetern rpg player who is new to Pathfinder (I've read the whole beta book) play in the Tier events if I am new to the society?


Silver Crusade


Okay, so I have a pretty good understanding of the Pathfinder beta rules...what do i do now?

Everythng seems fairly easy to play but I don't know enough about the Adventure Path's. I have the Runelords and Second Darkness series but I'm not sure if I should start there with the beta rules, or run one of the using 3.5? Another option is to run my players thru a Paizo module and adapt it to the beta rules.

Anyone have any ideas for a Pathfinder noob?

Silver Crusade

Hello all!

I am in the process of trying to get my group to switch from 4e to Pathfinder. Currently I am waiting for the beta book I ordered to arrive but was hoping someone could give me a few bullet points on how the Pathfinder rpg differs from 3.5. Any info is much appreciated so I can pass it to the other players in my group.
