Elvish Fighter

Rehil Ecraish's page

1,000 posts. Alias of therealthom.


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Male elf Rogue 3, Ranger 3, Mythic Trickster 1 Init +4 Percept 11+ SenseMotive +1 59 /59 HP; Fort +6 Reflex +11 (+1 v Traps)(no damage on saves?) Will +3 ( immune to magic sleep, +2 v enchantment) ; AC 20, touch 16, flat-footed 14 (+1 v Traps, +10 surgepoint)

I think Wultram wanted to do a little shopping. Rehil has no desires beyond a bed, some rest, and an easy ride to the airship port.

Male elf Rogue 3, Ranger 3, Mythic Trickster 1 Init +4 Percept 11+ SenseMotive +1 59 /59 HP; Fort +6 Reflex +11 (+1 v Traps)(no damage on saves?) Will +3 ( immune to magic sleep, +2 v enchantment) ; AC 20, touch 16, flat-footed 14 (+1 v Traps, +10 surgepoint)

"Just one night." Rehil digs in his belt pouch for the nine coins, hands them to the hotelier. "It's been a long trek. If someone can take my pack, I'd be grateful. Clean clothes and the spa sound very good too. But first, something to quench our thirst...."

Rehil palms a tenth coin which he slips to the porter.

Male elf Rogue 3, Ranger 3, Mythic Trickster 1 Init +4 Percept 11+ SenseMotive +1 59 /59 HP; Fort +6 Reflex +11 (+1 v Traps)(no damage on saves?) Will +3 ( immune to magic sleep, +2 v enchantment) ; AC 20, touch 16, flat-footed 14 (+1 v Traps, +10 surgepoint)

".Three rooms and directions to the common room. -- Please."

Male elf Rogue 3, Ranger 3, Mythic Trickster 1 Init +4 Percept 11+ SenseMotive +1 59 /59 HP; Fort +6 Reflex +11 (+1 v Traps)(no damage on saves?) Will +3 ( immune to magic sleep, +2 v enchantment) ; AC 20, touch 16, flat-footed 14 (+1 v Traps, +10 surgepoint)

Rehil marches through the door, then pauses for a heartbeat to let his eyes adjust to the lower light inside. He follows Wultram in the direction of a table. Reaching that destination he drops the pack from his shoulders, props bow and sword on the table's edge, and drops himself onto a stool.

"I hope the service is fast."

Male elf Rogue 3, Ranger 3, Mythic Trickster 1 Init +4 Percept 11+ SenseMotive +1 59 /59 HP; Fort +6 Reflex +11 (+1 v Traps)(no damage on saves?) Will +3 ( immune to magic sleep, +2 v enchantment) ; AC 20, touch 16, flat-footed 14 (+1 v Traps, +10 surgepoint)

Rehil points at the sign for Tal's benefit.

"All the dragonmarked houses have a creature on their crest. Ghallanda is a dog. My house is a displacer beast. Let's see what we find inside."

Male elf Rogue 3, Ranger 3, Mythic Trickster 1 Init +4 Percept 11+ SenseMotive +1 59 /59 HP; Fort +6 Reflex +11 (+1 v Traps)(no damage on saves?) Will +3 ( immune to magic sleep, +2 v enchantment) ; AC 20, touch 16, flat-footed 14 (+1 v Traps, +10 surgepoint)

Rehil doesn't care if it's a city or a village, as long as the inn is good.

"A night of rest, and continue our journey to Regalport."

What time tomorrow is the train?

Male elf Rogue 3, Ranger 3, Mythic Trickster 1 Init +4 Percept 11+ SenseMotive +1 59 /59 HP; Fort +6 Reflex +11 (+1 v Traps)(no damage on saves?) Will +3 ( immune to magic sleep, +2 v enchantment) ; AC 20, touch 16, flat-footed 14 (+1 v Traps, +10 surgepoint)

Rehil re-shoulders his pack and begins marching.

"South to Gatherhold. I think it is the only halfling city," he says uncharacteristically conversationally to Tal.

Male elf Rogue 3, Ranger 3, Mythic Trickster 1 Init +4 Percept 11+ SenseMotive +1 59 /59 HP; Fort +6 Reflex +11 (+1 v Traps)(no damage on saves?) Will +3 ( immune to magic sleep, +2 v enchantment) ; AC 20, touch 16, flat-footed 14 (+1 v Traps, +10 surgepoint)
Aubrey the Demented/Malformed wrote:

The Heights

Atsu moves to block the way, weapon in hand (I assume).

