RhesusPieces's page

Organized Play Member. 23 posts (24 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.

We just began a new home-brewed adventure path, and my GM gave me permission to build a gunslinger with a revolver. I want to build a two revolver gunslinger reminiscent of Roland from the Dark Tower books (I know, tropey trope trope. At least I'm not building an angsty adolescent vampire, right?).

Anyway, my concept of a 'true' gunslinger is one in which his fluid mechanics make him a continuous source of damage output, and once I've depleted my initial ammunition, I want to execute the following progression.

Round 1) Full-round attack with both guns. Ammunition depleted. Holster right gun as a free action.
Round 2) Rapid reload and full attack with left gun. Draw right gun as free action.
Round 3) Holster left gun as free action. Rapid reload and full attack with right gun.
Round 4) Draw left gun. Full attack with both guns. Holster right gun to complete the cycle.

This way I have a full attack every round with at least one gun, and I'll have a full attack with both guns every third round. I know this involves a liberal amount of free actions, but if you go through the actions it's entirely plausible.

The problematic part is holstering as a free action. I don't think quick draw allows you to also holster as a free action. I know I can buy weapon cords and then holster as a swift action, but the visualization of a gunslinger dropping his revolver and letting it flop around between his legs...just no. I could also buy a wand of Unseen Servant, and let the arcane caster in the group cast it on me. Then I could drop a gun, and the unseen servant could catch it and place it in the holster for me. It would work mechanically, but again, I hate the flavor of it. As far as I can tell, I just need to lobby for creating a quick holster feat so the progression would be something like this:

Level 1) Point blank shot and Deadly Aim (human)
Level 3) TWF
Level 4) Precise shot
Level 5) Rapid Reload
Level 7) Improved TWF
Level 8) Quick Draw
Level 9) Quick Holster

Ideas? Suggestions? Will I break the game?

We just began a new home-brewed adventure path, and my GM gave me permission to build a gunslinger with a revolver. I want to build a two revolver gunslinger reminiscent of Roland from the Dark Tower books (I know, tropey trope trope. At least I'm not building an angsty adolescent vampire, right?).

Anyway, my concept of a 'true' gunslinger is one in which his fluid mechanics make him a continuous source of damage output, and once I've depleted my initial ammunition, I want to execute the following progression.

Round 1) Full-round attack with both guns. Ammunition depleted. Holster right gun as a free action.
Round 2) Rapid reload and full attack with left gun. Draw right gun as free action.
Round 3) Holster left gun as free action. Rapid reload and full attack with right gun.
Round 4) Draw left gun. Full attack with both guns. Holster right gun to complete the cycle.

This way I have a full attack every round with at least one gun, and I'll have a full attack with both guns every third round. I know this involves a liberal amount of free actions, but if you go through the actions it's entirely plausible.

The problematic part is holstering as a free action. I don't think quick draw allows you to also holster as a free action. I know I can buy weapon cords and then holster as a swift action, but the visualization of a gunslinger dropping his revolver and letting it flop around between his legs...just no. I could also buy a wand of Unseen Servant, and let the arcane caster in the group cast it on me. Then I could drop a gun, and the unseen servant could catch it and place it in the holster for me. It would work mechanically, but again, I hate the flavor of it. As far as I can tell, I just need to lobby for creating a quick holster feat so the progression would be something like this:

Level 1) Point blank shot and Deadly Aim (human)
Level 3) TWF
Level 4) Precise shot
Level 5) Rapid Reload
Level 7) Improved TWF
Level 8) Quick Draw
Level 9) Quick Holster


I just created a drow sorcerer, and I was wondering about how the drow spells relate to my spells known. Does my character know these spells intuitively, and come in addition to the two I choose? Or are they simply extra options I can choose?

If your base attack bonus is high enough to permit two attacks as part of a full-round action, can you cast two spells provided they each have a casting time of one standard action?

For example, could I cast Haste on myself and party one round. Then the next round, cast true strike on myself, prepare ghoul touch, 5-foot step, and then land the touch?

So let's say you have a mixed group with several very sneaky rogues (one with +28 stealth), but also a dwarven fighter that doesn't do stealth. Let's say we encounter enemies, and the rogues want to get a surprise round. If they go stealthy, they won't be detected, but the enemies are sure to recognize the dwarf. How is this resolved? I understand that a surprise round can occur when only some enemies are aware of my party, but what if all the enemies are only aware of part of my party?