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I'm going to have my players join an organization and attend their 'welcoming ceremony'. Plotwise, its integral. It introduces several NPCs, and gets the players at least trivially introduced to a major plot hook (collecting artifacts for the leader, a samsaran oracle, who is planned to gradually go insane from power...). I'd like to have the entire session revolve around the ceremony, and the events immediately before and after. I have a couple ideas (like a merchant selling discounted items outside- but giving change with a different face on the coins for a spy to cast enter image). The organisation is a mashup of races and cultures, so conflict is reasonable, but all out combat is not. I'm looking for ideas for skill checks and rp to implement. Have you had anything similar in any games you've played or ran? Any suggestions? ![]()
Okay, so a friend is going to run a pathfinderized X-crawl, and my build idea has evolved into a strength-based wild shaping druid of Lamashtu. (Perhaps was the offspring of a cleric with the 'Demon Mother's Mask.) I have a few questions.. Third-party stuff is okay with DM approval. 1. Any ideas for my race? Oread is an obvious choice if I wanted to minmax, but considering orc or half-orc. Bonus to strength or wisdom, without penalties to either. Preferably something similar to a monstrous humanoid, or at least, animal-like. 2. Any way to add the fiendish template to SNA summons? Or my animal companion?If not, I may go saurian shaman. Any other ideas are welcome.... ![]()
A friend is gonna run an X-crawl next month, and its probably going to be level 4-5. My first thought was "Oh, level 4? Pet would be good.. Druid wildshape kicks in at 4.. "
Now for those who don't know, X-crawl is like a pathfinder/hunger games mashup. Lots of challenges, not much combat, but PvP is going to happen at some point- Only one player can win. Any advice for a druid build?
I was thinking half-orc thrill seeker in it for the excitement (and genuinely thinks he's top dog.. Like the worlds an action movie an he's the hero) or a animal rights activist wanting to bring his cause into the mainstream. Advice welcome. Stats will be rolled.
If I roll poorly, Wisdom might have to be first, since I'll get a str bonus.
The druid is level 3. She likes the mooncaller archtype.
Im pretty sure she wants to focus on battlefield control with the occasional buff and attack spell. She wants to be a half-elf, but I may be able to push her towards something more exotic. Her animal companion is a fox, but I'll be applying a template.. Perhaps fae-touched or something. I mostly need suggestions for archtypes and feats. The game isnt hack and slash- its homebrew and noir/ problem solving heavy. The other players are:
20 point buy. I was experimenting with a aberrant sorcerer that intimidates, but.. I'm open to ideas. I'm not trying to min-max and break the potty little PC's modules, but I do want something fun to play. Not sure if I want to focus on illusions or evocation.. Probably split down the middle somewhat. Ideas for traits, spells, and the like are appreciated. I will mention, our pfs dms aren't great. Silly stuff with unseen servant and diplomacy will rarely, if ever, be usefully or even allowed. His backup weapon is a cold iron shortsword and a crossbow. In the backstory, he was driven to join PFS because hes regarded with extreme distrust by other gnomes- they fear him. Alignment is probably lawful neutral. Any suggestions are welcome. Thanks. ![]()
It obviously wont be often, but how 'mean' is it to force players into combat before they get their spells? How should this effect CR of the encounter? For example:
I'm giving *special* things to all my players, based on their background. One player wanted an eleven curve blade, so I asked how she got it since its a well-kept secret to the elves.
Little does the PC know, the elf was killed by a slow-acting poison from a drowned noble who wants the blade. Its a cursed intelligent NE weapon, but without the negative level normally imposed. It does have quite the ego, but wont vie for control unless neccesary. It knows that a spell could free it and lead to its destruction. It seeks power, and may get more powerful than the PC if certain events happen- (However, by then it might decide it likes the weak-willed ifrit fighter wielding it, and only seek to manipulate her alignment into that of the blade.) It will have a few spell-like abilities that have to be 'unlocked' by a mechanism I haven't decided yet. Perhaps via bribes to the blade- which may also result in the aforementioned alignment shift. The malevolence of the blade will only be hinted at occasionally. What is a fair ego amount for it to give a fighter a chance at resisting? (The blade will gain abilities- and ego- as the player levels) Any good brainstorms? ![]()
So I need help with my bbeg. Originally she was an oracle, but in this incarnation of the campaign, psions are allowed... She enters a town, and becomes a non-denominational religious icon.