Ashshar move is a bit problematic. The crate is 10' in the air, it's maybe 5' high as well, so the cable will be at least 15' in the air. I know we agreed that Ashshar was a big lad, but he's not that big, and I'm also not sure how he reaches the cable from AF24 as its about 25' away. However.... Ashshar is on the poop deck, which raises him up maybe six or seven feet. He could try something like a daring leap from the deck to the top of the crate and then maybe consider trying to cut the cable from there (assuming he has the requisite Acrobatics skill and wants to try it)...?

I would totally be all over that.

Male elf Rogue 3, Ranger 3, Mythic Trickster 1 Init +4 Percept 11+ SenseMotive +1 59 /59 HP; Fort +6 Reflex +11 (+1 v Traps)(no damage on saves?) Will +3 ( immune to magic sleep, +2 v enchantment) ; AC 20, touch 16, flat-footed 14 (+1 v Traps, +10 surgepoint)

"The dragon mark is like a curling tattoo that is larger and more intricate on members with stronger powers. Many family members, like me, have no mark and no powers."

"We should visit a inn run by House Ghallanda. They have the best hotels in Khorvaire."

Male elf Rogue 3, Ranger 3, Mythic Trickster 1 Init +4 Percept 11+ SenseMotive +1 59 /59 HP; Fort +6 Reflex +11 (+1 v Traps)(no damage on saves?) Will +3 ( immune to magic sleep, +2 v enchantment) ; AC 20, touch 16, flat-footed 14 (+1 v Traps, +10 surgepoint)


".. I was born into House Thuranni."

It is the most personal thing you've ever heard Rehil say.

Male elf Rogue 3, Ranger 3, Mythic Trickster 1 Init +4 Percept 11+ SenseMotive +1 59 /59 HP; Fort +6 Reflex +11 (+1 v Traps)(no damage on saves?) Will +3 ( immune to magic sleep, +2 v enchantment) ; AC 20, touch 16, flat-footed 14 (+1 v Traps, +10 surgepoint)

Rehil thinks about the coins in the pouch in his pack. They're finally going to be useful again.

He nods at Tal before kneeling and opening the pack to dig out the pouch.

Rehil's got about 34 gp.

Let's see how that diplomacy offensive plays out.

Male elf Rogue 3, Ranger 3, Mythic Trickster 1 Init +4 Percept 11+ SenseMotive +1 59 /59 HP; Fort +6 Reflex +11 (+1 v Traps)(no damage on saves?) Will +3 ( immune to magic sleep, +2 v enchantment) ; AC 20, touch 16, flat-footed 14 (+1 v Traps, +10 surgepoint)

Rehil watches the exchange impassively, although he does wonder if Wultram can conjure sufficient funds for the trip.

Male elf Rogue 3, Ranger 3, Mythic Trickster 1 Init +4 Percept 11+ SenseMotive +1 59 /59 HP; Fort +6 Reflex +11 (+1 v Traps)(no damage on saves?) Will +3 ( immune to magic sleep, +2 v enchantment) ; AC 20, touch 16, flat-footed 14 (+1 v Traps, +10 surgepoint)

You're asking the wrong guy. I just follow people around and watch them kill things.

Rehil stands comfortably unaware of the awkward pause.

Male elf Rogue 3, Ranger 3, Mythic Trickster 1 Init +4 Percept 11+ SenseMotive +1 59 /59 HP; Fort +6 Reflex +11 (+1 v Traps)(no damage on saves?) Will +3 ( immune to magic sleep, +2 v enchantment) ; AC 20, touch 16, flat-footed 14 (+1 v Traps, +10 surgepoint)

Rehil looks at the stationmaster. He casually props his bow on his shoulder and waits for Wultram to complete his negotiations.

Male elf Rogue 3, Ranger 3, Mythic Trickster 1 Init +4 Percept 11+ SenseMotive +1 59 /59 HP; Fort +6 Reflex +11 (+1 v Traps)(no damage on saves?) Will +3 ( immune to magic sleep, +2 v enchantment) ; AC 20, touch 16, flat-footed 14 (+1 v Traps, +10 surgepoint)

"You would know better than us."

Rehil shrugs and unstraps his pack from the trike. He stands one legged with his bow propped inside the crook of his raised bent leg while he shoulders the pack on. With a shake, he settles it into position, then takes up his bow.

"The halflings are still with us. Polite, and cautious. I like them."

The elf tests the pull on his bow, then eases the string back into straightness.

"Lead on."

