Jemet Winderbole

Ren Marthan's page

11 posts. Alias of Bodzilla.

How long does the penalty from the Hexing weapon enchantment stick around for? I can't find it anywhere.

I've been DMing Adventure Paths for a while now and I've always been interested in running my own campaign. I come up with crazy fun ideas but putting it to the test with the math usually discourages me.

My question is, has anyone built their own campaign from start to about 15th level and had fun? How did you make those XP decisions in regard to "filling up" that 10,000 point budget for your five level-1 PC's? What were the percentages spent on monsters, traps, and story awards?

Just, what do I do?

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We're currently playing our weekly game and we had a funny idea about how Diamonds being treated as stone objects with regards to the Stone Shape spell.

You see, we need a 20,000gp diamond for the spell Purify (1001 Spells) and we have x4 5,000gp diamonds for other spells. Our question is: Can you use Stone Shape to smush these smaller diamonds into one big one?

Thanks for the help!

My group just started Mummy's Mask and I wanted to play a spider themed character. I need some help making him cool and functional at the same time. So far he's a halfling sorcerer (envenomed bloodline) who plans on using the natural poison he gets on his throwing daggers. I'm on mobile so I can't post the exact details but, he has to fill the rogue role and I plan on taking the Mummy's Mask Trap Finder campaign trait to help. I have two other traits at start, 25 point buy, and 120 starting gold. Level 2 also.

If anyone has ideas or questions, I welcome them all. Thanks guys.

I have an interesting problem. I'm trying to build a Warpriest (playtest class) that uses a made up weapon that's basically a large stone fist that is modeled off of the Scizore. Bludgeoning instead of slashing and retaining the shield bonus thing. My issue is that I want to find a spell that will change a stone weapon into a metal one temporarily. The other plan is to just make the weapon out of metal but, that kills my plan to use Stone Shape to augment the Stone Fist on the fly (Full Metal Alchemist style).

If anyone has any questions, ideas or concerns, please let me know. Thank you.

If my rogue has the Fast Stealth Talent and uses a Ring of Invisibility to become, well...invisible, would moving full speed still take -10 off of the invisibility bonus to Stealth?

Thanks as always for any answers forthcoming.

My bad-ass Arcane Trickster died last night by "corking" an Acid Pit spell with a Force Cage. Weird story.

Anyway, our party needs a front-liner and I'm thinking about the concept above. I need some ideas on how to make him awesome. I have access to all material and I have Level 14 Starting cash. Let's do this.

OK. Despite the title, I doubt this character is going to actually strangle anything with the Giant subtype. In that case, I really want to make a good Whip-Based Halfling Barbarian. If anyone can help me put it together or offer insight into different routes that would be great.

Until then, here's what I have already:

Att: STR 16, DEX 16, CON 14, INT 13, WIS 10, and CHA 10. (25 point-buy mind you.)

Skills: Climb, Intimidate, Knowl (Nature), Perception, Stealth, and Survival.

Feats: Exotic Weapon Prof. (Whip)

Weapon: Scorpion Whip

Traits: Prehensile Whip, Swampland Skulker (Or something like that)

Alt Racial Traits: Underfoot, Low Blow

All this is subject to change. I just want a few opinions please.

Thank You!!!