The people seeking help don't realise she uses them to get information (probably through straight conversation, with spells as a backup). She has the appearence of a total pacifist, and plays the role of a victim very well. A LE cult leader (of Zon Kuthon) has identified her, but is foiled at every attempt to destroy her. He doesn't want her outed- He wants her captured or dead. Outing her to the public would ruin the cat and mouse game he enjoys so much. She's attractive in a girl-next-door kind of way, and relatable to everyone. She is Chaotic Neutral- All she wants is more power, but the campaign revolves around 'shards of power' that fall from the sky.
For game reasons, she needs a really great will and fort save, but feats can augment this. Was thinking 4 levels of Psion (Telepath) and 4 levels of something great at divination, but I'm not sure. I want her to be a mind-reading and future-telling one trick pony. Level can go a bit higher, but she'll level as the story progresses. (I'm doing the chapter-based leveling, no XP) Any advice? ![]()
The group is level 3, and I'm going to let one of them (the evil cleric) get poison use and access to the poison. I'm thinking: La Petit Morte ( POISON )
Originally developed by the druids of Shades of the Duskwood, this poison is a fermented variation on a naturally occurring poison. In its original form, its a mild sedative and aphrodesiac, but fermented, it represents Zon Kuthon's ideals perfectly- It deals pain that the victim doesn't even notice due to the overwhelming 'pleasure'. Oddly for a poison, its a powder that can be sprinkled on items to be used as a contact poison, mixed with a liquid and painted/poured on an item, or mixed with oil to coat weaponry. Is this too powerful for a level 3 player?
Essentially, it forces them to... er.. climax, and take damage. (Hence, fascinated). I thought about making it contain a low version of unnatural lust, but that may get awkward with players... ![]()
The party consists of: Level 3 Psion (Élan, Nomad)
There will be several recurring enemies, with the BBEG 'discovered" at high level. (Is an NPC the players meet several times) For flavor and RP drama, the rivals don't know of each other, but that may change if the PCs make it happen. None of the PCs are super optimised, but their rivals will be. (Mostly just optimized to survive and escape conflicts not just for lethalality. They wont fight to the death.) There's also a rival adventuring party or two, but only to keep story plots going if the PCs choose not to do things. Its very much a sandbox campaign, but if the npcs decide something is more important than a macguffin, others may do it, which may lead to a drastically different outcome. Anyways, on to the main PC rivals- Zziti- Female psion (nomad élan) Rival for: the nomad élan.
Franca- Male Ranger
Brutus- Lawful Evil inquisitor
I have no clue about the archer fighter. Definately an archer, perhaps a drive to be world-famous for archery, hence the rivalry. Any ideas? Level 4-5 build advice for these would be great, feat and archtype suggestions are greatly appretiated.
If a poster is willing to post 'dibs' and build it for me, it would keep my players from calling it metagamey since I know their skills and such. Anyone have advice for Rivals? ![]()
The basic idea is, what if magic functions more like alignment with residues and strengths. A wand glows slightly because its magic, and you can 'perceive' details with your senses. (Usually a spellcraft or knowledge arcana, but noticing that a passerby has a wand in their back pocket would be perception first, then a roll to identify.) For spells themselves:
Characters with 'buffs' would leave a trail that can be tracked. With detect magic on, knowledge arcana 'sniffs the air's. (Maybe it should be spellcraft, I dunno...) DC is affected by how powerful the caster was, whether it was prepared or spontaneous, and how long its been.