Male elf Rogue 3, Ranger 3, Mythic Trickster 1 Init +4 Percept 11+ SenseMotive +1 59 /59 HP; Fort +6 Reflex +11 (+1 v Traps)(no damage on saves?) Will +3 ( immune to magic sleep, +2 v enchantment) ; AC 20, touch 16, flat-footed 14 (+1 v Traps, +10 surgepoint)

Rehil tips the bow off his shoulder and raises it in salute to Sinte nd his halflings.

"Maybe you could wear a big cloak and keep your lower arms folded over your belly. The halflings might think you're a fat lizardman."

Male elf Rogue 3, Ranger 3, Mythic Trickster 1 Init +4 Percept 11+ SenseMotive +1 59 /59 HP; Fort +6 Reflex +11 (+1 v Traps)(no damage on saves?) Will +3 ( immune to magic sleep, +2 v enchantment) ; AC 20, touch 16, flat-footed 14 (+1 v Traps, +10 surgepoint)

Rehil nods his head. "Yes, the lightning rail to Karrnath, and from there an airship to Regalport."

Male elf Rogue 3, Ranger 3, Mythic Trickster 1 Init +4 Percept 11+ SenseMotive +1 59 /59 HP; Fort +6 Reflex +11 (+1 v Traps)(no damage on saves?) Will +3 ( immune to magic sleep, +2 v enchantment) ; AC 20, touch 16, flat-footed 14 (+1 v Traps, +10 surgepoint)

Rehil remains motionless, but for breathing and the flicking of his eyes over Sinte and the halflings. After a few moments he casually turns his head to scan the area. Then he returns his attention to the halflings.

Percpetion: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (1) + 11 = 12

Checking out the halfling's gear & how Sinte's gear compares to his fellow riders'. Also a look behind and to the sides. This could be a courteous ambush.

Male elf Rogue 3, Ranger 3, Mythic Trickster 1 Init +4 Percept 11+ SenseMotive +1 59 /59 HP; Fort +6 Reflex +11 (+1 v Traps)(no damage on saves?) Will +3 ( immune to magic sleep, +2 v enchantment) ; AC 20, touch 16, flat-footed 14 (+1 v Traps, +10 surgepoint)

The Plains

Surprised at such courtesy, Rehil nods to the halfling. He fills where Wultram left off, "I am Rehil, and this is Tal. It's nice to be greeted with words instead of arrows."

He slings his bow over one shoulder.

AS diplomatic as he gets, aid whoever: 1d20 ⇒ 11

Male elf Rogue 3, Ranger 3, Mythic Trickster 1 Init +4 Percept 11+ SenseMotive +1 59 /59 HP; Fort +6 Reflex +11 (+1 v Traps)(no damage on saves?) Will +3 ( immune to magic sleep, +2 v enchantment) ; AC 20, touch 16, flat-footed 14 (+1 v Traps, +10 surgepoint)

"I'd be more worried about the trail of dead halflings behind us. Maybe joining up with Vorlaes wasn't the smartest idea."

Male elf Rogue 3, Ranger 3, Mythic Trickster 1 Init +4 Percept 11+ SenseMotive +1 59 /59 HP; Fort +6 Reflex +11 (+1 v Traps)(no damage on saves?) Will +3 ( immune to magic sleep, +2 v enchantment) ; AC 20, touch 16, flat-footed 14 (+1 v Traps, +10 surgepoint)

Take the cargo and dump it overboard. Then you wouldn't actually be smuggling.

Male elf Rogue 3, Ranger 3, Mythic Trickster 1 Init +4 Percept 11+ SenseMotive +1 59 /59 HP; Fort +6 Reflex +11 (+1 v Traps)(no damage on saves?) Will +3 ( immune to magic sleep, +2 v enchantment) ; AC 20, touch 16, flat-footed 14 (+1 v Traps, +10 surgepoint)

The Plains

Rehil throws a leg over the trike's spine and jumps to the ground. He leaves his pack, but brings his sword, bow and quiver with him. He looks up at Tal with a mirthless grin. "I want to see Wultram talk his way past them. Coming?"

Then he follows Wultram, his bow hanging loosely in his left hand.

Male elf Rogue 3, Ranger 3, Mythic Trickster 1 Init +4 Percept 11+ SenseMotive +1 59 /59 HP; Fort +6 Reflex +11 (+1 v Traps)(no damage on saves?) Will +3 ( immune to magic sleep, +2 v enchantment) ; AC 20, touch 16, flat-footed 14 (+1 v Traps, +10 surgepoint)

Yes. I am forgetting. Good thing the Karrn's around to remind him.

