
Renedald's page

Organized Play Member. 5 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.


My DM thanks you since he'll be the one I hand the cards over to. We use them in our campaign all the time and they are a nice little treat.

Another great piece of artwork coming from Paizo.

I'll be honest, I haven't been this excited for a new RPG or campaign setting in years. So my answer would have to come in the form of a question. "What part of Pathfinder wouldn't I want to know more about?" Basically, everything.

Same thing with my Pathfinder Beta (and the other books in the shipment). It looks like the books were put into a box that was slightly larger than the size of the books. So as the box was jostled during shipping, the corners of the box were smashed, and thus the corners of the books inside got smashed. And I'm a stickler for keeping books in a pristine condition.

Otherwise, I was happy that my order had processed, shipped and been received in a quick manner.

Thanks, Lisa, for looking into this. The whole Paizo crew rocks!

I wanted to also say congrats on cleaning up on the ENies. Well deserved for such an awesome company. Keep it up and as you can see you'll have customers for years to come.