Rheinguard's page

Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber. Organized Play Member. 6 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 12 Organized Play characters.


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Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber

I absolutely agree. I'm a Starfinder subscriber atm, but I'm considering cancelling my subscription. The new overall entry fee for PDFs is just too high in my opinion. PDFs going from $20 to $30 really surprised me, and the scenarios going from $5 to almost $10 just straight up scared me. Considering the current cost of living and my current income, its getting harder to justify me spending this amount of money. I really hope you course correct, because as it currently is, I'll only be able to buy Paizo product whenever you throw the occasional Humble bundle. The decision to increase the price has severely hampered accessibility.

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Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber

An ACP Boon for the Tamchal Chakram would be awesome. I really think this is an awesome and unique weapon a Pathfinder could use.

Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber
David knott 242 wrote:
Rheinguard wrote:
Still nothing from my subscriptions. Saying 6-03 is next at this point so I'm a little worried...

Send an e-mail to customer.service@paizo.com and inquire about your May society subscriptions. Something went wrong, and they need to fix it -- but you will need to let them know about it.

I had the same problem, and they fixed it fairly quickly.

Thank you David. I did as you recommended and quickly received the scenarios. Much appreciated!

Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber

Still nothing from my subscriptions. Saying 6-03 is next at this point so I'm a little worried...

Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber

Hello Paizo. I am happy to finally see some Starfinder support on Foundry. However I have some concerns about this release. First, I'd like to ask if these modules will be slightly discounted to those that own the scenarios upon their release? Second and more importantly, will this module include importable journal entries? As I understand it, they were not available yet at Paizocon because the scenarios have yet to be officially release. However it has come to my attention that journal integration was never to be added. Quite frankly, this is unacceptable if true, as integrated journals are required to solidly run any adventure. Why pay for something that has omitted such a key feature? If your PF2E modules can do it, Starfinder modules can do it too. This is a big step forward for Starfinder on Foundry, but as it is right now it isn't a product that I can recommend. Please do right by your consumers and include journal entries for these releases.


Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber

How exactly do Force Soles interact with Powered Armor? My next tier of flying Powered Armor would make my character's size Huge. Playing a Large character is already unwieldy and just an unnecessary hassle in Society Scenarios. However, he requires the extra mobility given to him by a flight speed. Can I use Force Soles Mk II while inside Powered Armor? Or should I just get used to the idea of becoming Chungus Maximus? Do scenarios even support Huge+ characters?