Male elf Rogue 3, Ranger 3, Mythic Trickster 1 Init +4 Percept 11+ SenseMotive +1 59 /59 HP; Fort +6 Reflex +11 (+1 v Traps)(no damage on saves?) Will +3 ( immune to magic sleep, +2 v enchantment) ; AC 20, touch 16, flat-footed 14 (+1 v Traps, +10 surgepoint)

The elven warrior manages to find a stable spot for his pack atop their new mount's broader vertebrae and uses that as a seat. He grins a little at the others. This is far more comfortable than the half standing posture he'd adopted on the Rex.

Unfortunately, teh comfort does nothing for his sense of direction.

Survival: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (5) + 8 = 13

And the dice monster pursues me from game to game. :-(

Male elf Rogue 3, Ranger 3, Mythic Trickster 1 Init +4 Percept 11+ SenseMotive +1 59 /59 HP; Fort +6 Reflex +11 (+1 v Traps)(no damage on saves?) Will +3 ( immune to magic sleep, +2 v enchantment) ; AC 20, touch 16, flat-footed 14 (+1 v Traps, +10 surgepoint)

Rehil puts a hand to his side, pulls it away bloody. He replies slowly to Wultram, "I'm hurt."

Limping, the elf follows the kasathan away from Wultram's ritual. Before the promised healing, he observes in his customary flat tone, "I have never seen you wield your blades so well. That last flurry was amazing, and it might have saved my life."

After the healing Rehil nods gratefully. While waiting for Wultram to finish, he cleans, examines and mends his gear.

Male elf Rogue 3, Ranger 3, Mythic Trickster 1 Init +4 Percept 11+ SenseMotive +1 59 /59 HP; Fort +6 Reflex +11 (+1 v Traps)(no damage on saves?) Will +3 ( immune to magic sleep, +2 v enchantment) ; AC 20, touch 16, flat-footed 14 (+1 v Traps, +10 surgepoint)

I've got us at 26,745 XP. (21457 back in April +3688 elves v halflings +1600 trike) . Looking back we had 200 xp in Feb for the stampede. Maybe Wultram and I hadn't added that in?

Male elf Rogue 3, Ranger 3, Mythic Trickster 1 Init +4 Percept 11+ SenseMotive +1 59 /59 HP; Fort +6 Reflex +11 (+1 v Traps)(no damage on saves?) Will +3 ( immune to magic sleep, +2 v enchantment) ; AC 20, touch 16, flat-footed 14 (+1 v Traps, +10 surgepoint)

Twist as he might, Rehil can't avoid the horns. Another rips into his side. The elf swings his sword, more to cover his retreat than with hope of damage.

MW Elven Curve Blade v T tops, BLess: 1d20 + 11 + 1 ⇒ (12) + 11 + 1 = 24 ... damage: 1d10 + 4 ⇒ (9) + 4 = 13

MW Elven Curve Blade v T tops, BLess: 1d20 + 6 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 6 + 1 = 8 ... damage: 1d10 + 4 ⇒ (7) + 4 = 11

5' step to V13

HP 13 of 59. Thanks for the adjustment, Tal!

Male elf Rogue 3, Ranger 3, Mythic Trickster 1 Init +4 Percept 11+ SenseMotive +1 59 /59 HP; Fort +6 Reflex +11 (+1 v Traps)(no damage on saves?) Will +3 ( immune to magic sleep, +2 v enchantment) ; AC 20, touch 16, flat-footed 14 (+1 v Traps, +10 surgepoint)
Aubrey the Demented/Malformed wrote:

The Plains


Rehil can charge, but he has to go to the nearest available square which is W12.


More than fair. Thanks.

If we're holding strictly to initiative order, then I think Rehil will be out of range if Tal channels then moves.

HP 33 or 38 of 59.

Male elf Rogue 3, Ranger 3, Mythic Trickster 1 Init +4 Percept 11+ SenseMotive +1 59 /59 HP; Fort +6 Reflex +11 (+1 v Traps)(no damage on saves?) Will +3 ( immune to magic sleep, +2 v enchantment) ; AC 20, touch 16, flat-footed 14 (+1 v Traps, +10 surgepoint)

Plains peaking


Rehil slashes at the pebble-skinned flank of the dinosaur as it wheels away.

