Cleric of Iomedae

Rev. Canon Grey, Temple Master's page

5 posts. Alias of Michael Johnson 66.


Iommi-Tyr Magnusson wrote:

Iommi-Tyr Magnusson, being suspicious of all aspects of organized Christianity -- introduces himself as "Magnus Sverreson" before Paddy gets a chance again to accidentally say his real name -- stays both cognizant and wary of Canon Grey.

Not wanting to rudely interrupt his noble friend, Alphonse Veritas, Iommi-Tyr Magnusson instead scrutinizes the Cleric from a few feet away from great Paladin, trying to discern the Christian's emotions while hearing our tale:
Is he thinking how he could manipulate us to work for his vile goals?
Is he growing concerned that we may be a threat to his true master, Conflagratious?
Is he just a typical greedy and ambitious religious figurehead, typically trying to get a bit more gold from some rich adventurers before never seeing them again?

[dice=Inspired Sense Motive]1d20 +13 +1d6

Tyr feels that Canon Grey is a basically trustworthy cleric, albeit a greedy one, eager as ever to fill the temple coffer "for the poor, of course".... Barristers and judges have their offices and courts on Fleet Street, so Temple Church is the natural church of choice for them by virtue of geographic proximity....

Hisao of the Yellow Reeds wrote:
Saw Hamid get eaten by rats Henry mutters.

Sense Motive 1d20 + 17 ⇒ (19) + 17 = 36

Dreadful! Simply dreadful!.... My condolences on the loss of your alias--er, friend!

Alphonse Veritas wrote:
Michael Johnson 66 wrote:
Alphonse Veritas wrote:

"Of course, Reverend." Alphonse says and manages a weak smile."[/b]

Is this including normal "spellcasting services" cost, or am I just paying for the 100 gp of diamond dust? Either way I'll probably toss in some extra.

I derived the "suggested donation" from normal spell casting costs (10th-level caster, times 4th-level spell, times 10 = 400 gp, plus the cost of the 100 gp worth of diamond dust)....

You edited that in after I asked, looks like.

Alphonse will pay for at least half of it.

Alphonse happily reveals everything to the Reverend, except the things that would obviously jeopardize their current mission were they to be revealed (like their investigation of the Duchess).

Reverend Canon Grey seems more and more impressed as Alphonse unfolds the tale of The Lusty Fools.... He chuckles at the young English aasimar's descriptions of their up-the-stairway battle with the gremlins of Notre Dame.... He gasps at the near-death escapades in the catacombs battling the undead minions of the Necromancer of Notre Dame.... He thrills to the depiction of the ship-deck maritime battle against the Sea Drake Brinegullet in the English Channel.... And he nods and smiles approvingly as Alphonse relates their victories over werewolves at The Stag Inn and wererats here in London.... Then he casts restoration on Alphonse after the English squire describes his close brush with The Plane of Negative Energy during their deadly battle against Vampire Caldwell.... He sprinkles diamond dust procured from a pouch at his side as he chants in Latin.... Alphonse is fully restored, the negative level removed!

Seeing the obvious great wealth The Lusty Fools command (compared to the average visitor to the Temple Church), and considering the fact that they have obviously survived at least one encounter with a vampire, Canon Grey becomes curious and interested in hearing of The Lusty Fools' exploits thus far.... But how much do The Lusty Fools reveal?

After explaining to an acolyte that they need the most powerful cleric in Temple Church to minister to vampiric loss of vital energy (negative level), the company is soon after approached by the Master of the Temple, an aged Englishman in white, red and gold clerical vestments who walks with the assistance of a gilded and bejeweled shepherd's crook....

Good afternoon! I am the Reverend Canon Athelstan Gray, Master of the Temple. Besides my colleague, the Reverend Dunstan, Reader of the Temple, I am the highest-ranking servant of Our Lord in Temple Church, and I can, by the grace of God, restore your vampiric losses.... For a nominal donation to the poor box, of course.... Five-hundred golden pounds for each casting of restoration, please.... Your donation will feed and clothe many of London's poor and hungry!