I also had to introduce a few things:
Counterspell may be used to cover up a spell already cast, but requires a spell slot one level higher than the one being hidden. The counterspell used this way is easily detectable, however. It simply hides the other residues. Dispel Magic can be used to shorten the duration of all present residues by 2/3. This mechanism may even pave the way for new archetypes, or even a new class, able to tap into residues and recast residual spells..... Maybe instead of being 'detect magic's related, it should all be added into a new anti-magic class or inquisitor archtype?
Definately needs balancing, but what do you guys think? Advice and suggestions are welcome. Who knows, maybe it has real potential..... ![]()
So I'm building a bard, and plan on making extensive use of this spell.. Ill start: 1. Tiny brass knife-
2. A single lens of Eyes of the Eagle-
3. Anything, with unseen servent to grab whatever was in their hands and run! What else ya got? ![]()
So Ill be starting a game soon, and I just realized I'm not sure how a few things work... Notably, this scenario- The players are transporting a holy artifact mcguffin thingy to destinationville.
Unbeknownst to the group, they are being tracked by a npc- For the sake of argument, the npc has good stealth, tracking, and the ability to silently cast 'sleep'. The npc creeps in range to cast sleep, PC fails a perception check.
I'm pretty sure it counts as a "surprise round", so sleep gets cast. So am I right that either: PC fails save, goes to sleep, and npc can try to get artifact:
PC makes save:
So 'alchemical' upgrades to arrows like Durable, is described as being covered in glue. Could a whistling or bleeding arrow be 'durable'? I use those as an example since their effects seem to be mechanical, and abilities are a function of the shape of the arrow rather than a consumable element like tanglefoot or smoke arrows (which obviously couldn't be reused without crafting).
So, my question. Can durable be added to arrows that aren't 'consumed' on impact? ![]()
My DM lets me combine abilities that 'make sense', so I have a few adamantine and feral iron durable whistling arrows.. Do whistling arrows do anything game-wise? (Like cause or add +5 to concentration checks or something.) Btw, I'm an archer bard, and since my arrow damage wont be fantastic, I'm going to go with interesting utility arrows. Any ideas? For a "long" dungeon, how many arrows would you bring? I'm thinking, 100 or so.. ![]()
I've been 'gold's the group needs a master trapfinder, and to "Play a rogue." I despise being told what to do, so I want to build a master trapfinder and disabler of all devices with a minimum of Rogue levels.. I've also always wanted to play an archaeologist, so I'm hoping there's a way to get what I need as such. I've also always wanted to play a gnome.. My stats... well, my stats are good.. I've rolled. 13 14 16 16 16 17.. Advice on levels and feats are greatly appreciated. ![]()
So part of my game revolves around creatures from the shadow plane that bleed over into this world in areas of darkness. Not sure of I should make them as a series of monsters, some with SLAs (which I'm leaning towards) or a race that can get class levels. Thematically, areas of darkness that are 'dark enough' (such as an area in shadow at night.. They can only 'spawn' in areas of percievable shadow- behind a building the PC's are in or a chimney is okay, but a closed box wont spawn them.. They can 'see' out of such areas, and wouldn't have motivation to spawn into a locked chest or a PC's backpack. They despise light, and actually take damage when exposed to all light above low-light. Light-based damaging spells do double damage.
As a ranged attack, they may throw pieces of themselves (does no damage, but has three effects- 1, with a called shot, that may attempt to 'black out' lamps or extenguish light sources, temporarily blind players (1d4-2 rounds to remove, 1 full round option if soap is used- prestidigitation or 'flight's cast on it instantly removes it. It also functions as 'grease', and after 5 or more hit the same character or square, it is treated as difficult terrain) I'm thinking about having them lose a HP everytime they use the attack, or have a subtype with the ability. I'm really hoping for them to be scary, but not really deadly. They are able to use weapons, but unclassed they use natural attacks of some sort. They have a large circular mouth with needle-like teeth. I thought about some sort of venom with a mild effect, but I want to keep these critters CR-1 or less if possible.
