
Red Mysterian's page

14 posts. Alias of Terquem.


Yes, yes Malcolm, go back to what you were doing, but after six hours I want you to take a break and come to my stateroom. I need you for something. And don’t call me…

Yes, thank you Malcolm, and remember please try to not refer to me as…

Malcolm, I’ve asked you not to call me…

Why, why do I keep fixing that problem only knowing it is just going to come back? I’m a victim of some horrible cosmic joke, that must be it, she thought as she waited for the gold and copper skinned android to finish the report.

But the repetition, hmmm, that’s new, not seen that before. she wondered as she circled the console where Malcolm work furiously typing in override commands and instructions.

Malcolm, she said as she placed a hand softly on the androids shoulder. Can you pause for a moment and give me an update on the scout units I asked to be sent to the ruin site, please?

And even more meanwhile…

How many systems are repaired? the silver skinned woman asked.

The tall silver skinned woman sighed, and placed her hand on her forehead, rubbing her temples gently

I just fixed that syntax error a few hours ago and already it’s back again. I must break down that code separation next time. She thought to herself as she walked through the cavernous shuttle bay.

No, we won’t be returning to the moor. I’ve got something else I want to look at. It’s to the north. We shouldn’t be away more than a week. Send four of the scouting units to the moor. Use one of the rafts that were repaired last month. Set it to the coordinates of the ruin. Have it land and deploy the scouts, then remain in place for ten hours. I want full analysis, full video and energy plana-metrics recorded. Then have the raft return and wait for us to get back. After the scouts have collected ten hours of data, and downloaded everything to the raft, set them to engage and destroy and send them in the four cardinal coordinates. That is all. We depart in four hours

Oh, I'm delighted to hear you'll take the case Mister Jankowski. Now, please, I have pressing business. My Valet, Malcolm, will be here shortly with a payment that should cover your standard fee, plus expenses for one week. Tonight, say sunset, I'll return and tell you exactly what it is I need from you.

She stood and extended a hand to the bouncer My name is Rubianna Mysterian. My friends call me Ruby.

It’Dupree, She said, and then glanced left and then right. She’s coming for us. I know it.

She stood up, and then whispered, we should go someplace a bit more private

I think they work for her. She said her voice wavering slightly.

There are these people and they are after me because I have something. Something they want, but you have to believe me. I didn’t steal it. I found it. It’s mine now. Only I know how to use it, but they want to take it away from me. And,

Mister Jankowski She purred on all cylinders, I need your help. You see I seem to have made a mistake, made a terrible mistake and I need you to help me fix it.

… a shadowy silver skinned figure in a red robe hunches over a strange looking curio style cabinet covered with lights and strange protruding knobs, dials, and switches.

I’ve told you not to call me Sir. And why do you keep referreing to yourself in the plural. I thought I fixed that. Never mind, listen carefully. If what we have discovered and accomplished here is complete, the Strangler will be anchored to this plane upon the next complete cycle. I want you to load the sled, leave nothing behind. I am setting the gate to recharge and discharge on a six hour cycle. Set the lock on the Strangler’s cage to eight hours from now. We are leaving in two hours.