Rev. Canon Grey, Temple Master |

Iommi-Tyr Magnusson, being suspicious of all aspects of organized Christianity -- introduces himself as "Magnus Sverreson" before Paddy gets a chance again to accidentally say his real name -- stays both cognizant and wary of Canon Grey.
Not wanting to rudely interrupt his noble friend, Alphonse Veritas, Iommi-Tyr Magnusson instead scrutinizes the Cleric from a few feet away from great Paladin, trying to discern the Christian's emotions while hearing our tale:
Is he thinking how he could manipulate us to work for his vile goals?
Is he growing concerned that we may be a threat to his true master, Conflagratious?
Is he just a typical greedy and ambitious religious figurehead, typically trying to get a bit more gold from some rich adventurers before never seeing them again?[dice=Inspired Sense Motive]1d20 +13 +1d6
Tyr feels that Canon Grey is a basically trustworthy cleric, albeit a greedy one, eager as ever to fill the temple coffer "for the poor, of course".... Barristers and judges have their offices and courts on Fleet Street, so Temple Church is the natural church of choice for them by virtue of geographic proximity....