Their liquify ability takes 1 round- reforming (called solidify) takes 1 minute. (Ie, can easily be killed while reforming). They cannot make any actions as a liquid other than climb, walk, or solidify. (Maybe they can grapple, pin, or blind and suffocate as a liquid... argh, too difficult. Nevermind.) I was going to give them the stat block of a kobold, with the extra abilities, and improved stealth and climb. For spell-like abilities of the advanced versions, I was going to go with:
Advice on spells and all other elements are welcome. For my game, psionics are allowed (and half the players are playing psionics, along with a non-melee Druid and the other is probably going to be a bard...) For the light extinguishing range attack, would a reflex save be appropriate? I'm actually looking for any and all applicable advice, since I'm not experienced with monster building. ![]()
Monks retain all abilities, so a drinking monk that gradually slides to alcoholism after a traumatic event (such as a PC death) and becomes a barbarian technically works... Any race works, but dwarf does work well for flavor... Or a half-orc... I such at optimisation... I'm mostly looking for ideas. At which level should he fall? Which archetypes can be combined with the alcohol ones, and also work flavor-wise and synergize well? Also, feat suggestions, rage powers, class dips, all suggestions are welcome, as long as it doesn't go against the core idea of a monk sliding chaotic due to alcoholism..(maybe someone says the PC who died deserved it? The monk, slightly enebriated, finishes his drink to leave the tavern, but is suddenly filled with new emotions and snaps... ) ![]()
I value RP and optimisation equally, but I'd appreciate some input. The basic idea, is I'm an orc that worships the predator-prey relationship and the law of the jungle, to the point of being animalistic himself. Because of some backstory, he fights with tooth and claw (1d4 primaries) , but will never use metal or manufactured weapons. Obviously, it will be strength-based. Yes, I read treantmonk's guide. I want him to definately be a front-lines character. Are there any ideas for equipment and feats? We start at level 2, and get 750g for weapons and armor, 500g for misc equipment, and 500g in coins. I want to pump my AC, but might get some potions too. (Enlarge person is nice). Ill roll my stats in a few. ![]()
Sure, there's old age, but I mean accidental deaths... Ah, the tramp has syphillis? Remove disease. The king was beheaded? Raise dead/ressurect. Crime? Buy magical trinkets that let them know whenever someone is lying. Starvation? Child's play for a druid or cleric. Wars? Instead of +1 weapons, give them clw or infernal healing. Why aren't kingdoms severely overpopulated? ![]()
The game hasn't even started yet, but a close friend warned me that another player always plays lawful stupid, 'kill anything remotely evil' paladins. Now, my game will absolutely have encounters that the parties can't win, since I'm trying to add a slight realism to the game. (In the same vain that real life campers occasionally might meet a grizzly bear. With intelligence, they'll survive, but attacking it would be a bad idea.) I've also never had a paladin in a game before. Any tips? Is smiting every evil you see really lawful good?
What conditions have come up where a paladin lost powers in your games?
Thanks. BTW, my game is evil aberration -heavy horror, so I'm worried the player will get frustrated. Advice welcome. ![]()
I imagine its perception, to notice the left eye twitching on the spellcaster as he stares at you, but whats the DC? What if its just stilled, and he whispers the words?
I imagine detect magic would help, since you'd see the energies collecting, their aura spiking in power, etc. Its a homebrew campaign, but I'm curious about RAW, RAI, and house rule variants. What would the check be to recognize the spell being cast before its finished? What about to identify a completed spell with subtle or hidden effects? (Like a visible wizard casting invisibility on a stealthed rogue hidden from the pcs...) ![]()
The idea, is a huge but slow blind and deaf aberration that lures in its prey. Perhaps a hallucinatory aura that helps prey fall for its trap? The idea is the party (if they fail perception a few times) will see something- Perhaps a sobbing child, or a small boulder with a man giving away drinks of potions of CLW, or something similiar. If enough saves are failed and they reach out to the child/cup of CLW/whatever, they stick to whatever they touch (the creature's adhesive tongue) and hear a deafening roar as the ground shakes, and massive teeth rise out of the ground and clamp around them. If they think fast, I'll make sure they survive, but it serves to introduce them to the campaign. (They are all level 1, but there are 8 of them.) Can someone help me with an applicable stat block? Originally the creature was disguised as a building or cave, with the 'tongue' in the opening, but I wasn't sure it was 'realistic' enough. The campaign is lovecraftian horror and full of aberrations, undead, and occasionally reanimated dead aberrations, so unpredictably deadly things are common (Players will be reminded, running is always an option.) ![]()
My previous GMing experience is literally 2 single sessions with a couple players. Luckily, all of the players are experienced players (some more so than me), so I'm pretty sure they can have their combat planned out. Any tips on keeping them focused? Its also a custom campaign world that I started a while back- horror and aberration themed, with a heavy dose of lovecraftian elements
How much detail is too much detail? Does the innkeeper need a backstory?