MW Elven Curve Blade v T tops: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (7) + 11 = 18 ... damage: 1d10 + 4 ⇒ (4) + 4 = 8

Do I get flanking? +2 to hit and Sneak attack: 2d6 ⇒ (6, 4) = 10

And then he was chasing the trike through the grass, hurdling the plains-pizza skeletons. He was readying another swing when the triceratops wheeled and he was suddenly face to face with more pointy horns than most people would care to be. He stepped right.

Need to charge to get a swing in, but not sure if I can over the dead skeletons. If I can, then charge to W13 and swing away. If I can't, then double move to X14.

Attack if permitted:

MW Elven Curve Blade v T tops if permitted, charge: 1d20 + 11 + 2 ⇒ (20) + 11 + 2 = 33 ... damage: 1d10 + 4 ⇒ (8) + 4 = 12

crit confirm, if permitted, charge: 1d20 + 11 + 2 ⇒ (12) + 11 + 2 = 25 ... damage: 1d10 + 4 ⇒ (8) + 4 = 12

AC 18 for a round.

Male elf Rogue 3, Ranger 3, Mythic Trickster 1 Init +4 Percept 11+ SenseMotive +1 59 /59 HP; Fort +6 Reflex +11 (+1 v Traps)(no damage on saves?) Will +3 ( immune to magic sleep, +2 v enchantment) ; AC 20, touch 16, flat-footed 14 (+1 v Traps, +10 surgepoint)

I thought Tal and Skellie were up now.

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Male elf Rogue 3, Ranger 3, Mythic Trickster 1 Init +4 Percept 11+ SenseMotive +1 59 /59 HP; Fort +6 Reflex +11 (+1 v Traps)(no damage on saves?) Will +3 ( immune to magic sleep, +2 v enchantment) ; AC 20, touch 16, flat-footed 14 (+1 v Traps, +10 surgepoint)

Welcome aboard, Sapiens. Warforged juggernaut will be well in line with historic Cole. He's been a monster in combat. Nice choice.

Regarding history:

Bokehn ... our initial House Tharashk employer, and Gatekeeper
Pooma ... chief of the friendly lizardfolk tribe
Portforged ... 137ben's first PC psionic warforged PC. Died at waterfall ambush.
Will and James_ex-companions. Cavalier-cleric and his dog.

Oula ... the nasty little Poisondusk shaman, croc rider
Jageela . another P-dusk shaman, rides a green-eyed blackscale (dead by party's hand)

Ygza .... Jag's 'black horse' blackscale (dead by party's hand)

Irret ... female Finback champion warrior (Dead by Zzej's hand)
Koouri ... Otto's Finback shaman (Dead by Zzej's hand)
Eshsheth . Otto's Finback jailer (Koouri's factotum)
Chief Ylyeshshi Ex-Finback chief (dead by party's hand)

Chief Zzej of the Skinwings and united tribes

Lizard Folk:
Blackscales -- the big bruisers
Poisondusk -- small archers
Cold Suns -- 'normal' lizardfolk

Cold Sun Tribes
River Serpents: Pooma's crew

First Finback Conference

Just after Portforged dies

dearthaireacha armais = comrades in arms, or some such, in elven

Da'Sheth -- the volcano holy site of lizardfolk where we failed to stop the despoiling troopers.

The vision in the Silver Flame
Back at Poomba's village after speaking to the Silver Flame.

The vision in Kalaktua's lair.

Our current mission is to infiltrate the mercenary band that beat us in Da' Sheth. We hope to find out who's behind them, and driving the apocalypse of the visions. They're based in Regalport.

Since the Kalaktua vision we've visited Krezent, where Wultram split the party. Tal and I tagged along with him to keep him safe in the wilds of his exile. (Pretty amusing considering how useful Rehil's been.)

So while you fly directly to Regalport, we're strolling across the plains to Gatherhold where we hope to pick up a lightning train to Karrn and catch an airship to Regalport from there.

Male elf Rogue 3, Ranger 3, Mythic Trickster 1 Init +4 Percept 11+ SenseMotive +1 59 /59 HP; Fort +6 Reflex +11 (+1 v Traps)(no damage on saves?) Will +3 ( immune to magic sleep, +2 v enchantment) ; AC 20, touch 16, flat-footed 14 (+1 v Traps, +10 surgepoint)

Yow! has it got 10'reach? Cause I can get there without the AoO if it only has 5'.

Maybe the elf should have taken a cue from the charge on the skeletons, because he's not prepared the speed with which he finds himself on the business end of the horns.

