
Rezelbethef's page

Organized Play Member. 2 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


Shadow Lodge

The Onta’Keya Gaming Guild is starting a new campaign and looking for a few players to play Pathfinder (PF). The campaign will be home-brewed and open sandbox; as the DM, I'll present opportunities and setting, but the direction of the game will ultimately be up to the players. Want to play evil characters, fine. Want to be good guys or a gang of self-serving thieves, great. In the end, it’s the players’ circus and I’m the ring master.
As of now, the game is comprised of one dedicated player and myself. We are fairly new to PF, but played AD&D back in the 80-90s. Expect baby steps as we wrestle with rules questions/issues. PF is very rule heavy and we'll learn as we go.
We also would like to get folks who are dedicated, friendly, helpful players who are not rules lawyers, jerks, or other unsavory types. New players - both to PF or RPGs all together - are great as long as you are willing to learn; a bit of hand holding is expected! We play every Friday evening at 6pm (central) and will run until 11 or until a convenient break point in game play. We use Mumble as voice com, so a microphone is necessary!
Also, role playing is very important in some games, but not so much in ours. We don't expect the dwarves to talk in Scottish accents and the gnomes to sound like leprechauns, but if you want to talk like that, we will not object. I do expect you to role play when you interact with NPCs when the occasion arises - role play occurs around 45.8% of the time & is a rough/made up/out of my ass percent. Talk between players does not have to be role play either.
We will limit races/classes to the core book for now.
The first game session will be to meet one another, go over expectations, house rules as well as go over characters/finalize characters or other admin stuff. If we have time, we could even start the campaign!
If interested, please respond with an introduction here on the forums or at; happy gaming!

Shadow Lodge

Most modern people would be far from "experts" at anything during the middle ages. Most folks can't grow their own food, raise animals for food-let alone butcher one, sew, live off the land, chop wood, work with metal or wood, weave a basket, ride a horse, ect. Heck, most modern people are over weight, can't stand to be outside and are in horrible shape to do any physical labor. If anything, a modern person in the middle ages would die an unceremonious death in the gutter of whatever village he found himself.