Does anyone have a chart for coming up with random 'conversations' between npcs? (Its come up before, believe it or not.) Any tips on keeping the suspense up with such a large group? There won't be much combat, and in the game the players are warned to choose their fights well and run when neccesary. (For example, there is a good possibility of them running into a huge abberation of my own creation at level 1. Luckily for them, it's an ambush predator, has a move speed of 5 ft per round and no range attack. Its mindless, blind, deaf, with swallow whole.) Any tips? ![]()
I play a very animalistic Catfolk ranger, and I just realised I get a familiar tomorrow during the game.
My ranger behaves like a kitten, very foolhardy and curious often running off away from the party. He also doesn't use manufactured weapons. I will eventually be multiclassing, so utility and Rp are just as (if not more) important than damage. I already have scent. I was considering giant scorpion for tremorsense. In my backstory, my character was tortured by goblins, then sold to drow to be an arena fighter. My character befriended an egg without knowing what it was, and has been carrying it around for a while. it will hatch into a familiar.
Flight could be nice (since my character doesn't use a bow or anything). Something with grab or trip would be nice if the DC will still be decent later too. Not to say I don't like damage, but I already get 3 attacks around at full bab. thanks for the help. ![]()
In the "1001 campaign seeds" thread, there was one describing a situation where the pc's enter their favorite tavern, only to find that fermentation is no longer working, all the liquors are spoiling/turning to vinegar, and their kingdom is rapidly running out of booze! This idea seems perfect for me to build up as a new-years party game, with players intoxicated as well as their characters.. I'm sure it will decend into chaos (with the pc goblins and gnolls eating townsfolk while they laugh hysterically, etc) but I feel there should at least be some basic semblance of a plot- What sort of "villian" would be motivated the most to spoil alcohol?
Any ideas are welcome... Please, nothing too complicated, just a sentance or three to jump off the story ;) ![]()
As you figured from the title, I'm building a multiclassed catfolk rogue (Currently level 3 shapeshifting ranger, will take levels in MoMS and Scout) Trying to build him to optimise maneuverability and max damage on claw attacks. How does Quick Getaway interact with claw pounce and scouts charge?
Feel free to offer suggestions on which talents and feats to take, and how many levels of scout and moms to take as well. Please note details that need to be taken into account:
No need to post a "build", but advice is appreciated. Thanks! ![]()
I've never actually seen a gunslinger played (all the dms I know banned it).
Is it as broken as it looks?
I've considered upping the price of ammo, restricting the number of grit abilities they get, being stingy with grit points, or even giving some monsters a "Resistance to Technology" trait.
(revolving around the idea that modern weapons lack the 'spirit' of medieval weapons. Seems to be a good trait for outsiders and abberations. Physical Undead could require 'head shots'..) .opinions? ![]()
Right now its just a jumble of ideas, but I'm thinking about how a -balanced- natural attack class would work. Perhaps some variables would be race-specific...