33/59 hp

Male elf Rogue 3, Ranger 3, Mythic Trickster 1 Init +4 Percept 11+ SenseMotive +1 59 /59 HP; Fort +6 Reflex +11 (+1 v Traps)(no damage on saves?) Will +3 ( immune to magic sleep, +2 v enchantment) ; AC 20, touch 16, flat-footed 14 (+1 v Traps, +10 surgepoint)

Rehil is a little taken aback when the beast wheels and charges the skeletons. Watching while he alters his own course, he's even more so when the skeletons stumble or are brushed out of the dinosaur's path.

Turn complete, the elf dashes for the triceratop's head, hoping to divert it before it can reach Tal. As he runs, he frees his curve blade from its scabbard, scythes it through the grass ahead of him, and sweeps it up in a wheeling overhand stroke aimed for the beast's shoulder just behind the horny frill.

Move to O7

MW Elven Curve Blade v T tops: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (11) + 11 = 22 ... damage: 1d10 + 4 ⇒ (8) + 4 = 12

Spend an MP for deadly dodge. +4 to AC, AoO if it misses me.

If we can hem it in and get some flanking going ...

Male elf Rogue 3, Ranger 3, Mythic Trickster 1 Init +4 Percept 11+ SenseMotive +1 59 /59 HP; Fort +6 Reflex +11 (+1 v Traps)(no damage on saves?) Will +3 ( immune to magic sleep, +2 v enchantment) ; AC 20, touch 16, flat-footed 14 (+1 v Traps, +10 surgepoint)

Rehil crouches at the edge of the tall grass. When Wultram's undead break cover, the elf does too. He dashes forward on a wider line than the others, hoping to circle and contain the big horned dinosaur.

Thanks, Wultram. I was trying to squeeze in my last post at work and read too fast. Missed Aubrey's call for positions.

Start at L6. Move to L11 in the surprise round.

Male elf Rogue 3, Ranger 3, Mythic Trickster 1 Init +4 Percept 11+ SenseMotive +1 59 /59 HP; Fort +6 Reflex +11 (+1 v Traps)(no damage on saves?) Will +3 ( immune to magic sleep, +2 v enchantment) ; AC 20, touch 16, flat-footed 14 (+1 v Traps, +10 surgepoint)

The Plains

Init: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (5) + 4 = 9

Would a charge in the surprise round be asking too much?

Male elf Rogue 3, Ranger 3, Mythic Trickster 1 Init +4 Percept 11+ SenseMotive +1 59 /59 HP; Fort +6 Reflex +11 (+1 v Traps)(no damage on saves?) Will +3 ( immune to magic sleep, +2 v enchantment) ; AC 20, touch 16, flat-footed 14 (+1 v Traps, +10 surgepoint)

Guessing that the perception/survival check isn't necessary since you guys already nailed it. So starting with stalking.

Rehil watches with some stifled amusement which changes to grudging respect as the others search for, and then find sign of dinosaurs.

As the party gets closer, the elf lowers himself into a crouch so that his head barely clears the tall grass on the plains.

Survival: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (13) + 8 = 21
Stealth: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (3) + 13 = 16

Figures that I'd nearly pooch the harder roll.

Male elf Rogue 3, Ranger 3, Mythic Trickster 1 Init +4 Percept 11+ SenseMotive +1 59 /59 HP; Fort +6 Reflex +11 (+1 v Traps)(no damage on saves?) Will +3 ( immune to magic sleep, +2 v enchantment) ; AC 20, touch 16, flat-footed 14 (+1 v Traps, +10 surgepoint)

The Plains

My vote is a triceratops or similar dino. It'll help make up for that shape shifted druid.

Male elf Rogue 3, Ranger 3, Mythic Trickster 1 Init +4 Percept 11+ SenseMotive +1 59 /59 HP; Fort +6 Reflex +11 (+1 v Traps)(no damage on saves?) Will +3 ( immune to magic sleep, +2 v enchantment) ; AC 20, touch 16, flat-footed 14 (+1 v Traps, +10 surgepoint)

Rehil stays as silent as courtesy allows through the remaining time with the elves.

He returns their salute, holding his own curve blade high and voicing a corresponding cheer as loudly as he can.

Afterwards he looks at the sun and the chart. Then he shrugs into his pack. When his companions are ready he begins marching westward toward Gatherhold. His pace is steadfatly steady and he keeps his gaze fixed forward save for occasionally glances toward the southwest.

