Cayden Cailean

Reycied's page

130 posts (330 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 5 aliases.


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Male Human Paladin, 6

I miss this game. :P

Male Human Paladin, 6

Gelik: "I thought you were supposed to be extinct, but after you're dead and rotting, you'll be ex-STINK-t! And WHAT is the DEAL with AIRLINE FOOD?!"

[b]Everyone Else:[b] "BONUS!"

Male Human Paladin, 6

I agree, the maps do their job with aplomb. I only have one request--could you differentiate somehow between monsters? It hasn't been an issue yet, but something like labeling each enemy toke "b1" and "b2" would help me get my mind around them better.

Male Human Paladin, 6

You've played Namco X Capcom?! never came out in America, and I can't read Japanese, so as much as I wanted to I never got a chance to play it.

I've heard good things about BlazBlue, though. And that song kicks tons of tuchus.

Hope you enjoyed your Nichellesketch!

Male Human Paladin, 6

Art time! gather 'round my knee, children.

Since Me'mori was the one to reply to my post, today's drawing is a mugshot of everyone's favorite acrobatic alchemist, Nichelle.

I'm not sure I did her tattoos much justice, and I can't draw braids for a damn and three quarters of another damn, but I thought she came out okay. As a bonus, I threw in two random dagger designs and a phial containing MYSTERIOUS TOXINS OF DOOM.

You can check out Nichelle giving her 'innocent face' right here.

Music listened too while drawing this picture was "Arisu of the Wavering City", from the soundtrack of Namco X Capcom. Give it a listen, won't you?

Hope you enjoy it.

Male Human Paladin, 6

-wiggly squid-arms-

Daaaance throoough the Tiiiime Waaaarp agaaaain!" I need to see that movie again. It's been almost ten years.

EDIT: On the way to see the film "Grindhouse" on a Saturday night, going on 11:00 PM, a friend and I wove through the plaza towards the theater singing "Science Fiction / Double Feature" from the opening credits of Rocky Horror at the top of our lungs. Fitting, considering we were actually going to see a 'late night double feature picture show'. XD Good times.

Male Human Paladin, 6

THANK YOU somebody got it. <3

-clears his throat-

"And bend your knees in ti-i-ight!"

Male Human Paladin, 6

No, see...the correct response is...

...and then a step to the ri-i-i-i-iight!

Male Human Paladin, 6

Oh, balls. XD I fail at life.

I'm caught in a TIME WARP.

Sorry. I guess I'll just have to take a jump to the left...

Male Human Paladin, 6

Well, to be honest, I didn't expect to get attacked while foraging. And if we want to keep eating, I'd hate to have to gather together the entire party every night to go hunting. XD

But if that's what it takes to live, c'est la vie, non?

Male Human Paladin, 6

Cruise Elroy and the Mystery of the Headless Snake.

Male Human Paladin, 6

It's okay. I flubbed that one.

I think Rhys is going to die. In 3.5, 5-foot steps were move-equivalent actions, which is why he dropped his crossbow in favor of his scimitar, so he wouldn't provoke attacks of opportunity when he reloaded and shot.

...apparently, in Pathfinder, they're not.

I would have held onto my Crossbow had I known that. That mistake is likely going to cost Rhys is life, if that paltry three damage didn't kill the snake.

...'s been nice playing with you. XD

EDIT: -explosive breath!- Eff me, that was close.

Male Human Paladin, 6

I see somebody got my Jurassic Park reference...:3

Male Human Paladin, 6

Aw, nobody's commented on my new drawing. :<

Aw, well! Who shall I draw next? The first person who replies to this post gets a Reycied-official drawing of their character! :D

Male Human Paladin, 6

"I want you to bring me the bray of the happiest donkey, the tear of the saddest nymph, and the most JOYFUL SANDWICH THE WORLD HAS EVER SEEN."

Alternatively, a map, a compass and a magic sword.

Male Human Paladin, 6


Because the powerful ones have got to be eccentric.

Male Human Paladin, 6

It's okay. Snaps photos I was a fan of your Devil's Advocate costume.

The point is, by the law of Crafting as it stands now, how do high-level poisons even exist unless there are Epic-level characters sitting in rooms cranking them out? XD

Male Human Paladin, 6

...that's kind of ridiculous. -_-

As for skill and feat shuffling, SdF is usually pretty lenient about that kinda stuff, especially about something that's so...unbalanced.

I is a scorpion. It stings you and injects its poison. So you cut off the stinger of a scorpion that has yet to inject its stock of poison, and harvest it. HOW does it take seven weeks to do that (assuming you don't fail the check by 4 or more each week)?