All would gain natural attacks and built-in at level 1
All races of this class can aquire and use catfolk claw blades (or 'wing blades' for birdlike, or +2 to tail blade for rodentia) Doglike
Catlike (catfolk)
Reptillian (kobolds, lizardmen)
Birdlike (tengu)
Other abilities for immplementation:
Roar/Growl : (Sonic, mind affecting, cone effect) Cause fear, as a wizard your level. Will save to negate. Purr: ( Sonic, compulsion, single target) will negates, compels target to pet/caress the source of the sound. Feral Communication: Can communicate with animals using a very rudimentary language of pheremones , body language, and facial expressions. Communications are limited to simple 3-word sentances. 1 use of the ability lasts for 1 minute/level. They would also be able to gain animal abilities, (such as pounce or a modified "deathroll" (as part of a bite, creature may attempt to wrench flesh from it's victim by making a strength check vs the targets CMD to negate damage and both fall prone (reflex dc 15 to avoid falling). If target fails, it takes 2x bite damage, and 1d6 bleed for rounds equal to the deathrolling creatures str mod/half (round up).) ![]()
So I'm looking for some characters to inhabit a small town of former and present adventurers. I considered using normal npcs, but two of my players also dm. I'd like to throw things at them they can't predict. Please post your favorite character (basic stats, memorized spells, and their favorite tactics and quirks) Any published content available on paizo.com or d20pfsrd.com is allowed. Thanks! ![]()
So I've posted hints on the story. Essentially the proteans introduce a gem of chaos to the world, (it acts like the 'Shikon Jewel' from inuyasha, increases power but grants insanity and corrupts. Essentially, when should the jewel be introduced? A- Its on earth when the game begins. There are already several 'corrupted' beings. Story jumps in fast. They might have limited knowedge B- It arrives almost immediately. The pcs pretty much have to figure it out like everyone else. C- It arrives after several sessions of trivial quests. I prefer this one, but I'm having trouble with the "placeholder quests". I think it would be fun to rp an "comet" crashing into the planet and magically influencing the weather, etc. ![]()
I was just looking for opinions... Do minor npc's in your games carry a weapon everywhere? If not, and there was a fight, how do you keep track with nonlethal damage stacking with lethal? For example-
I have the "core" of my campain done, but it feels empty to me.
I also need a way to weave in some side quests, depending on whether the pcs find them or not. Im not really asking for help with the AP, just wondering how other dms plan them.. Web diagrams?
Any other ideas for keeping track of npcs? I run my homebrews very sandbox-like, so Id rather avoid Grogg approaching the party directly at X time with the cliche "I hear you are brave adventurers, want a job?" intros... ![]()
So, the pcs are walking along a dark hallway, and they don't know they're about to step onto a horizontal shadow wall covering a pit. When they step on, they get a will save to disbelieve and fall... Would this work as RAW, if one falls they all reroll their +2 to fall? I was going to give them a chance to see the floor is weird (Perception, DC 25), and if they notice (detect magic is an automatic notice, "Oh, the floor is glowing.. Ill try spellcraft") they get a spellcraft to recognize the spell (DC 12- Some sort of illusion related to the shadow subschool; DC 18 It's a horizontal shadow wall) If perception was failed, could they knowledge arcana the way the will save feels?
For an upcoming campaign I'm running there are a TON of npcs that may enter combat, and at least 6 are major characters/villians. (Vivisectionist/internal chemist villian, oracle/psion, alcoholic former monk/barbarian, etc) is there a simple character generator that can do the sheets for me? I've found one that runs in a window and does alchemists, but none that have oracle.. And none that do archtypes.. I normally use my phone for d&d stuff, but I can use a windows pc if I must. ![]()
Shikon jewel 'shards' were in Inuyasha and I'd like something similiar.. In my homebrew, The powers of chaos (Proteans) have turned their attention to this plane. Unfortunately the Dieties still have the power to hold them at bay, for now... The proteans have purified the powers of chaos (with the help of a fanatical secret cult) and spread the essence in the form of jewels spread over the planet. The dieties get their power from the faith of believers, but the powers granted by the shards (referred to as "The Taint") turns whoever possess them into killing machines by granting powerful abilities and simultanously make them quite evil (or just chaotic neutral) The beasts created by the unholy taint are bad enough, but its only a matter of time before wars are fought over them. My problem, is finding a balance for the shards. The pc's have been warned to not touch them, but stuff happens. I'm trying to find a mechanism to make npcs and monsters more powerful (even a single tainted goblin could probably kill a small party of level 1 pcs, would probably get something like large-sized, +5 str, and Awesome Blow), but how could I run the mechanism if players get one? Was thinking about a random d20 chart, like..