SUrvival, navigation, chart: 1d20 + 8 + 2 ⇒ (14) + 8 + 2 = 24

Male elf Rogue 3, Ranger 3, Mythic Trickster 1 Init +4 Percept 11+ SenseMotive +1 59 /59 HP; Fort +6 Reflex +11 (+1 v Traps)(no damage on saves?) Will +3 ( immune to magic sleep, +2 v enchantment) ; AC 20, touch 16, flat-footed 14 (+1 v Traps, +10 surgepoint)

Rehil steps forward to grip Torlaes' hand. ".Torlaes, riding with you and your band has been -- good. But I have no skill with words. Just believe it is one of the best things that I have done. I don't know how long our business will take. When it is done I will search for you on the plains of Valenar."

Male elf Rogue 3, Ranger 3, Mythic Trickster 1 Init +4 Percept 11+ SenseMotive +1 59 /59 HP; Fort +6 Reflex +11 (+1 v Traps)(no damage on saves?) Will +3 ( immune to magic sleep, +2 v enchantment) ; AC 20, touch 16, flat-footed 14 (+1 v Traps, +10 surgepoint)

Rehil stays well clear of Wultram's necromantic activities. When he returns from scouting, he engages Tal and Torlaes in conversation.

"The halfling's trail is pretty clear. They came from that way. ~points~ No telling how far to their camp."

Male elf Rogue 3, Ranger 3, Mythic Trickster 1 Init +4 Percept 11+ SenseMotive +1 59 /59 HP; Fort +6 Reflex +11 (+1 v Traps)(no damage on saves?) Will +3 ( immune to magic sleep, +2 v enchantment) ; AC 20, touch 16, flat-footed 14 (+1 v Traps, +10 surgepoint)

The carvers carried two halflings. Maybe they would be medium-capable? Were there any elven losses?

Rehil shrugs. "If we must walk, we will walk." The elf looks around. "They must have come from somewhere. There must be a camp nearby. Maybe there are mounts there. I will look for a trail."

Rehil trots to where the halflings were first sighted. Then he begins quartering the area, seeking their back trail.

Survival, ranger tracking bonus: 1d20 + 8 + 1 ⇒ (8) + 8 + 1 = 17

There ought to be a pretty plain trail, given the number of halflings. We just have to separate it from the confusion of battle.

I'll work on leveling up tonight.

Male elf Rogue 3, Ranger 3, Mythic Trickster 1 Init +4 Percept 11+ SenseMotive +1 59 /59 HP; Fort +6 Reflex +11 (+1 v Traps)(no damage on saves?) Will +3 ( immune to magic sleep, +2 v enchantment) ; AC 20, touch 16, flat-footed 14 (+1 v Traps, +10 surgepoint)

Rehil looks down on the rexage and shrugs. "Wultram can raise another. I thought we'd be riding out on the triceratops, but it's just a halfling now."

Male elf Rogue 3, Ranger 3, Mythic Trickster 1 Init +4 Percept 11+ SenseMotive +1 59 /59 HP; Fort +6 Reflex +11 (+1 v Traps)(no damage on saves?) Will +3 ( immune to magic sleep, +2 v enchantment) ; AC 20, touch 16, flat-footed 14 (+1 v Traps, +10 surgepoint)

"..It was good enough." Rehil replies flatly to Wultram.

The elf nods to Tal. "Everyone helped bring it down and we would have been cooked without you." He prods the body with his sword tip. "Or was it a him we killed? Some kind of illusion?"

Rehil cleans his blade while he watches the elves scatter the halflings.

Male elf Rogue 3, Ranger 3, Mythic Trickster 1 Init +4 Percept 11+ SenseMotive +1 59 /59 HP; Fort +6 Reflex +11 (+1 v Traps)(no damage on saves?) Will +3 ( immune to magic sleep, +2 v enchantment) ; AC 20, touch 16, flat-footed 14 (+1 v Traps, +10 surgepoint)

AC was good enough to get away from the AoO.

Rehil spins, blocks the halfling's strike, and continues his spin to slash again at the Triceratops.

Curve blade v T-tops, power attack, flank: 1d20 + 9 - 1 + 2 ⇒ (15) + 9 - 1 + 2 = 25 damage, PA, flank: 1d10 + 4 + 2 + 2d6 ⇒ (10) + 4 + 2 + (4, 6) = 26

I'm assuming that even if Rex collapses, someone will end in flanking position. If not, adjust accordingly.

43 hp. 3 mythic left.

The T-tops is gonna look good as our next ride.