Kind of silly, especially considering your character is a POISONER.

Male Human Paladin, 6

More art!

Tentatively titled 'Jungle Heat', this is a hypothetical picture of Rhys stripped-down to better deal with the muggy humidity of the jungle (not that it matters to him, being resistant to heat and all, but whatever).It started out as a gag picture of Rhys in a bathing suit, since they're all on the beach, and looking very embarrassed about it, but it sorta evolved. I wanted to draw what he might look like once his mask of general distance was worn away. Tattoos on display! Woo!

The thingy he's conjuring is a cluster of darkness bubbles, since Tieflings can cast Darkness once per day.

You can see smiling and generally playful Rhys here.

MUSIC SELECTION: I wanted to go for some happier songs when I drew this, so prepare yourself. XD

1: "A Deus", by Noriyuki Iwadare, a man who composes some of the best music in video game history. This one's in Portugese. Listen here.

2: "This Side", by Nickel Creek. A little twangy and folky-sounding, but too good for me to deny on most cases. Listen here.

3: "Doo Bee Doo", by Freshlyground. Seriously, music doesn't get any happier than this. Or addicting. I might also have a crush on the lead singer. XD Listen here, baby.

Let me know what you think, and keep them dice rollin'!

Male Human Paladin, 6

I think Rhys would have to be Mr. Howell. He's not rich, he's not snobby, but he keeps to himself. XD

Male Human Paladin, 6


~With the Poisoner...
The Cleric too...
The Wiii-zaaaaard...and his chiiiimp...
The Tiefling Guide...
The tattoed barbarian-ranger!

(wait for it...)


I say we drop this PBP right now and pitch a wacky sitcom.

Male Human Paladin, 6

The Sea Scorpion map tokens look motorized to me. I have no idea why. Like they're little lobstrosity go-karts. vrooooom snip snip.

Male Human Paladin, 6

About the fight!


Did-a-chick, dad-a-jingers, g@#%~#ned lobsters bit off your fingers.

...if you haven't read the Dark Tower series, you probably don't get the "lobstrosities" reference I'm making with Rhys, but I found the parallels to be rocking awesome. XD

The lead character in the Dark Tower novels is a Gunslinger (a sort of knight-errant) named Roland. At the end of the first book he falls asleep on a beach.

At the beginning of the second book, he wakes up to a monstrous lobster (that he mentally dubs a "lobstrosity") biting two of his fingers clean off his hand. This is very, VERY bad for somebody who slings two guns.

I'm glad Rhys didn't LOSE that finger! Yet...

He'll do what he can to get the others out of this!

Male Human Paladin, 6




Male Human Paladin, 6

Rhys has a terrible fort save and somehow comes out on top. -facepalm- I suspect there's some patron Deity of Withdrawn Forest Guides out there who pointed His Mighty Finger at Rhys and said "This boy must now leave my flock and come out of his shell! BE A MAN, BOY!"

None of us can die before we get a chance to adventure together! I won't allow it. :<

I'm glad I could be of some help! I hope your first experience as a DM is both memorable and enjoyable! Go get 'em, tiger, and let the dice fall as they may!

Male Human Paladin, 6

I feel like I kill the thread every time I post. -snicker- I'm waiting for somebody else to post before i do! -shakes meaty fist!-

You make some pretty valid points, trying to spice up the game for your new players. But on the flip side, let me offer you the other hand:

Plausibility: The characters are adventurers. They are wanderers, warriors and spellcasters by trade. Casters gain their spells back after a night of sleep anyway (and after only a token amount of time of prayer / spellbook perusing), and a Fighter, Barbarian or Ranger is going to carry their sword, greataxe or bow with them as their standard dress.

Making the fight more memorable: Try doing this without denying your players their fun toys right from the get-go. Instead of taking away their items, try adding more goblins to up the challenge. Burn the encounter into their memories with improvised dialog. Really ham up a goblin accent as it attacks the wizard frantically with a Dogslicer, and describe the gruesome details as the Barbarian squashes one with a critical hit.

Incentive: The story itself should offer natural incentive in the form of XP, story and item rewards. In order to solve the mystery of Sandpoint, the players will need to explore the town and speak to the townsfolk. That'll be covered in due time, so just have patience and let the players work at their own pace.

