Rayfa's page

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Chess Pwn wrote:

So you say a lot in there that the strength is switching and that you shouldn't pick a main spirit or something like that. But you never go into why you feel this way and how it'll work out? Why is swapping around a lot better then focusing in on one and having the others there as back-up when you feel like it?

I will give more details on that.

After having played using several spirits, I have found myself being very useful very often:
- The champion provides very good damage.
- The hierophant keeps my party alive, and saves money on healing items. It is excellent against the undead, and there are days when we know that we will fight undead creatures. I really appreciate having selective channeling during those days.
- The marshal provides very good damage and magical spirit surges on high stakes rolls.
- Occasionally, the archmage shines in combat and it is much more comfortable to be able to keep my armor.

I am proficient with the weapon I use, even without a champion spirit.

The cost of being efficient with all spirits does not seem very high :
- 1 point of influence for legendary influence, this is something
- a focus on charisma, but that is useful anyway for your spellcasting
- no specialised gear but you can still use medium armor, heavy shield, and some weapon for which you have proficiency (racial proficiency or natural attacks for example)

So, even if you completely ignore the fun aspect and the favored location limitation, it still seems quite good to keep the versatility, or at least viable.

Ok, there are several points here :

- the channel spirit feat : the rules are not clear to me, there is a discussion here. I will try to look at what it actually does.

- cannot combine Spirit Dancer with FiendKeeper archetypes : ok, my bad

- spell advise for hierophant and archmage : I have put a reduced list of spells already, I am open to adding more spells

- skill advise : Yes, the guide is not quite complete, I might do it later

- big one, why switching spirits ? I mainly have two reasons that I mention in the introduction "First, because it would go against the concept of the class and remove a part of fun, and secondly because your favorite spirit will not always be available."
If you are confident you can channel your favourite spirit most of the time (because of the scenario or some archetype), then it is perfectly viable to focus on it.
I have just added a note on that.

PhD. Okkam wrote:
Rayfa wrote:

Hi, I have just written a guide for the medium class here !

As it is a new guide, it is open for comments.

Storyteller, he is far from being so weak

I have opened a discussion thread for my guide here

If you have some experience with the storyteller, I would be glad to know what makes it good or not so bad.

Rayfa's guide to the Medium class [discussion]

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I have recently made a new guide for the Medium class, available here.

Unlike what I have often found on the internet, it gives advice to be able to use all spirits, without focusing only on one of them.

You can discuss it here, or make suggestions directly on the guide.

UnArcaneElection wrote:

^Your link doesn't work (has some extraneous characters in it), but I think I got it right here.

Thank you, I have edited my post.

Hi, I have just written a guide for the medium class here !

As it is a new guide, it is open for comments.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Hi, I have just written a guide for the medium class here !

As it is a new guide, it is open for comments.

Besides, my own character uses the fiend keeper archetype with its natural weapons with weapon finesse, pirhana strike, and an amulet of mighty fists with the "agile" property. It is a halfling with favored class bonus chosen at every levels.

My stats at level 8 are :
DEX 16 (+2 with belt)
CON 14
INT 10
WIS 12
CHA 20 (+2 with headband)

The marshal, hierophant, and champion are the most useful spirits. Sometimes the archmage or the trickster are useful too.

With the marshal at +5 spirit bonus with the fiend keeper and spirit focus(Marshal) in legendary influence, Inspiring call is quite overpowered. I read here that you can increase it with an armor enchantment, be sure I will look for it !