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Organized Play Member. 477 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.

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Technically most of those upgrades can already be added to things-
Which means they have a gold value that you can look up.

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I was hoping this was a build that got 'Aspect of the beast's and rage powers...

Early shapeshifting is broken. Aspect of the beast, however, could be viable as an extremely early (level 1, maybe, and multiple abilities) could work...

Instead of shifting, getting multiple natural attacks and rage could have potential as a more animal than humanoid Druid...

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Bookspinner made this, and I had to post it:

Harpies' Uncommon Areas of Habitation: Current Fallacies

This book is hard to understand. If someone makes an effort to read it, they will find it has no useful information.
Making the book virtually useless, it appears that the contents are less than original.

Examining the book, one will find: Pieces of paper with notes commenting on informative information in the book.

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The core idea makes me think of a halfing lame battle oracle/fighter that rides a dire bat.

Back on topic, I second the 'start small' argument.
Start as a fighter halfling, and save up to buy a flying mount. Sure, it's expensive, but its still easier in the long run.

Might be better Rp wise to dip cavalier.
Now, on the Longbow... I seem to remember a ride check to stand up on the saddle... Eventually, when her ride skill was high enough, she should be able to stand and use a Longbow.

The best combo would be to talk a player into going Druid, and wildshaping into her mount.

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Assuming a town's torch and pitchfork-wielding riot managed to brutally kill the level 15 chaotic evil necromancer that lives a stones throw away, I'm pretty sure (can't recall at the moment) there's a spell that specifically prevents them from rising if they're given a proper burial.

In the same scenario, in the bloody battle that ensued, several commoners would likely be killed in the process. Even though way they are justified, they would be full of rage and agony when they died, so perhaps if the necromancer did reanimate, some commoners may reanimate when their life's biggest accomplishment (dying to destroy a great evil) suddenly becomes 'unfinished business', resulting in a battle that will rage nightly for eternity: ghosts vs the necromancer wight, or whatever is CR appropriate.

BTW, thanks for the inspiration. I'm totally using this in my homebrew :D

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A high diplomacy check *might* work, but the oracle is a constant target for assassins, the posse is mostly there to protect her. If the PCs convince several npcs to occampany them, I'll probably have the npcs they didn't bring die in an attack, andthey have to figure out how to drag around an unconscious oracle. The npcs won't level up, and the players will likely pass them in just a few sessions. They are free to notice the oracle's alignment and leave. (Out of character, Ive told them things are often not what they seem.)

I'll admit, I'm an experienced writer and inexperienced dm, but I've also made notes on videogames I plan on making that are "sandboxy". I'm dming the game almost like a video game with "cinematic" elements for story purposes.

Most (70% of each session) are pc only, with 10-15% with only an npc or two. The whole posse is present mostly for meals and "down time", which is when the cinematics happen. Such as:


Resting after the PC's thorough search of the city, the entire group enjoys a fine meal.
Before the npcs can take their first bite, the oracle stands up and sounds a silent alarm of some sort (minor prestidigitation, the candles and torch flames shift to a cool blue.) And she turns to the PCs with a stern look. "Hide."

One of the non-combat npcs flips the table the pcs are sitting at. Simultaniously, there are brief yells and the sounds of battle from outside, but they stop as suddenly as they began.Then there is loud pounding at the door to the sanctum.
As the non-combat npc (chef or wench probably) pulls the pcs behind the table, the iron-banded door explodes into splinters, and a heavily armed warrior (paladin) charges in.

If the pcs peek over the table, they see the warrior with a pulsating symbol on his jet-black armor.

A few NPCs rush to defend, but are (mostly harmlessly) deflected. (The 'enemy' is lawful good if detect alignment is on.)

(Perception check) The oracle raises her hand towards the intruder, and looks puzzled.

One lucky blow from an npc stikes the intruder's armor (or just the helm), and the helm/or armor vanishes. (detect magic would recognise it as a modified version of shadow conjuration)

The 'paladin' rushes across the room towards the oracle. (the pcs get an AoO if they are watching/standing.)
When/if the paladin reaches the oracle, her readied action activates. (a touch attack, I forget what I named the homebrew affect... Essentially it does 1d6 damage to wis and int, and 'steals' the thoughts of the target. For the cinematic, its insta-death to the paladin. Detect magic and knowledge arcane DC 10 reveals the evil nature of the spell, detect magic and perception 15 reveals a briefly glowing chaotic gem on her body.)

This triggers an espionage quest for the pcs to investigate the invader's "evil cult".