The monk: Everybody wants a chance to shine, and everybody WILL get their chance. But it would probably be best not to deplete the resources of every other character while the one character that doesn't rely on those resources is untouched. Later on in the game that's a good plot twist, but right from the get-go, it may make the players feel cheapened or cheated out of their rightful stuff.

Keep in mind that attacking unarmed provokes Attacks of Opportunity. And if your Fighter or Barbarian--or worse, your Wizard--with no weapon and no armor is left to fight a bunch of goblins, the party is going to take heavy damage and possibly some losses right at the start.

I hope I've been some help, and I hope your new GM experience goes over well! Keep in mind that you WILL make mistakes, your players WILL make mistakes, and all you need to do is laugh, move on and keep the dice rolling!

Male Human Paladin, 6

Was just kind of bored waiting for other people to post updates on the IC forum, so I decided to share with you some insights into my (feeble) artistic mind!

SdF and Me'mori may recall that back on the Terra Mortalis forums, I often shared a selection of music when I posted some artwork, music I listened to as I drew that picture. I find it does a few things--lets me share music I love with others, often gets them to share music they associate with their characters with me, and gives others an emotional insight into the character I'm playing.

Kinda forgot to do that this time, so without further ado...

#1: Rhys, Unmasked
For this drawing, I started listening to "Drifting", by guitarist Andy McKee, which you can listen to on YouTube here. This is kind of Rhys' definitive song, since it is both a lonely and adventurous tune to me.

"Pacific Voices", by Taiko drumming group Portland Taiko, was also a great song. I listened to a lot of hachijodaiko drumming while drawing both these pictures because of the elemental sound of thundering drums, but "Pacific Voices" stood out for its focus on violin. Unfortunately, I can't find a good online sample of it, since I own the CD it came on, Making Waves.

#2: Rhys, Masked
"Romeiro ao Lonxe", by Galician folk ensemble Luar na Lubre. Yes, it is sung to the tune of "Scarborough Fair", but I don't care. They do a phenomenal job with it. And for some reason, the responses between the leads make the song sound lonely. Which, in case you haven't noticed, is kind of a driving theme behind Rhys' character. XD You can listen to the song here.

"Breaking Out", by the Protomen. Thematically different, yes. But a song about a young man, screaming in frustration against the system, lonely in his rebellion despite being surrounded by people? Right on. Also, it seems to have been inspired by Bruce Springsteen. Also may have the distinction of having some of my favorite lyrics in song history: "I feel a fever coming on me, burning out of control / And I hear nothing but the static / For years now, there's been nothing but the static on the radio / If you can hear my voice outside these walls / If you can hear me sending out this message tonight / Then break the silence, send a signal back / I'm coming, all I need is a little guiding light." You can hear this song by giving your cursor a wee bit of a click right here.

I hope I haven't come over as being nuts or weird, and I hope you've enjoyed some of the music I've shunted your way. I also hope this inspires you to post some of your own music that you associate with your character for OUR listening pleasure!

Male Human Paladin, 6

First roll of the game! Nat 20! Wooooo!

Sorry my first post was a little wordy, and kinda self-serving. If Rhys is going to be a loner, he might as well draw a little attention to himself. XD Music is always a good conversation starter.

Male Human Paladin, 6

I'll withhold my furious uvula punch merely because I'm probably the WORST person to ever discuss philosophy. XD I read "Also sprach Zarathustra" a few years back and just thought Nietzsche was sort of gladhanding himself.

Although, funny story--one of the guys I currently know DID remark that he wanted to buy that book, but NOT to read. Only to leaf through in coffee shops to make him look smarter and more learned. XD

But again, I'm far too opinionated to be a good philosopher. So in the end maybe I'm just entirely too plebeian to enjoy it.

Male Human Paladin, 6
Vincenzo De Luca wrote:
I'm just reading more pretentious things than you guys are.

If you say "Also sprach Zarathustra", I'm going to punch you in the uvula. XD

Male Human Paladin, 6

-sigh- Yup. More art. This is what happens when I get excited for a game mixed with rampant insomnia.

Another quickie fifteen-minute sketch. This one looks rougher because there was more area to cover, since it's a full-body doodle--I wanted to draw his tail. This was meant to be a pic of Rhys sneaking around a corner, but really, it looks more like Rhys is getting ready to attack in one of those turn-based RPGs from the 16-bit era. XD

Anyway, 16-bit attacking Rhys can be seen here.

Enjoy, and let me know what you think. I'm off to bed. See you folks tomorrow!

