Red Dragon

Rayek's page

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Hello Guys,
i had an idea to play a MMA fighter like char. So i was thinking doing the following:

Lvl 1: Mutagenic Mauler (Feats: Power Attack+Weapon Focus(unarmed Strike))
Lvl 2: MM
Lvl 3: MM (Dragon Style)
Lvl 4: Master of many Styles (Bonus Stunning fist, Bonus Jabbing Style)
Lvl 5: MomS(Bonus Jabbing Master, lvl5 Dragon Ferocity)

So i'd end up with:
+9 1W6+8
+7/+7 1hit (1W6+8) 2hit (1W6+6 if 1st attack hit +2W6)
(Flurry with mutagen and power attack)
+7/+7 1hit (1W6+12) 2hit (1W6+9 if 1 1st attack hit +2W6)

Up to 4W6+21 Dmg at Lvl5.

Am I making any mistakes or doing smth not allowed? And if im not, do you have any tips to make my concept better?

If i somehow provoke an AoO from an enemy, can I parry it via OPaR?
It specifies "when an opponent attempts a melee attack against the swashbuckler", so does an AoO count?

Thanks in Advance,

i will soon start a game as a Lvl 5 Swashbuckler(Inspired Blade.
We are starting with 10500GP.
At the moment i think im going to buy:
Effortless Lace
Plume of Panache
Handy Haversack

I am unsure about the Effortless lace. It gives me the ability to use piranha strike with my rapier, but it costs 2500Gp and a feat just to get
-2 Attack and +4 Dmg. And this will probably just be a one time session, so our regular GM (me) can play once in while, so piranha strike wont scale up.
I could ditch both of these and get me a swordmasters flair, which gives me some great utility and frees up a feat.
Which of those alternatives would you prefer and if you gonna go for swordmasters flair+free feat - which feat would you take instead of piranha strike?
I already have Weapon finesse + Focus, fencing grace, improved critical, antagonize and combat reflexes.

Thanks in Advance,

I am not quite sure if I found the right forum for this, as I need advice, a general rule answer as well as 3pp rules answers and advice^^

One of my player wants to play a magus and wants to use these archetypes:
Now both of these change magus spells, one modifies knowledge pool and the other replaces it.
At the moment I would tend to allow it, using the following ruling:
Spells get changed as written in the Extempressario.
Knowledge Pool gets replaced as written the Cabalist.

Now my Question is:
Does that solve my issue or is there anything I am overlooking?
And secondly:
In my opinion these archetypes make him a bit weaker, but that might just be my own limited knowledge. Would allowing this make him (a lot) more powerful?

Thanks in advance,

I am looking for someone who knows when Taninim gain their flight speed. The racial traits only say they have a base speed of 30ft but nothing about a flight speed. The Draconic Exemplars lvl 4 ability Dracomorphosis says they gain the ability to fly at a speed of 60ft. Am I unable to fly until lvl 4 or can i fly at a speed of 30ft up to lvl 4 and increasing it to 60ft at lvl 4?
Right now i am thinking its the former.
Thanks in advance,

I am currently building a kitsune sorcerer and i am unsure about which bloodline to take. Most people online lean towards the fey bloodline for the arcana... But it feels kinda lackluster to me.
Is +2 DC worth it that much?
I also having issues while choosing my 1st lvl Spells. At the moment i think i am going to settle for charm person and color spray but that is not making any use of my arcana.
Other spells i might take, are sleep or hypnotism, but to me it feels like they are worse than color spray in combat and worse than charm person in social situations. Should i consider different spells or got with the mentioned ones until i gain additional spells?

Thank in advance for your help,

I would like to play as a Bloodborn ( dborn). We are using ~ 10RP and a 15 Point Buy. As i am quite new to the game, I would like to ask how strong this race is, when compared to other races with about 10 RP?