Although there are important details within, the whole event happens in less than 5 minutes, and less than 10 minutes realtime. (Since the sound of my rolling dice are for atmosphere, the outcomes are predestined.)

I also have contingincies for the pcs rushing in (the pcs are fighting a monkish paladin with AC 22 who prefers non-lethal damage), critting on the AoO (possibly incapping the invader who actually has pretty low hp, leading to his imprisonment and interrogation, followed by the oracle using her touch attack anyway), failing checks (they can talk to the npcs laterand ask) or hiding and seeing nothing (see previous)

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I have the "core" of my campain done, but it feels empty to me.
There are some twists, but Im afraid the twists will be cheap and blindsided the players.. I can't find an organic way to forshadow the twists before they happen...

I also need a way to weave in some side quests, depending on whether the pcs find them or not.

Im not really asking for help with the AP, just wondering how other dms plan them..

Web diagrams?
If/then statements? (like a choose your own adventure book)
Dossiers of npcs with lists of their quests and how they interact with a pc, and a "random encounter chart"?
(like Grogg the barbarian/monk orc, starts 'shard discovery' sub-path. Can be found in a tavern(30% chance)a random house (5% chance) or the arcane weapon shop eyeing the wares(10% chance) works part time as a city guard (10% chance any guard they interact with is him)

Any other ideas for keeping track of npcs? I run my homebrews very sandbox-like, so Id rather avoid Grogg approaching the party directly at X time with the cliche "I hear you are brave adventurers, want a job?" intros...

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So, the pcs are walking along a dark hallway, and they don't know they're about to step onto a horizontal shadow wall covering a pit.

When they step on, they get a will save to disbelieve and fall...

Would this work as RAW, if one falls they all reroll their +2 to fall?

I was going to give them a chance to see the floor is weird (Perception, DC 25), and if they notice (detect magic is an automatic notice, "Oh, the floor is glowing.. Ill try spellcraft") they get a spellcraft to recognize the spell (DC 12- Some sort of illusion related to the shadow subschool; DC 18 It's a horizontal shadow wall)

If perception was failed, could they knowledge arcana the way the will save feels?
It's a secret organisation with a psychic as a known enemy, so its realistic for there to be a "+2 to will saves" area affect on the building.. How would this synergize with passing a will save being a bad thing?

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I agree on the buffing, and maybe she can use non-lethal non-aggressive abilities/spells like inspire, facinate, charm, fear effects etc. then it would all be fine.

A bard that refuses melee could be an awesome character.. (dressed like a hippy, plays the bongos, and ends every sentance with "man"... Maybe the personality of shaggy from scooby doo)

Thanks for the inspiration ;)

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I guesa it ranks up there with a mounted lame oracle merfolk, so weird no one thought to balance it.

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So, how does this look?

Ranger 1, scent
Ranger 2, aspect claw
Ranger 3, weapon focus claw
MoMS monk 1, boar style, feral combat-claw
" " 2, dragon style
fighter 1, enhanced nat weap, dragon ferocity
fighter 2, belier's bite, feral combat bite

Does that work?
How should the rest go? For straight melee, which class should I go? I'm thinking ranger or maybe druid for strength bonuses, strong jaw and lock jaw...

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So, i'm building a half-orc natural attack ranger, and i'm trying to decide on my level dips.. Originally I was going to play a melee druid worth some dips in ranger for the combat feats and earlier aspect of the beast, but now i'm kinda torn between a couple options.

Right now i'm an animalistic level 1 half orc ranger with toothy and keen scent. Stats are str 18, wis 16, con 14, dex 14, cha 15, int 12 if I remember right.

When I get aspect of the beast, should I...

Dip druid for three levels and take shapeshifting hunter?
Benefits would be the versatility of wildshape, companion, and spells.

Dip barbarian for the ability to ignore damage and fiend totem for gore attack?

Go straight ranger for the style feats and take feral combat training for bleed dmg?

Any other good ideas are also welcome, but for character rp, i'm never going to use a weapon- only natural attacks. Alchemist is also against the characters beliefs.

Alignment is tricky for are his beliefs-

He's a worshiper of gozreh, but believes the laws of nature should reign supreme. Sure they can be cruel, but even the most vicious predator never comes close to the evils that humanoids commit, even when they say it's for the greater good. other alignments are simply a way for humanoids to segregate themselves and feel superior. They love to use that as an excuse for perform horrible atrocities. While it's not his responsibility to purge the earth, they should stay out of his way.

One last question- I have 750gp.. Even after I buy hide, that's a lot of gold to spend when I don't use weapons..what should I buy?