Male Human Paladin, 6

I'm up browsing the forums, listening to smooth jazz, doodling, and READING. I'm multitasking all while being tired. I should be asleep, and I'm sitting pretty at US Mountain Standard. :P

Male Human Paladin, 6

Augh! Now I've broken the fourth wall! ALL THE SECRETS ARE SPILLING OUT!

Naw, I get what you mean. I imagine it's a lot easier for some people to get how a character can think if they don't know how the brain behind it thinks. I don't have to wonder if you're missing something that the other person MEANT to put in, but didn't.

Bleh. I don't know what I'm trying to get across. Maybe I should just pack it in and go to bed. XD

Male Human Paladin, 6

Pfft. Don't remember me. But you do remember Alec, the scrawny, wrench-wieldin' sex-macheen? XD

Okay. He was anything but.

But I digress. Thank you. :D

Male Human Paladin, 6

Scipion del Ferro and Me'mori played in a little game with me before known as "Terra Mortalis", a d20 Future module that took place as a frozen ship on a thousand-year journey made its way back towards the (perhaps) doomed earth. While we played that game, I exercised my then-rusty drawing skills and began doodling the crewmen and women of the UNSC Gilgamesh.

Well, I'll be the first person to say I'm not that great of an artist. XD

But in any case, I can't sleep. So I started working on a quick sketch of what Rhys might look like unmasked. It's not much--I belted it out in only fifteen minutes, and I'm kinda tired--but I still feel it's better than anything I did while we were playing Terra Mortalis, since I've been doodling in the meantime.

You can view the "devilishly" handsome (pun intended!) Rhys Forgarson here.

I decided to throw on the cheek scar as a memento of the accident that claimed his father's life, and if you can't tell, that blurb in the corner is supposed to be his hand. I figure he might have sharpened nails that might be vestigial claws or something. Let me know what you think!

Male Human Paladin, 6

My Bookmark bar is...considerably longer than all that. I tried to play S4 League awhile back, but my computer doesn't seem to like it very much. I still play WoW a bit, but not very much, only a couple hours a week.

I read MegaTokyo back in high school, and really enjoyed it until Largo quit the team. When Piro was given full creative control, it got very shojo very quickly, and went downhill for me. About two years ago I took it off my bar and never looked back. Same for VGCats. Ramsoomair just hit a wall where he stopped updating, and when he does, they're just not funny anymore. Maybe real life caught up with him. I read Jay Naylor's Better Days until it finished, and I have his new project, Original Life, on my bar. I really enjoy his work until he gets political (because he gets heavy-handed when he does), but as long as he avoids politics he's awesome. And Penny Arcade? EVERYBODY loves Penny Arcade. :D

Some of the gems on my bar include Darths and Droids--a comic going through six Star Wars movies as if they were a tabletop roleplaying game from the point of view of the players at the table. Dead Winter, Vattu (from the creator of Rice Boy and Order of Tales, both excellent), Goblins: Life Through Their Eyes, Twokinds, Dawn of Time, The Legend of Neil, Masked Manor and Blip. Those are by no means all of them, but I didn't want to ramble on too long. XD

So what other kinds of books and video games do you guys enjoy? I'm a fan of Stephen King's Dark Tower series and the Belgariad by David Eddings as far as literature goes, and for video games, my current love is Knights of the Old Republic 2, when I can get it to run on my compy. XD

Male Human Paladin, 6

See, I saw the Last Airbender already...and while it was a terrible, TERRIBLE movie, I saw some good parts in it. For example, I thought that the kid who played Aang did a decent job, considering it was literally the first thing he's ever done EVER EVAR. Though I DID see it in 3D, though, so it made the whole thing look like a hobo dry-heaved through his beard all over the silver screen.

By 501st, do you mean the 501st Stormtrooper battalion? Because if you do, that's awesome. I haven't read any literature on them, but I've wanted to. I saw Death Trooper at the bookstore the other day, but I passed it over in favor of First Lord's Fury. I think we're going to disagree over books on other subjects, though, because I'm FEROCIOUSLY anti-vampire. -laughs- I fondly miss the days when vampires where the masters of evil, when they were the MONSTERS, or at the very best, the misunderstood bloodsuckers who nevertheless needed to be slain by the righteous (which may be why I'm a rabid Castlevania fanboy--WHAT IS A MAN?! A miserable little pile of secrets!). I'm not a big fan of the new direction that vampires have taken of late, when they're really just one of us, trying to fit in, just oversexed teenagers who just want to BE NORMAL!