Male elf Rogue 3, Ranger 3, Mythic Trickster 1 Init +4 Percept 11+ SenseMotive +1 59 /59 HP; Fort +6 Reflex +11 (+1 v Traps)(no damage on saves?) Will +3 ( immune to magic sleep, +2 v enchantment) ; AC 20, touch 16, flat-footed 14 (+1 v Traps, +10 surgepoint)

Brutal weekend over.

"The elves will be back soon!"

With no foes but the triceratops and a single carver at hand, and seeing Wultram focus his minions on the triceratops, and well aware that his cousins are watching, Rehil tries something ridiculous.

He strides up the T-rex's vertebrae and uses its head as a springboard to vault the triceratops.

Probably won't matter, but, I'm going for style points here.

Move action acrobatics, jump to Q8., mythic : 1d20 + 11 + 1d6 ⇒ (1) + 11 + (6) = 18

Acrobatics to prevent AoO on the way: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (4) + 11 = 15

Normal attack v T-tops, power attack: 1d20 + 9 - 1 ⇒ (4) + 9 - 1 = 12 ... damage: 1d10 + 4 + 2 ⇒ (10) + 4 + 2 = 16
Mythic surprise strike v T-tops, power attack: 1d20 + 9 + 1 - 1 ⇒ (17) + 9 + 1 - 1 = 26 ... damage: 1d10 + 4 + 2d6 + 2 ⇒ (8) + 4 + (4, 5) + 2 = 23

Male elf Rogue 3, Ranger 3, Mythic Trickster 1 Init +4 Percept 11+ SenseMotive +1 59 /59 HP; Fort +6 Reflex +11 (+1 v Traps)(no damage on saves?) Will +3 ( immune to magic sleep, +2 v enchantment) ; AC 20, touch 16, flat-footed 14 (+1 v Traps, +10 surgepoint)

Unfortunately Rehil's not smart enough to target Pointy McThreepoint.

Rehil takes advantage of the short respite allowed by the halflings' demise to look for their allies.

perception: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (18) + 11 = 29

Then he waits, blade readied for a halfling that ventures too close.

readied curve blade: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (12) + 9 = 21 ... DAMAGE: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (10) + 4 = 14

Male elf Rogue 3, Ranger 3, Mythic Trickster 1 Init +4 Percept 11+ SenseMotive +1 59 /59 HP; Fort +6 Reflex +11 (+1 v Traps)(no damage on saves?) Will +3 ( immune to magic sleep, +2 v enchantment) ; AC 20, touch 16, flat-footed 14 (+1 v Traps, +10 surgepoint)

Sorry, Aubrey, and everyone. I lost my place.

REF save: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (8) + 9 = 17

If I may, I'll use mythic surge to add 1d6 to that roll and pass the save. Tal's already working overtime.

Male elf Rogue 3, Ranger 3, Mythic Trickster 1 Init +4 Percept 11+ SenseMotive +1 59 /59 HP; Fort +6 Reflex +11 (+1 v Traps)(no damage on saves?) Will +3 ( immune to magic sleep, +2 v enchantment) ; AC 20, touch 16, flat-footed 14 (+1 v Traps, +10 surgepoint)

Rehil wards off the halfling's blow. Then the elf tries to sweep his blade under the halfling's arm toward his left armpit ….

Curve blade v B3: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (2) + 9 = 11 …. damage: 1d10 + 4 ⇒ (5) + 4 = 9

Pants. Pants! PANTS!

Next turn, I got to try some mythic stuff and power attack. Maybe that will change my luck. I know, I'll activate Deadly Dodge, now.

4 of 5 mythic left. 41 hp.

Where are the elves?

Male elf Rogue 3, Ranger 3, Mythic Trickster 1 Init +4 Percept 11+ SenseMotive +1 59 /59 HP; Fort +6 Reflex +11 (+1 v Traps)(no damage on saves?) Will +3 ( immune to magic sleep, +2 v enchantment) ; AC 20, touch 16, flat-footed 14 (+1 v Traps, +10 surgepoint)

OK. 41 after your turn. Thanks.

Male elf Rogue 3, Ranger 3, Mythic Trickster 1 Init +4 Percept 11+ SenseMotive +1 59 /59 HP; Fort +6 Reflex +11 (+1 v Traps)(no damage on saves?) Will +3 ( immune to magic sleep, +2 v enchantment) ; AC 20, touch 16, flat-footed 14 (+1 v Traps, +10 surgepoint)

Thanks, Tal. Next turn, we'll gang up on your halfling, if he's still around. After that nice series of rolls.

HP= 36 after life link.

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