Shining Child

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RPG Superstar 6 Season Dedicated Voter. Organized Play Member. 1,060 posts (1,070 including aliases). 53 reviews. 1 list. 1 wishlist. 14 Organized Play characters. 1 alias.

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Missed it for me


Mr. Baird hit the mark.

I like this author and have like most all of his work, even looking forward to playing a certain new collection of his.

12-cr 2 creatures equal a cr 9 encounter.
32-cr 2 creatures equal a cr 12 encounter.

A scenario is more about than the sum of the combat.

The only thing I personally like was the Watcher.

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Tough good module


So I edited my review, after some time thinking about this. I originally thought this was to tough. The more I think about it the less I think it was to tough. just right.

I think the last fight could go on and on. When playing and Gming it took around 5 hours.

Boss Encounter:
DR and an unplanned party will suffer. I think this DR is the single obstacle a group could face. Other than that I liked the scenario, for PFS I would limit this module to experienced players. I have seen groups react totally different each play through. Some gain backstory RP and others will trod forward without prep. With minimal tools a party has a good chance to suceed. Cold iron, this is a singular module to remind pc's of the benefits of bypassing DR. a lesson players will remeber.

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Great old throwback scenario


This scenario is really a good reflection on allot of the past. It pulls about 3 seperate genres together does well with it. It was very well written. It had a large scope and delivered.

Mechanically this should be a target scenario for developer's for CR's.

Our Price: $10.99




These cards are no were close to the Condition deck.

First they are single sided... why

So you are stuck with all the same art.... Which isnt to good, a cartooney cleric and oracle.

The cards themselves are very standard, something players usually use with note cards.

These cards could of used cartooney funny goblin art. as well as advanced uses many of these cards. fighting defensivly etcs, sourrces to expand on aid.

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Enter the Rat


So I liked this scenario, what I like seeing are some tougher fights. This follows a nice set of sceanrio's, as a whole season 3 really has picked up so serious steam. I liked some of the NPC's and liked running them.

I have only ran this at low tier. I really was impressed on the use of boons on this. I think that the scenario is really packed with goodness. RP chances decent complex fights, ohh the fluff is great. It has been awhile since players have really jumped at the details provided in the descriptive text. The descriptive text and setting is great.

The negatives, first the map, allot of curves and diagonal lines. Size can be an issue, I can forsee allot of people running out of room drawing these on a flipmats. A megamat is great to use and it fits nicely on one. Be prepared to have some time on prepping this map and general layout. This isn't to much of a problem.

Size of general encounter, this scenario is probably going to run long. Be prepared with this much content 4 hours may be hard. A single fight ran near a hour and a half mark. I could see this pushing 5+ hours. This could be a good thing in the right setting.

Tiers, this is an intersting part, I really liked the idea of running this at high tier. Low tier is interesting still. I think mechanically the fights will be dramatically different between the 2 tiers. At one tier fight X will be allot more memorable than fight x on the other tier. I am not sure how I feel about this, I only know I want to run this at a high tier with all the time at my disposal to experience all the encounters.

Well done Russ.

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Nice bloody scenario.


So all in all a great scenario.

Presentation, great background history in multiple paizo products in a good way.

Roleplay a nice degree suitible for almost all players.

Combat degree of difficulty great, monsters fighting with developed feats and tactics.

Faction mission, great very nice an intriguing.

I was excited as a GM when i read this, it was not until after I ran this that realized the authors name.

If there is anything I could offer in advise buy this product as well as employ this author for the exclusive and more products.

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Awesome story


Great work Neil, I really liked the story element. I would give it 5 stars, except I found some of the combat encounters were too easy. Rhoswen stats really predicted a TPK. Through game play I realized this should be exactly what a APL +3 encounter should be. So on the too easy part I felt some of the encounters should of been mixed up a little bit, I found it hard to hit the fighter in my party. That being said really good job. I hope to see a followup mod called the Return of Rhoswen.

I strongly recommend this Mod, as well as anything with this authors name on it.

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Seriously long scenario


This scenario is hard to run in regular time slot 4-5 hours. At higher tier's (7-11)combats can take much longer. Time management of this scenario is perhaps the main fault I had GM'ing this one.

I could see at least one encounter, removed due to time. There is also an optional encounter. This is surprising since there already is so many encounters presented.

I think of adding another optional encounter or removing an encounter or two would of really increased playability and reviews.

This scenario has a good plot and a good story. As well as a player favorite of a sand box approach. As well as a nice in game mechanic consisting of favor points. Which surprisingly is tied to an optional encounter that may not be realised.

I would definately recommend this scenario to be ran in a home game where time is not so sensitive.

I liked the creature selection and CR's presented. I appreciate the authors attempts to create fully unique creatures, using at least 5 books as source material, which luckily included the creatures abilites in the scenaro. This also is a problem do to the number of encounters as well as the different creatures presented between tiers.

If you are trying to run this and plan miniatures for the correct style of creatures, including sizes. You will be packing allot of minatures 20+

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This scenarios name is great


This is delving for the beginner. Some groups will do great while some may fail poorly. I ran it for 3 and a pregen and almost had a TPK. I have played it twice and both times were with 5+ players and we had fun.