I'm playing a catfolk (level 3 ranger), and I have claw/claw/bite primaries. I plan on dipping scout for sneak attack and scout's charge, semi-pounce (claw pounce racial trait or similiar), monk of many styles for boar shred (and likely the precision damage style) and rending claws from ranger... Which of those will stack together on a charge assuming I can drop into monk styles before the charge (thanks to stealth)? (Yes, I am playing this less catfolk and more stalking tiger.. Get close, jump out and rip the targets throat out, and disappear into the trees.) ![]()
Instinctual (wild stalker is taken, suggestions welcome) Instinctual PC's view most inventions of humanoids as a weakness, especially metal weapons. They view their natural weapons as far superior. Most are filled with distrust towards humanoids (core humanoids, anthropomorphic humanoids are often exempt and viewed as kindred spirits) and suspicious of magic. Hit die: d10 Alignment: (trouble here too.. Any neutral maybe?) Class Skills: Acrobatics, Climb, Fly, Intimidate, knowledge (local)*, knowledge (nature)*, knowledge (geography)*, Perception, stealth**, survival, swim * + 30% (min 1) bonus applies to knowledge and stealth applicable to their home territory. Knowledges apply depending on the native habitat. Habitat Categories:
Skill ranks per level: 3 +int mod BAB: 1, full progression but no iterative attacks.
1 Tier 1 ability, Woodland Stride (as per druid)
I think you see the pattern... Tier 2 will be at 10, 15, and 20 (in addition to all the tier 1's) Tier 1 abilities: -Any dex-based rogue trick (requirement must be met) Pick locks and disable device (using claws only: on a skill of 1, the nail /claw breaks dealing 1d4-2 damage (min 1). Attacks with that weapon (left claw, for example) takes a -1 to damage for 1d4 days (until it regrows. 'Heal' spells or potions makes all broken claws regrow, but heals half normal hp. Caster chooses before spell is cast.) -Keen Scent
Nomadic (choose 1 additional habitat and 3 additional languages) Stealthy Predator (+4 to stealth, additional +2 in habitat)
Cat's Grace: move speed increased by 10 on normal terrain when wearing light or no armor. Can also reroll a single reflex save once per day (as per 'cat's luck')
Semi-Aquatic (Gains Swim speed 25', can roll twice and take best result for eveyr con-based check for holding breath. Tier 2 Feral Weaponry: An appendage native to the race can be used as a natural weapon, at the cost of the corresonding equipment slot.
Pounce (requires improved cat's grace) Feral Vocalizations (Can communicate with beasts and other anthropomorphic races through a language of gestures,
Gutteral Vocalisations (requires feral vocalisations) SPELL-LIKE ABILITY- pick one (all are treated as 20 ft cone, with the sonic subtype. Deaf targets are not affected. Deafening Roar - A loud roar: Target is deafened and shakened for 1d4 + int mod rounds.
Any balance problems that you see? This is really more of a rough draft and starting point... I also want to add a list of feats for the bonus feats, but I was also considering bestiary feats and beast traits...
So, my bbeg (for the next couple levels anyway) needs to be an alchemist with the 'parasitic twin trait.. (He's almost a master chemist since the twin is controlling him to make a new host) Okay, so the twin is really the bbeg, but I plan on just making the twin a 'tiny' version of him. My problem is I can't seem to wrap my head around the feats for a NON-MELEE alchemist. The twin might do the occassional sneak attack, but the alchemist himself will not. Both will lean more towards creating 'mutants' with a lot of the dark twisted flavor of alchamists..
(yes, its a house game) My games lean more toward craziness .and rp than min-maxing and combat. Any ideas for feats and discoveries are welcome.... Alchemist starts at level 5, but levels with the players...