Lizardfolk Sorcerer

Rhatha's page

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber. Organized Play Member. 21 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 6 Organized Play characters.

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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

It's because they can't have it in the compendiums due to OGL not allowing for the art. As the GM, if you have individual images on your computer (or your hosted webservice if you go that route) you can easily search and add them. Foundry doesn't have an arrangement with Paizo like Roll20 does to sell e.g. the bestiary and its art in VTT form. Instead, they include all the info that's free on the OGL (e.g. the statblocks) and have a default blank image in most cases. A few of the monsters have basic art that fan have created but most are the default.

If you own an AP PDF and use the importer module it will pull in all the monster images from that AP for you. I don't believe there's anything similar for the bestiaries at this time.

Unlike something like Roll20, almost all content on Foundry is created by the community, not necessarily by Foundry's creator.

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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

While I haven't had a chance to play all the ones I'm interested in, Druid so far has been amazingly fun all the way from level 3 up to 16 (playing AoA). Being able to have a wild shape build that's still a full caster instead of cutting out the majority of the class has worked very well, and the tradeoff in feat choice and actions to get in/out of form seems fair so far (haste is your friend!). I do wish there was a little more wiggle room in feats as you're constantly deciding what forms to give up, but the versatility in play makes up for the tough choices on paper.

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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

IMO, it is totally wrong to sigh in exasperation. There are people who like the offbeat races and think that playing most humans, elves, etc. is boring and overdone (I'm one of them). The best thing about Pathfinder is that there are SO many options, you can find something you like and even if it's a little unusual, it mostly can fit in. Even if it's not your thing, it's usually better to support your players in playing how they want to have fun. That kind of reaction can be really discouraging, especially with new players.

(Obviously, if something is a deal breaker it needs to be discussed between the gm and the players asap, but I didn't get that impression here.)

As far as the RP difficulty goes, you can certainly point your players at the right material for background, and not everything is going to be perfect to lore when they're just starting, but they're likely to do a lot better with something they really want to play instead of just sticking to a common race.

Sorry for the semi-rant, this is a sticking point for me.