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Great scenario full of RP chances and fun


This is a great scenario, really well written. Good story as well as plenty chances of player interaction. It is a gem.

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Hmmm needs GM support


So this mode like allot of seaon 0 needs a little support. This I think is a good thing, I really like the opportunity to create a couple maps.

The first encounter is perhaps the most challenging. This is a great thing. Regardless of tier, this could be deadly. +

Second encounter is underpowered but that is a terrible thing.

Third, and the chase scene, I think this is where GM creativity can help a little. When I gmd this encounter I limited players to a single action, describing that the other cart regularly went around a blind part. +

The main thing I would of liked would of been a more elaborate description of the setting the adventure took place in.

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Great story


This scenario has a great story. Mechanically it needs updated. This is one that if you GM you will need some decent prep work.

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Great Scenario


I have to say this was a pleasure to play and dm. I played this at gencon at high tier and it definately gave our group some things to worry about.

I later ran this with another great group, this group had two wizards. This group surprised me with ingenius strategies.

I have ran this and played it two more times, I have to say this is a really memorable scenario.

Great role playing potential, and story. Plus I like Kobolds. Good job to the author. On a side note I want to play a Kobold in PFS. Ogre can you mail me a boon? J/K

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Awesome villan


So, I ran this 2x at gencon and I would have to say this was the best villian I have seen in a mod so far. Very memorable.

I think I have GM'd this another 2x as well as playing it another time.

Everything is here, this allows some fun. I prefer gming the 8-9 table. But really this is a fun scenario.

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Great scenario.


This is a great one. Encounters great, story, atmosphere, all in all a staple for PFS.

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Fun Mod


I really liked this mod, I am a bit of a fan of the shorter page count scenario's. On this in paticular what we get is a mod packed with combat. This is perhaps the single thing that I didn't enjoy.
Since it is an older mod some of the encounters are quite a bit challenging. While others are more of a cake walk.

The scenario is well written the enviroment is great, I loved the map layout. Felt a bit rushed since I had limited time.

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Good scenario


Scenario is very well written, enviromental rules in this mod reflects a needed rewrite for Paizo. After re running, it is easier to pay less attention to all the enviromental effects.

In 2 runnings the first group spent about 1.5 hours on the enviromental encounter, the second group about 15 minutes.

My review perhaps is tainted by npc tactics. The group I ran seated six playing up. At this level teir pc's can pull out some spectacular abilities.

I can see this playing out totally diferent based on parties. I have party ovecome an encounter that totally shuts down another party. Second party 4 players playing up, and had allot less to overcome than the first table.

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good mod .


So I played this at gencon, relayed it twice for no credit and finally gm it. I have to say every time something different happens. Kudos for the writer. I think the optional encounter was really nice. Would recommend be ready for a full slot I can see this mod running over.

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Great mod - little easy.


So, I think this was a great mod, only reason I didn't give it 5 stars, one encounter dreadfully easy at high teir.

I GM'D the high 4-5 version, and the last encounter was stinking fun.

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Wanted to rate it higher-I don't advise playing with 1st level players.


I recently ran this. I absolutely loved the first encounter. I ran it with newer players, I like tough encounters, but I think it could be hard/deadly for most allot of groups, which isn't a bad thing.

I think it could be a bit tough on 1st level characters.

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Hard to rate this mod


So this mod is a hard one to rate, I like the fact most people enjoy the mod, it just does't do it for me.

I like the museum but I guess something about this one doesn't "work" for me.

I dont really want to spoil anything but I think if I only played it I would give it a 3.

I liked a template...

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Great scenario~ be wary of time.


I ran this this weekend I had a player request for it, he has ran out of scenarios to play at this tier.

So briefly I ran a table of 5 rogue, sorc, mage. Had 2 new pathfinders first time players cleric and fighter.

So I really enjoyed running this mod. I think the players really enjoyed the mod.

Looking back, I think the PA reward system in this mod was great.

Encounter wise I can't really see a large potential for TPK. It is not written paticularlly deadly. I think it is well balanced and the danger would lie in players hands.

Well worth a run, I did go a little past time but it was at a game store so I didn't have the constrictions of a con.

I did like the hard encounter and didn't find a problem with the game map at all. I think that was a very memorable encounter. The group I ran did fail some climbing checks and luckily tied off to each other.

One of the better mods I have ran in my opinion.

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Amazingly good.


This book is amazing and interesting, one of the best settings I have came across in years.

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Very Mixed review


First I have ran this and played it more than once/I have later changed my review I think I have ran it 4x so far.

Roleplay 3 stars
Roleplay with a dm familiar with the City of Strangers 5 Stars
Combat 2 Stars, Combat with experience running this multiple times 5 stars.

If you do run this purchase the city of strangers book. I think it totally changes the mod. Then sit back and let the city tell a story to the players.

It is hard to rate this one, as I have played then ran it, ran it more and more. I quickly find it to be my favorite scenario to date.

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This mod does has something for everyone


As a player I noticed one problem, regional language. Still enjoed the scenario.

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