Avimar Sorrinash

Revresbo's page

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Are there any plans to make this rulebook purchasable for the compendium on Roll20? Would be nice to be able to drag and drop these items into character sheets.

The feat Furnace Form for the kineticist says, "You gain the benefits of the fiery body spell (except the ability to cast ignition)..." This has led to questions amongst my players if you gain the weaknesses to cold and water as they are not "benefits." I can see the logic of that, but the wording is vague enough to leave me to wonder if that is the intended reading of the feat. Are you intended to ignore those weaknesses as a kintecist, or did they actually mean "effects of fiery body"?

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I was thrilled when I was looking over Player Core to find that the 4th-level Druid feat Form Control no longer had a Strength prerequisite. I never understood how a high Strength translated into "muscle memory" or why it would be necessary for either flavour or balancing when it came to the benefits of Form Control. In fact, off the top of my head, I cannot think of any other class feat that requires an Attribute modifier. Know-It-All doesn't require Intelligence, for instance.

So why does Perfect Form Control still require Strength +4 when its prerequisite feat does not require any Strength modifier at all? Was it left in by oversight? Honestly, I would let any of my players ignore the Strength requirement. Can we get this errata-ed out?

Why did the Feat Index switch to a straight alphabetical listing? I found the tree form was much more useful for planning feats, and the PRD was a lot easier to look at than flipping through all the books. I preferred the PRD immensely to d20pfsrd, but I may need to go there when picking my feats now.