If you are willing to be so benevolent Kip, then by all means we can speed the process up Jhod says with a curt bow. Red Eyes rises up to his full formidable height as he speaks; his tone is demanding and a little aggressive. Many of my pack perished fighting the Twitches-When-Dead. I was almost killed myself by their leader. I wish to see my wolves thrive. With a slow tilt of his head, his gaze encompasses the whole room, all stakeholders in Kardas' future. I am tired of being the only intelligent, truly awake wolf of the pack. Vaysh tells me that there is a ritual... A spell that your Druids use to grant human-like intelligence to an animal. I demand that you use it so I can have a council of advisors, like Baron Malthir does. Leutenants to help me organise my pack. We have paid in blood and fur for your city and asked little in return unti now. Do this for me and in years to come, our pack will be stronger than ever, should you call upon us. Your friend "Fang" will be the first. 1BP will be sufficient to have Awaken cast upon one of Red-Eye's chosen wolves.
I'm actually ok with you withdrawing BP to cover the cost of NPC raises/reincarnates, as it doesn't mess with your WBL. When it comes to your own though, its public knowledge that the Guardians are rich individuals who frequently acquire even greater treasures, so spending BP on it will be far more frowned upon. Without ceremony, the door to the great hall where you are having your private discussions is pushed open by the head of Red Eyes, the massive, sentient word-like creature. He limps from his lingering wounds as he walks over to Vaysh and makes himself comfortable near her, apparently intent on joining the discussions and meeting any dirty looks with a proud stare of his own. I too have matters I wish to discuss, when you have finished your business he declares in Taldane.
Realised I either interpreted the "-3 damage" incorrectly last round or i'm now house-ruling how it works this round; either way I believe the "-3 damage" of the defensive strategies should refer to how much less damage is taken and "+3 damage" of the offensive strategies should refer to how much extra damage is dealt. This keeps them equivalent to one another, rather than being stacked heavily in the favor of offensive strategies VS defensive strategies. Meanwhile, at the battle of Kardasholme... Round 3 By the time Kesten had got back up to his feet, unsteady but recovering as the healing potion forced down his dying throat worked wonders with his body; the men's spirits had picked up, for a reason he did not immediately fathom. Healing potions were being distributed to the worst of the wounded and acolytes were attending them while the rest of the men held the line against the assault. But there had been a few men killed outright by the two-headed brute and the militia had almost routed. He didn't understand the men's relief until he stood up and looked to the north and felt his own relief at what he saw. Wolves. Over a hundred of the deadly pack hunters, charging the troll ranks from the rear, led by Red Eyes; the large, ebony, worg-like creature named for his distinctive pupils. Atop the mighty beast was Jhod Kavken, High Priest of the nation; keeping the pack as healthy as he could with bursts of healing power as they systematically targeted individual trolls. The attacks on the horde appeared to be merely a feint though, as the wolf pack seemed to be trying to draw the attention of the two-headed troll in particular, to give the militia some temporary reprieve. Good work Jhod... Men, focus purely on defensive efforts; keep them off the walls while we give our wounded a chance to catch their breath. Kesten was painfully aware that no counter-attack meant that the main force assaulting them would also heal some of their wounds, but he had little choice. His men were far more frail than the giants. Strategy changed to Defensive. The Kardas militia forfeit their attack this turn to heal 2HP using healing potions. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hargulka cursed at the arrival of the predatory wolf pack. The resolve of the castle defenders seemed about to give when they had arrived, and now the commander found himself fighting on two fronts. He shouted orders in Giant to those under his command, ordering his main force to redouble their efforts and not give the defenders respite and ordering Nagrundi to accompany him as he moved to engage the wolves, with a little more wariness in their gait than when assaulting the keep. Strategy of main troll force changed to Reckless. Hargulka and Nagrundi strategy changed to Standard. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Melee Phase- Troll/Trollhound Army- 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (8) + 6 = 14 Offence Check VS Kardas Militia No damage inflicted. Nagrundi- 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (9) + 3 = 12 Offence Check VS Wolf Pack 0 damage inflicted. Wolf Pack- 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (16) + 6 = 22 Offence Check VS Nagrundi 10 damage inflicted! Hargulka- 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (8) + 5 = 13 Offence Check VS Wolf Pack 1 damage inflicted. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kesten watched the battle unfold below him with satisfaction. Although Hargulka was wounding and killing wolves with his mighty morningstar, only a small portion of the reinforcements engaged him. The rest threatened to overwhelm Nagrundi; huge as the two-headed beast was, the bites of dozens and dozens of his smaller foes wore him down; eventually the brute broke away from their attack but it was clear that he would be out of the fight for some time. Hargulkas disciplined attack threatened to overwhelm the wolves flank, and Nagrundi's pursuers turned to support the rest of their pack.
Red-Eyes, Lord of the Narlmarches- Red-Eyes' pack has grown in size and in stature, and though they are rarely seen by the people of Kardas, their pack is reputed to be very large now. As promised, the wolves have harmed no one who did not attack them first, and rhey keep a lazy vigil over the town of Tatzlford.
Red Eyes looks up from devouring his next helping to answer Fenna. Pl... Plennty of forrest forr wolffs Fennnaa... the strange black wolf/worg answers. Pausing to phrase his next sentence more carefully, he answers slightly more articulately- Build only a few of your cities in forest, we have no trouble. Build more, and wolf have problems with man-packs. Only so much prey and space to hunt... |