And by artists...on what subjects do you mean? If you mean webcomics in general, I really enjoy "Mookie" Terracciano of "Dominic Deegan: Oracle for Hire", Chris Hastings of "The Adventures of Dr. McNinja" and 'Chu', the artist of "Slightly Damned".

EDIT: I may be anti-vampire, but I'm pro-werewolf. THERE, I SAID IT.

Male Human Paladin, 6

Truth be told, while I've read a lot of Robert E. Howard and a lot of J.R.R. Tolkien, I've never been a huge fan of either of them. This isn't to say either of them were bad writers--far from it--but it always seemed to me that Howard always spent an unseemly amount of time describing Conan in each story to the point that I got the feeling that either Conan was some kind of wish-fulfillment fantasy for him (that Conan WAS Howard in Howard's own mind) or that Howard had some kind of weird fascination with the Cimmerian that bordered on the unhealthy. As with Tolkien, I just thought he was too wordy and dry. This...something very strange coming from somebody who really enjoys Howard Phillips Lovecraft.

In the end, it's really just a matter of taste. There's a reason both of them were and are phenomenally popular.

EDIT: Me'mori, is it sad that I have all three seasons of Avatar recorded on my DVR and already have Las Lindas bookmarked? :P

As for The Dresden Files, I never could really get into that series, but conversely, I absolutely LOVED Jim Butcher's "Codex Alera". I just finished the final book last week. Have you ever read it?

Male Human Paladin, 6

You're right. I think the wheel was just THERE to toughen up the dudes pushing it. And to show off Ahnuld's sweaty gleaming manbody.

It's also wise to point out that Howard's Conan, while liberally badass, wasn't das uberman, and certainly wasn't infallible. One of the things I liked was that, in the throes of drink and excess, he could overestimate himself and make mistakes. It made him human despite his prodigious strength and keen mind.

I wish I had an inspiration in mind for Rhys. But really...he's some kind of weird larva-spawn of Aragorn, Robin Hood, Vampire Hunter D and Abraham Van Helsing.

Male Human Paladin, 6

Yeah, pushing on that wheel of pain thinger. I watched that last week, actually. Not a bad movie.

Male Human Paladin, 6

Oooh. That explains a ton, actually. So he's kind of an amoral, Conanesque 'mighty thews' type, then. Gotcha. Yeah, that would definitely be the kind of character to chafe under authority. XD

Male Human Paladin, 6

REH? What does that stand for?

Male Human Paladin, 6

Well, is Blackleaf (noooo!) a member of the crew specifically, or just a passenger? I don't have it open in front of me right now, but I seem to recall the Serpent Skull Player's Guide saying that Cap'n Kovacks is courteous and affable to the passengers, but runs his crew ship-shape and neat as a pin. If he's a member of the crew itself, he may very well take the Alton Devers route and CHAFE UNDER THE YOKE OF OPPRESSION RAAAARGH VICTORY TO THE PROLETARIAT.

Male Human Paladin, 6

Rhys, as stated before, generally keeps to himself, and is noticeably absent at dinner, taking all his meals either in a shadowy spot on deck in the evenings or, more often, in his quarters. His few words DO commend Captain Kovack on his strict discipline, and others may have heard him remark to himself that while the food is bland and watery, he HAS eaten worse.

Male Human Paladin, 6

That sounds like some good-smellin' soap...or a potent batch of mace. XD

Male Human Paladin, 6

1: Good point.

2: Probably a quick way to earn a red weal on his cheek. XD

EDIT: 3: Though, if she could bathe in the dark, Rhys could provide her with privacy vis a vis his demonic heritage...

Male Human Paladin, 6

Why, Me'mori...why ever would we need ANYTHING like that? It's not like the ship will ever...CRASH and its passengers thrown into a shipwrecked, life-or-death, survivalist situation on a savage island or anything. That would just be...SILLY. The stuff of FANTASY. You should be ashamed of yourself for even thinking that. >_>

Male Human Paladin, 6

I know it will probably never come up, but I like to think that adding little details to your equipment--like custom modifications they've made, personal touches and whatnot--really bring them to life. Any fool can have a scimitar, but how many people have a broader-than-average scimitar decorated with fangs and feathers? It's something unique to your character that sets him or her apart from any other. ...or maybe I'm just a dingus.

Also, I don't think I can imagine a world where Scipion isn't Supreme Dictator Lincoln.

EDIT: Hmm...I think that once the ship docked in Bloodcove, Rhys just sort of drifted aboard after paying his fare. He doesn't really talk to anybody unless they talk to him first, and generally spends most of him time couched at the starboard railing watching the world slither by.

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