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![]() In the fight on the Sea Wyvern, the PCs dropped Rowyn to negative points, then quickly stabilized and imprisoned her. After questioning her briefly and concluding she was crazy and only wanted revenge, they took her items and then let her go. I was stunned. They just put her on the nearest coastline and carried on. So now, I'm trying to decide how she can reappear again in the STAP, either again as an assassin, or possibly in a neccesary lesser-of-two-evils team up scenario. Any ideas on how to throw Rowyn back into the Savage Tide? ![]()
![]() I have no idea why Wizard would not renew the contract. Even ignoring ny personal incredible disappointment and I'm sure the incredible disappointment of every poster here, from a financial standpoint it doesn't make much sense. Many of the products I purchased from Wizard, and indeed my first intrest in D and D, came from the content of Dungeon and Dragon magazine. I don't know what to say. My mouth is still hanging open. ![]()
![]() I wrote a quick side adventure (that now I'm probably not going to use because the PCs are at a high level) where Lavinia asks the PCs to go to Castle Rakin (See Dragon's area around Sasserine) to bargain for Urol's services on the Sea Wyvern for Part 3 of the path. The PCs also interacted with Avner's sister who ran the fort (See same Dragon). She did major foreshadowing by warning the PCs of her "bastard brother and his damned horse". It made for a neat way to introduce Urol and foreshadow Avner. Hope that helps. ![]()
![]() Wow. That is more of a reply than I ever expected. THAT is why I use the paizo messageboards. Thanks to everyone. Since I am relatively inexperienced and new to the game, I'll probably just slap a large pricetag and several feat prerequisites to the dragon, and tell the PC what a moral dilemnia this is. Maybe a sidequest or two to go with it... Again, thanks. ![]()
![]() In Dragon #349's Savage Tidings article, the commanding officer of Castle Rakin is named as Major Augustine Meravanchi. Is she intended to be related to Avner? I'm writing a side quest to the castle for the PCs to "pick up" Urol, and I decided to have a slightly drunken Augustine warn them about her "bastard brother" and his "damned horse". Whether or not the link was supposed to exist, it's too good of a side to pass up. I'm just curious as to whether this was intentional. ![]()
![]() I was thinking of adding a side quest after BG, just in case my PCs aren't at level 5. I was thinking of sending them to one of Sasserine's holdings from Dragon to "pick up" Urol the gnome for TSWW. I think that after bullywugs and savage pirates, a basic side with goblins and maybe a dragon would fit in great. ![]()
![]() I have a player who has expressed interest in raising a dragon over the course of the adventure path. My problems are: 1.) Obviously, where would she get a dragon egg or young dragon, how much, and would the dragon be compliant? 2.) How would this affect the adventure path? I'm thankful for any suggestions. ![]()
![]() Have you considered that the fifth player has always been in cahoots with Lavina, and is even now working alone to end the Lotus Dragons? Perhaps the PCs could meet him posing as the taxidermist's assistant, who turns on the taxidermist when battle errupts. Or he could even be a seemingly nondescript Lotus thug, who turns on the other thieves at an opportune moment. ![]()
![]() Have you considered that maybe the Lotus would be angry at him and throw him in one of their jail cells? He did take off pretty quickly... If rescued by the PCs, he could say he was on their side, but work to escape or maybe sabatage them later down the road. Maybe even way later...like on the Sea Wyvern. ![]()
![]() I considered the cleric, but I didn't think that the guild would spend money to use clerics on a fight between two unknowns, so I went with nonlethal damage. I think that as my PC progresses and fights more times, added perks such as clerics standing by will go to show that he is becoming a name in Sasserine. Neat ring, though! ![]()
![]() Have the PCs play the part of: A) The Jade Ravens. The situation now calls for their experience. B) The town watch, investigating the deaths. Lavinia contacts them afterwards. C) Ex-town watch, disgusted at the beauracracy and bribery that goes on in Sasserine and ready to start cleaning up the town, beginning with Vark. Lavinia contacts them afterwards. D) Vark's lackies, appalled at his actions and their own, and ready to make amends by helping Lavinia. E) New adventures hired by Lavinia, ready to try again. F) The same adventurers, raised by Lavinia (kind of unrealistic, considering her financial situation, but maybe the easiest). I hope one of these helps! ![]()
![]() Like many people, I purchased Stormwrack for the Savage Tide, and I'm just curious as to how others with Stormwrack will incorporate its elements into their campaign. Besides using the better rules for combat, I had the idea to have Lavinia give each PC a 100 gp "gift certificate" to a little-known smith specializing in aquatic armor before "The Sea Wyvern's Wake", which would allow me to introduce the new items. I would love any other suggestions! |