Race |
| HP 19/30 |AC 20 Incorp T 10 T 10 FF 20| CMB +8 CMD 17| F +6 R +1 W +3| PER +9 Darkvision 60', Tremor Sense 60' SM+0| Speed 20', Burrow 20', Earth Glide, Stealth +7|Active Conditions: Improved Evasion| |
Classes/Levels |
Immune: Bleed, Paralysis, Poison, Sleep effects, Stunning, Critical Hits, Sneak Attack, Flanking or Precision Damage|Small Earth Elemental Familiar (Arcane Bloodline) N|Buffs: |
Strength |
16 |
Dexterity |
8 |
Constitution |
13 |
Intelligence |
8 |
Wisdom |
11 |
Charisma |
11 |
About RawkNRole
Familiar (Arcane Bloodline)
Earth Elemental (Outsider- Earth), Small, Neutral.
Senses - Darkvision 60', Tremorsense 60', Perception +8
Immune - Bleed, Paralysis, Poison, Sleep effects or Stunning.
Immune - Critical Hits, Sneak Attack, Flanking or Precision Damage.
Does not need to Eat, Sleep or Breathe.
AC 20 (-1 Dex,+1 Size,+10 NA) T 10 FF 20
Mage Armor AC 24 T 10 FF 24
HP 30 F +6 R +1 W +3 , Spd 20', 20' Burrow, Earth Glide.
Slam +10 1d6+4(B)
Earth Mastery +11 1d6+5(B)
Power Attack & EM +9 1d6+11(B), Flank or Charge +11,1d6+11.
Str 16 Dex 8 Con 13 Int 8 Wis 11 Cha 11
BA +6 CMB +8 CMD 17
Feats Improved Bull Rush, Power Attack.
Special: Alertness, Improved Evasion, Share Spells, Empathic Link, Deliver Touch Spells, Speak with Master.
Spell Catalyst (spells that Rogarch cast that target her familiar are cast at +2CL).
Acrobatics+5,Appraise+3,Climb+7,Intimidate +1,K(Arcana)+0,K(Dungeoneering)+3(Planes)+3, Perception +9,Spellcraft+4,Stealth+7,Swim +7,UMD+6.
Earth Mastery - +1/+1 if both Elemental and opponent are touching the ground. If the opponent is in the water or flying then -4/-4.
Tremor Sense - Can automatically pinpoint any creature touching the ground.
| HP 30/30 | AC 20 T 10 FF 20| CMB +8 CMD 17| F +6 R +1 W +3| PER +9 Darkvision 60', Tremor Sense 60' SM+0| Speed 20', Burrow 20', Earth Glide, Stealth +7|Active Conditions Improved Evasion|
Immune: Bleed, Paralysis, Poison, Sleep effects, Stunning, Critical Hits, Sneak Attack, Flanking or Precision Damage|Small Earth Elemental Familiar (Arcane Bloodline) N|Buffs :