![]() About Reverend RobIntro, Defense & Offense:
Reverend Rob Male Human Conscript 1 Magus (Eldritch Archer) 1 CG Medium Humanoid (Human) STR 11 (+0)
Speed 30 ft Initiative: +3 DEFENSE
CMB: +1
Race and Class Features:
RACE: HUMAN +2 INT Skilled +1 skill/level. Bonus Feat CLASS: CONSCRIPT
CLASS: Magus (Eldritch Archer)
FCB: +1/4 Arcane Pool (Magus)
Traits, Feats & Spheres:
TRAITS Pioneer (Perception) (Rob has been living on his own in a land of wilderness and smuggling, where no laws but the survival of the fittest are into effect.) Arcane Delver You may select a spell from a spell list other than your own at your first spellcasting class level. Magical Lineage (Snowball) Drawback: Improper Protocol -2 on Diplomacy checks with Nobility or other town Authorities. (Rob is sometimes incapable of keeping his mouth shut, and some fits of exaltedness come at the very worst moment. Having been treated with condescendence in the few cases where he should have been reprimended hasn't really helped). FEATS
Armour Check Penalty: 0 ADVENTURE SKILLS
Cantrips (3) DC 14 Known: All Prepared: ·Daze ·Light ·Acid Splash Level 1 (2) DC 15
Marianne 0 gp (12 lb) (Self crafted mwk rifle, gained through Arcane Bond) Ammox40 60 gp (2 lb) Ammo Bandolier .5 gp (0 lb) Duster .5 sp (2 lb) Canteen 2 gp (1 lb) Belt Pouch 1 gp (.5 lb) Knife 2 gp (1 lb) Scroll Case 1 gp (1/2 lb) ·Grease ·Reduce Person ·Shield of Faith ·Raven's Flight Backpack 2 gp (2 lb) Horse 0 gp (-) From the Pioneer trait, race to be determined by GM.
*I'm basing myself on this to assume 20 ammo per pound for a rifle. It's modern data, I know, so GM has last word. Total Weight: 20 lb (Light Load) Cash: 712 gp 10 sp 10 cp
The Origin:
-Aye! That one!- The slaver proceeded to sell the selected child to the customer. Robin was afraid. He was taken into custody on a dark, lonely room, barely fed and dressed. He was only told he belonged to the Master from then on. What Master? He knew nothing of him. He only knew he was cold and hungry.
The Saviour:
He didn't know how many years had passed. Three? Six? When he first came here, he couldn't grow a beard, so probably five or more. -Robin! The Master needs ya again, 'e's got guests. The warden's voice stopped his thoughts. That was his task - satisfy his Master and his guests. He'd been doing so since the beginning. He had prayed a lot for this to stop, but Desna seemed deaf to his pledges. Today it was all going to end. -Com'ere you lil' bastard, the Master's gonna show ya what's good, ah?- The warden laughed at him. Son of a *****. As soon as he released Robin's manacles, he saw how the little boy was going to surprise him. -Hey, ya!- But it was too late. Robin produced the dagger from the warden's scabbard and a burst of blood splashed both faces. Then, everything turned black. When he woke up, he was in a cosy bed, and a maiden was drying the sweat from his brow. There was also a woman standing near the bed. -I'm glad you're awake- she spoke. -My name is Isolda. I was at your Master's house when you decided to take your own life. I learned what was happening with you and decided to buy you. Robin tried to speak, but it hurt too much. -Please, just rest. You don't have anything to fear from me. I'll make sure you become a free man again, and see that your mind is taken care of and cured. I'm... sorry we can't act against your former Master, but at least...- the woman stopped talking, turned her face for a moment and then left the room.
Years later, near Hajoth Hakados:
-So your name's Rob and you... -Reverend Rob, aye, sir. -Ok, Reverend Rob, and you want a job. -Aye, sir. Me's got a mission, so imma learn and depend on meself so I can do me quest, sir. Me's good worker, hard worker, sir. Me been living on me own in the River Lands. -A mission? -Aye, sir, a mission from God, to learn and be a man of profit. Desna herself told me. -Desna? She's a goddess, not a god... -Aye, sir, God. -Ooookaaayyy... Look, Rob, you seem a good-hearted young man, and I happen to be in good terms with Desna. And since I need an apprentice, I'm going to offer you the job you deserve. Payment, food and knowledge to be a "man of profit". But on one condition, that you'll stop saying "aye sir". Deal? -Aye, sir, deal.
About Rob:
Rob's mental. Or not. Well, he's been sexually abused for years by some local overlord. After being rescued, he spent a short time with Isolda Lebeda, but when he was about to be given in adoption to another family he left to live on his own in the wilderness of the River Lands. So he seems mental, and with good reason. His months spent with Lebeda and his apprenticeship under a gunsmith is what has recently given him a bit of mental balance, if you can call his actual state 'balanced'. The thing is he says he's Desna's chosen, and he secretly believes he's got a sacred task, though he is not sure what is this task about. For the rest of the people, things are even more confusing. Is he only a wandering mad man, or is he really Desna's tool on Golarion? Only time will tell. Rob is a tall guy with long, black hair. He always wears a hat and a long duster, and can be usually found talking to his rifle, Marianne. He's a good lad, though a bit out of his mind. He tends to act as a maniac preacher, saying things like "God sent me", "Repent!", etc. and smiling to himself as if only he knew the truth. He is extremely gullible, though, and has often been abused due to this, making him develop a 'too good to be true' attitude. Gunslinger/Magus: Rob underwent an apprenticeship as a gunsmith under an artisan in the Hajoth Hakados area, and this gave him the basic knowledge and skills to manage with guns. Desna, though, set his destiny higher in the scale of gun mastery, since he's a natural, and under Lebeda's tutelage he was diagnosed as being a potential wizard. He will blend both traditions and become an Eldritch Archer expert in the use of his fabulous rifle, Marianne. He'll use notations and prayers to keep track of different things, which will act as his spellbook.
Future Advancement:
Lvl 3: Feat→ Rapid Shot or Rime Spell Lvl 4: Arcana→ Spell Scars Lvl 5: Feat→ Rime Spell or Rapid Shot Lvl 6: Magus Feat→ ? (Maybe Spell Focus or another Metamagic) Lvl 7: Feat→ Intensified Spell Lvl 7: Arcana→ Arcane Accuracy |